Similar People (60)
Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity. (* These people are also co-authors.)
- Anger, JenniferUCSD*
- Nager, CharlesUCSD
- Chang, OliviaUCI
- Lukacz, EmilyUCSD
- Alperin, MariannaUCSD
- Breyer, BenjaminUCSF
- Nitti, VictorUCLA
- Suskind, AnneUCSF
- Ostergard, DonaldUCI
- Matsuo, KojiUSC
- Yazdany, TajnoosUCLA
- Brubaker, LindaUCSD
- Cacciamani, GiovanniUSC
- Steinauer, JodyUCSF
- Gill, InderbirUSC
- Ramm, OlgaUCSF
- Ginsberg, DavidUSC
- Tarnay, ChristopherUCLA*
- Ahlering, ThomasUCI
- Huang, AlisonUCSF
- Shatkin-Margolis, AbigailUCSF
- Fonarow, GreggUCLA
- Ghoniem, GamalUCI
- Wieslander, CeciliaUCLA
- Litwin, MarkUCLA
- Brueseke, TaylorUCI
- Hampson, LindsayUCSF
- Siedhoff, MatthewUCLA
- Dancz, ChristinaUSC
- McDougall, ElspethUCI
| - Waetjen, L ElaineUC Davis
- Clayman, RalphUCI
- Cooperberg, MatthewUCSF
- Grisales, TamaraUCLA
- Lane, FeliciaUCI
- Yadav, GhanshyamUCSD
- Finlayson, EmilyUCSF
- Carroll, PeterUCSF
- Desai, MihirUSC
- Bristow, RobertUCI
- Goldenberg, MitchellUSC
- Saigal, ChristopherUCLA
- Jacoby, VanessaUCSF
- Crowder, CarlyUCI
- Landman, JaimeUCI
- Thom, DavidUCSF
- Kurzrock, EricUC Davis
- Khoury, AntoineUCI
- Wenger, NeilUCLA
- Shah, NemiUCSD
- Nguyen, NinhUCI
- Wright, KellyUCLA
- Vittinghoff, EricUCSF
- Reinkensmeyer, DavidUCI
- Catanzarite, TatianaUCSD
- Ackerman, LennyUCLA
- Mukamel, DanaUCI
- Hoyt, DavidUCI
- Buckley, JillUCSD
- Landy, UtaUCSF
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
People who share similar concepts with this person.
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