2024 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Circulation. 2024 Dec 10; 150(24):e580-e687.
Greif R, Bray JE, Djärv T, Drennan IR, Liley HG, Ng KC, Cheng A, Douma MJ, Scholefield BR, Smyth M, Weiner G, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Anderson N, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Cortegiani A, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Couto TB, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Debaty G, Del Castillo J, Dewan M, Dicker B, Djakow J, Donoghue AJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Escalante-Kanashiro R, Fabres J, Farquharson B, Fawke J, de Almeida MF, Fernando SM, Finan E, Finn J, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hansen CM, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hooper S, Hoover AV, Hsieh MJ, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Josephsen J, Katheria A, Kawakami MD, Kleinman M, Kloeck D, Ko YC, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Laermans J, Lagina A, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Han Lim S, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Lopez-Herce J, Lukas G, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, Madar J, Martinez-Mejas A, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, Mausling R, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Montgomery W, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Moskowitz AL, Myburgh M, Nabecker S, Nadkarni V, Nakwa F, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen T, Olaussen A, Ong G, Orkin A, Parr MJ, Perkins GD, Pocock H, Rabi Y, Raffay V, Raitt J, Raymond T, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Rossano J, Rüdiger M, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer G, Schnaubelt S, Seidler AL, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Solevåg AL, Soll R, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Thilakasiri K, Tijssen J, Tiwari LK, Topjian A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Welsford M, Wyckoff MH, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP, Berg KM. PMID: 39540293.
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2024 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Resuscitation. 2024 Dec; 205:110414.
Greif R, Bray JE, Djärv T, Drennan IR, Liley HG, Ng KC, Cheng A, Douma MJ, Scholefield BR, Smyth M, Weiner G, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Anderson N, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Cortegiani A, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Bittencourt Couto T, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Debaty G, Del Castillo J, Dewan M, Dicker B, Djakow J, Donoghue AJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Escalante-Kanashiro R, Fabres J, Farquharson B, Fawke J, Fernanda de Almeida M, Fernando SM, Finan E, Finn J, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Malta Hansen C, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hooper S, Hoover AV, Hsieh MJ, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Josephsen J, Katheria A, Kawakami MD, Kleinman M, Kloeck D, Ko YC, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Laermans J, Lagina A, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Han Lim S, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Lopez-Herce J, Lukas G, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, Madar J, Martinez-Mejas A, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, Mausling R, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Montgomery W, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Moskowitz AL, Myburgh M, Nabecker S, Nadkarni V, Nakwa F, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen T, Olaussen A, Ong G, Orkin A, Parr MJ, Perkins GD, Pocock H, Rabi Y, Raffay V, Raitt J, Raymond T, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Rossano J, Rüdiger M, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer G, Schnaubelt S, Lene Seidler A, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Lee Solevåg A, Soll R, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Thilakasiri K, Tijssen J, Kumar Tiwari L, Topjian A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Welsford M, Wyckoff MH, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP, Berg KM. PMID: 39549953.
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1 Fields:
Bleeding Control Protections Within US Good Samaritan Laws - CORRIGENDUM. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2024 Jun; 39(3):280.
Levy MJ, Wend CM, Flemming WP, Lazieh A, Rosenblum AJ, Pineda CM, Wolfberg DM, Jenkins JL, Goolsby CA, Margolis AM. PMID: 39431955.
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Use of artificial intelligence to support prehospital traumatic injury care: A scoping review. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2024 Oct; 5(5):e13251.
Toy J, Warren J, Wilhelm K, Putnam B, Whitfield D, Gausche-Hill M, Bosson N, Donaldson R, Schlesinger S, Cheng T, Goolsby C. PMID: 39234533; PMCID: PMC11372236.
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Corrigendum to "2023 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces" [Resuscitation 195 (2024) 109992]. Resuscitation. 2024 Aug; 201:110262.
Berg KM, Bray JE, Ng KC, Liley HG, Greif R, Carlson JN, Morley PT, Drennan IR, Smyth M, Scholefield BR, Weiner GM, Cheng A, Djärv T, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Bittencourt Couto T, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, Fernanda de Almeida M, De Caen AR, Deakin CD, Dicker B, Douma MJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Fijacko N, Finn JC, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Daripa Kawakami M, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kloeck DA, Ko YC, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, John Madar R, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Monnelly V, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen TM, Gene Ong YK, Orkin AM, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Raitt J, Ramachandran S, Ramaswamy VV, Raymond TT, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Topjian AA, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wyckoff MH, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP, Collaborators. PMID: 38937213.
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Bleeding Control Protections Within US Good Samaritan Laws. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2024 04; 39(2):156-162.
Levy MJ, Wend CM, Flemming WP, Lazieh A, Rosenblum AJ, Pineda CM, Wolfberg DM, Jenkins JL, Goolsby CA, Margolis AM. PMID: 38572644.
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2023 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Resuscitation. 2024 02; 195:109992.
Berg KM, Bray JE, Ng KC, Liley HG, Greif R, Carlson JN, Morley PT, Drennan IR, Smyth M, Scholefield BR, Weiner GM, Cheng A, Djärv T, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Bittencourt Couto T, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, Fernanda de Almeida M, De Caen AR, Deakin CD, Dicker B, Douma MJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Fijacko N, Finn JC, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Daripa Kawakami M, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, John Madar R, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Monnelly V, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen TM, Gene Ong YK, Orkin AM, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Raitt J, Ramachandran S, Ramaswamy VV, Raymond TT, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Topjian AA, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wyckoff MH, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP, ; and Collaborators. PMID: 37937881.
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15 Fields:
2023 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Circulation. 2023 12 12; 148(24):e187-e280.
Berg KM, Bray JE, Ng KC, Liley HG, Greif R, Carlson JN, Morley PT, Drennan IR, Smyth M, Scholefield BR, Weiner GM, Cheng A, Djärv T, Abelairas-Gómez C, Acworth J, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Bittencourt Couto T, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, de Almeida MF, De Caen AR, Deakin CD, Dicker B, Douma MJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Fijacko N, Finn JC, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, Madar RJ, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Monnelly V, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen TM, Ong YG, Orkin AM, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Raitt J, Ramachandran S, Ramaswamy VV, Raymond TT, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Topjian AA, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wyckoff MH, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP, Collaborators. PMID: 37942682; PMCID: PMC10713008.
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13 Fields:
Recommendations for Placement of Bleeding Control Kits in Public Spaces-A Simulation Study. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2023 Oct 19; 17:e527.
Steins K, Goolsby C, Grönbäck AM, Charlton N, Anderson K, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Prytz E, Andersson Granberg T, Jonson CO. PMID: 37852924.
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Learner's Stop the Bleed Outcomes Between Lay Instructor and Emergency Medical Services (EMS)-Trained Instructor Groups. Cureus. 2023 Sep; 15(9):e45846.
Pellegrino JL, Smith SE, Nolan A, Charlton N, Goolsby C. PMID: 37881389; PMCID: PMC10594576.
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The Impact of Operation Bushmaster on Medical Student Decision-making in a High-Stress, Operational Environment. Mil Med. 2023 05 24; 188(Suppl 3):28-33.
Cole R, Garrigan AG, Peters SA, Conley SP, Rudinsky SL, Tilley L, Vojta L, Schwartz J, Weston C, Goolsby C. PMID: 37226054.
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1 Fields:
Military Medical Provider Perspectives During the New York COVID-19 Response. Mil Med. 2023 05 16; 188(5-6):e1260-e1267.
Tilley L, Schuler K, Cole R, Fahlsing C, Rudinsky S, Peters S, Goolsby C. PMID: 36369894.
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Blood Vessel Occlusion by the Layperson Audiovisual Assist Tourniquet (LAVA TQ) Compared to the Combat Application Tourniquet: Randomized Controlled Trial. West J Emerg Med. 2023 May 09; 24(3):566-571.
Goolsby C, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Schuler K, Lee A, Shah A, Cannon J, Kothera C. PMID: 37278806; PMCID: PMC10284504.
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2022 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Pediatrics. 2023 02 01; 151(2).
Wyckoff MH, Greif R, Morley PT, Ng KC, Olasveengen TM, Singletary EM, Soar J, Cheng A, Drennan IR, Liley HG, Scholefield BR, Smyth MA, Welsford M, Zideman DA, Acworth J, Aickin R, Andersen LW, Atkins D, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Callaway CW, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castrén M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Couto TB, Dainty KN, Davis PG, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Djärv T, Donnino MW, Douma MJ, Duff JP, Dunne CL, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Finn J, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kleinman M, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk PJ, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin YJ, Lockey AS, Maconochie IK, Madar J, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Morgan P, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, O'Neill BJ, Gene Ong YK, Orkin AM, Paiva EF, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Trevisanuto D, Van de Voorde P, Wang TL, Weiner GM, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Berg KM. PMID: 36325925.
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6 Fields:
The Untrained Public's Ability to Apply the Layperson Audiovisual Assist Tourniquet vs a Combat Application Tourniquet: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2023 01 01; 236(1):178-186.
Goolsby C, Jonson CO, Goralnick E, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Schuler K, Kothera C, Shah A, Cannon J, Prytz E. PMID: 36165504.
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Military Response to Medical Crises-Consensus Recommendations for Military-Civilian Transitions of Care. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2022 12 12; 17:e281.
Goolsby C, Schuler K, Tilley L, Zebrowski A, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Kim C, Redlener M. PMID: 36503604.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Triage Considerations for Mass Casualty Incidents: In Reply to Sherman. J Am Coll Surg. 2022 12 01; 235(6):967-968.
Goolsby C. PMID: 36102542.
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PubMed Mentions: Fields:
2022 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Resuscitation. 2022 12; 181:208-288.
Wyckoff MH, Greif R, Morley PT, Ng KC, Olasveengen TM, Singletary EM, Soar J, Cheng A, Drennan IR, Liley HG, Scholefield BR, Smyth MA, Welsford M, Zideman DA, Acworth J, Aickin R, Andersen LW, Atkins D, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Callaway CW, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castrén M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Phil Chung S, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Couto TB, Dainty KN, Davis PG, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Djärv T, Donnino MW, Douma MJ, Duff JP, Dunne CL, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Finn J, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kleinman M, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk PJ, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin YJ, Lockey AS, Maconochie IK, Madar RJ, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Morgan P, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, O'Neill BJ, Gene Ong YK, Orkin AM, Paiva EF, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Trevisanuto D, Van de Voorde P, Wang TL, Weiner GM, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Berg KM, Collaborators. PMID: 36336195.
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23 Fields:
2022 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Circulation. 2022 12 20; 146(25):e483-e557.
Wyckoff MH, Greif R, Morley PT, Ng KC, Olasveengen TM, Singletary EM, Soar J, Cheng A, Drennan IR, Liley HG, Scholefield BR, Smyth MA, Welsford M, Zideman DA, Acworth J, Aickin R, Andersen LW, Atkins D, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley RN, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Callaway CW, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castrén M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Couto TB, Dainty KN, Davis PG, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Djärv T, Donnino MW, Douma MJ, Duff JP, Dunne CL, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Finn J, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kleinman M, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk PJ, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin YJ, Lockey AS, Maconochie IK, Madar RJ, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Morgan P, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, O'Neill BJ, Ong YG, Orkin AM, Paiva EF, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rüdiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Trevisanuto D, Van de Voorde P, Wang TL, Weiner GM, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Berg KM, Collaborators. PMID: 36325905.
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35 Fields:
A framework for the design and implementation of Stop the Bleed and public access trauma equipment programs. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022 Oct; 3(5):e12833.
Levy MJ, Krohmer J, Goralnick E, Charlton N, Nemeth I, Jacobs L, Goolsby CA. PMID: 36311340; PMCID: PMC9611563.
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Mass Shootings in America: Consensus Recommendations for Healthcare Response. J Am Coll Surg. 2023 01 01; 236(1):168-175.
Goolsby C, Schuler K, Krohmer J, Gerstner DN, Weber NW, Slattery DE, Kuhls DA, Kirsch TD. PMID: 36102547.
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4 Fields:
The Impact of Medical School on Military Physicians' Readiness for their First Deployment. Mil Med. 2022 07 01; 187(7-8):e995-e1006.
Cole R, Rudinsky S, Conley SP, Vojta L, Wook Kwon S, Garrigan AG, Prosek EA, Goolsby C. PMID: 35257164.
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2021 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; First Aid Task Forces; and the COVID-19 Working Group. Circulation. 2022 03; 145(9):e645-e721.
Wyckoff MH, Singletary EM, Soar J, Olasveengen TM, Greif R, Liley HG, Zideman D, Bhanji F, Andersen LW, Avis SR, Aziz K, Bendall JC, Berry DC, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley R, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castrén M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Cheng A, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Davis PG, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, de Paiva EF, Deakin CD, Djärv T, Douma MJ, Drennan IR, Duff JP, Eastwood KJ, El-Naggar W, Epstein JL, Escalante R, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Finn JC, Foglia EE, Folke F, Freeman K, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Grove A, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hazinski MF, Heriot GS, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hung KKC, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk PJ, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lockey AS, Malta Hansen C, Markenson D, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Mehrabian A, Merchant RM, Meyran D, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Nation KJ, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Niermeyer S, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, O'Neil BJ, Orkin AM, Osemeke O, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Roehr CC, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer T, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Smyth MA, Soll RF, Sugiura T, Taylor-Phillips S, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wang TL, Weiner GM, Welsford M, Wigginton J, Wyllie JP, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Berg KM, Collaborators. PMID: 34813356.
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28 Fields:
2021 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; First Aid Task Forces; and the COVID-19 Working Group. Resuscitation. 2021 12; 169:229-311.
Wyckoff MH, Singletary EM, Soar J, Olasveengen TM, Greif R, Liley HG, Zideman D, Bhanji F, Andersen LW, Avis SR, Aziz K, Bendall JC, Berry DC, Borra V, Böttiger BW, Bradley R, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castrén M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Cheng A, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Davis PG, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, de Paiva EF, Deakin CD, Djärv T, Douma MJ, Drennan IR, Duff JP, Eastwood KJ, El-Naggar W, Epstein JL, Escalante R, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Finn JC, Foglia EE, Folke F, Freeman K, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Grove A, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hazinski MF, Heriot GS, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hung KKC, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Kapadia VS, Kawakami MD, Kim HS, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk PJ, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lockey AS, Malta Hansen C, Markenson D, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Mehrabian A, Merchant RM, Meyran D, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Nation KJ, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Niermeyer S, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, O'Neil BJ, Orkin AM, Osemeke O, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Roehr CC, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer T, Schmölzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Smyth MA, Soll RF, Sugiura T, Taylor-Phillips S, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wang TL, Weiner GM, Welsford M, Wigginton J, Wyllie JP, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Berg KM, COVID-19 Working Group. PMID: 34933747; PMCID: PMC8581280.
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46 Fields:
Emergency physician risk of occupational mortality: A scoping review. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2021 Oct; 2(5):e12554.
Goolsby C, Lala V, Gebner R, Dacuyan-Faucher N, Charlton N, Schuler K. PMID: 34632447; PMCID: PMC8490339.
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Provider Fatigue During Direct Manual Compression for Life-Threatening Bleeding. Cureus. 2021 Aug; 13(8):e17487.
Charlton N, Schuler K, Ho CH, Hatten J, Woods WA, Goolsby C. PMID: 34603872; PMCID: PMC8476202.
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The FAST VIP (First Aid for Severe Trauma "Virtual" in-Person) Educational Study. West J Emerg Med. 2021 Jun 29; 22(4):951-957.
Goolsby CA, Schuler K, Rodzik R, Charlton N, Lala V, Anderson K, Pellegrino JL. PMID: 35354006; PMCID: PMC8328158.
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Appropriate Tourniquet Types in the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review. Cureus. 2021 Apr 13; 13(4):e14474.
Charlton NP, Goolsby CA, Zideman DA, Maconochie IK, Morley PT, Singletary EM. PMID: 33996333; PMCID: PMC8118807.
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Tourniquet Use in Animal Attacks: An Analysis of News Media Reports. Cureus. 2021 Mar 16; 13(3):e13926.
Wend CM, Goolsby C, Schuler K, Fischer ST, Levy MJ. PMID: 33880274; PMCID: PMC8051424.
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Removal of the Prehospital Tourniquet in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2021 Jan; 60(1):98-102.
Levy MJ, Pasley J, Remick KN, Eastman AL, Margolis AM, Tang N, Goolsby CA. PMID: 33303278.
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2020 International Consensus on First Aid Science With Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation. 2020 Nov; 156:A240-A282.
Singletary EM, Zideman DA, Bendall JC, Berry DA, Borra V, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Djärv T, Douma MJ, Epstein JL, Hood NA, Markenson DS, Meyran D, Orkin A, Sakamoto T, Swain JM, Woodin JA, De Buck E, De Brier N, O D, Picard C, Goolsby C, Oliver E, Klaassen B, Poole K, Aves T, Lin S, Handley AJ, Jensen J, Allan KS, Lee CC, First Aid Science Collaborators. PMID: 33098920.
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13 Fields:
2020 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Focused Update for First Aid. Circulation. 2020 10 27; 142(17):e287-e303.
Pellegrino JL, Charlton NP, Carlson JN, Flores GE, Goolsby CA, Hoover AV, Kule A, Magid DJ, Orkin AM, Singletary EM, Slater TM, Swain JM. PMID: 33084370.
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"Stop the Bleed" Education Assessment Tool (SBEAT): Development and Validation. Cureus. 2020 Sep 21; 12(9):e10567.
Pellegrino JL, Charlton N, Goolsby C. PMID: 33101813; PMCID: PMC7577301.
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Development and Usability Testing of a Web-based COVID-19 Self-triage Platform. West J Emerg Med. 2020 Aug 19; 21(5):1054-1058.
Schrager JD, Schuler K, Isakov AP, Wright DW, Yaffee AQ, Jacobson KL, Parker RM, Goolsby C. PMID: 32970554; PMCID: PMC7514387.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Potentially survivable fatal vascular access hemorrhage with tourniquet use: A post-mortem analysis. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2020 Dec; 1(6):1224-1229.
Goolsby C, Rojas LE, Andersen M, Charlton N, Tilley L, Pasley J, Rasmussen TE, Levy MJ. PMID: 33392527; PMCID: PMC7771778.
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Defining a Research Agenda for Layperson Prehospital Hemorrhage Control: A Consensus Statement. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 07 01; 3(7):e209393.
Goralnick E, Ezeibe C, Chaudhary MA, McCarty J, Herrera-Escobar JP, Andriotti T, de Jager E, Ospina-Delgado D, Goolsby C, Hunt R, Weissman JS, Haider A, Jacobs L, Stop the Bleed National Research Agenda Consensus Conference Working Group, Andrade E, Brown J, Bulger EM, Butler FK, Callaway D, Caterson EJ, Choudhry NK, Davis MR, Eastman A, Eastridge BJ, Epstein JL, Evans CL, Gausche-Hill M, Gestring ML, Goldberg SA, Hanfling D, Holcomb JB, Jonson CO, King DR, Kivlehan S, Kotwal RS, Krohmer JR, Levy-Carrick N, Levy M, Meléndez Lugo JJ, Mooney DP, Neal MD, Niskanen R, O'Neill P, Park H, Pons PT, Prytz E, Rasmussen TE, Remley MA, Riviello R, Salim A, Shackelfold S, Smith ER, Stewart RM, Swaroop M, Ward K, Uribe-Leitz T, Jarman MP, Ortega G. PMID: 32663307.
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High-School Students Can Stop the Bleed: A Randomized, Controlled Educational Trial. Acad Pediatr. 2021 03; 21(2):321-328.
Goolsby C, Rojas LE, Rodzik RH, Gausche-Hill M, Neal MD, Levy MJ. PMID: 32473216.
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A Light in the Dark. Ann Emerg Med. 2020 08; 76(2):243-244.
Goolsby C. PMID: 32534833; PMCID: PMC7186189.
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Recommended Process Outcome Measures for Stop the Bleed Education Programs. AEM Educ Train. 2021 Jan; 5(1):139-142.
Strauss-Riggs K, Kirsch TD, Prytz E, Hunt RC, Jonson CO, Krohmer J, Nemeth I, Goolsby C. PMID: 33521502; PMCID: PMC7821051.
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2019 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Focused Update for First Aid: Presyncope: An Update to the American Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines for First Aid. Circulation. 2019 12 10; 140(24):e931-e938.
Charlton NP, Pellegrino JL, Kule A, Slater TM, Epstein JL, Flores GE, Goolsby CA, Orkin AM, Singletary EM, Swain JM. PMID: 31722559.
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From the battlefield to main street: Tourniquet acceptance, use, and translation from the military to civilian settings. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 07; 87(1S Suppl 1):S35-S39.
Goodwin T, Moore KN, Pasley JD, Troncoso R, Levy MJ, Goolsby C. PMID: 31246904.
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Layperson Ability and Willingness to Use Hemostatic Dressings: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2019 Nov-Dec; 23(6):795-801.
Goolsby C, Rojas L, Moore K, Kretz E, Singletary E, Klimczak V, Charlton N. PMID: 30874474.
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Just-in-Time Instructions for Layperson Tourniquet Application. JAMA Surg. 2019 04 01; 154(4):363-364.
Goolsby CA, Kellermann AL, Kirsch TD. PMID: 30698624.
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2019 Recommended Limb Tourniquets in Tactical Combat Casualty Care. J Spec Oper Med. 2019; 19(4):27-50.
Montgomery HR, Hammesfahr R, Fisher AD, Cain JS, Greydanus DJ, Butler FK, Goolsby C, Eastman AL. PMID: 31910470.
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Equipping Public Spaces to Facilitate Rapid Point-of-Injury Hemorrhage Control After Mass Casualty. Am J Public Health. 2019 02; 109(2):236-241.
Goolsby C, Strauss-Riggs K, Rozenfeld M, Charlton N, Goralnick E, Peleg K, Levy MJ, Davis T, Hurst N. PMID: 30571311; PMCID: PMC6336077.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Building community resilience: A scalable model for hemorrhage-control training at a mass gathering site, using the RE-AIM framework. Surgery. 2019 04; 165(4):795-801.
Chaudhary MA, McCarty J, Shah S, Hashmi Z, Caterson E, Goldberg S, Goolsby C, Haider A, Goralnick E. PMID: 30424924.
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Can they stop the bleed? Evaluation of tourniquet application by individuals with varying levels of prior self-reported training. Injury. 2019 Jan; 50(1):10-15.
McCarty JC, Caterson EJ, Chaudhary MA, Herrera-Escobar JP, Hashmi ZG, Goldberg SA, Goolsby C, Lipsitz S, Haider AH, Goralnick E. PMID: 30274758.
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Post-Mortem Evaluation of Potentially Survivable Hemorrhagic Death in a Civilian Population. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 11; 227(5):502-506.
Goolsby C, Rouse E, Rojas L, Goralnick E, Levy MJ, Kirsch T, Eastman AL, Kellermann A, Strauss-Riggs K, Hurst N. PMID: 30201524.
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Brief, Web-based Education Improves Lay Rescuer Application of a Tourniquet to Control Life-threatening Bleeding. AEM Educ Train. 2018 Apr; 2(2):154-161.
Goolsby CA, Strauss-Riggs K, Klimczak V, Gulley K, Rojas L, Godar C, Raiciulescu S, Kellermann AL, Kirsch TD. PMID: 30051082; PMCID: PMC6001597.
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Emergency Physicians at War. West J Emerg Med. 2018 May; 19(3):542-547.
Muck AE, Givens M, Bebarta VS, Mason PE, Goolsby C. PMID: 29760853; PMCID: PMC5942022.
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Stop the Bleed Education Consortium: Education program content and delivery recommendations. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 01; 84(1):205-210.
Goolsby C, Jacobs L, Hunt RC, Goralnick E, Singletary EM, Levy MJ, Goodloe JM, Epstein JL, Strauss-Riggs K, Seitz SR, Krohmer JR, Nemeth I, Rowe DW, Bradley RN, Gestring ML, Kirsch TD. PMID: 29077676.
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Systematic Review of Live Tissue Versus Simulation Education for Prehospital Trauma Providers. Mil Med. 2017 09; 182(9):e1824-e1833.
Goolsby C, Branting A, Ausman J, Williams D, Ausman C, David J, Allard R. PMID: 28885943.
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Battlefield to bedside: Translating wartime innovations to civilian Emergency Medicine. Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Nov; 35(11):1746-1749.
Givens M, Muck AE, Goolsby C. PMID: 28893451.
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Improvised vs Commercial Tourniquets. JAMA. 2017 08 08; 318(6):575.
Levy MJ, Goolsby C, Eastman AL. PMID: 28787499.
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Translating Battlefield Practices to Disaster Health. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2017 08; 11(4):510-511.
Strauss-Riggs K, Yeskey K, Miller A, Arnesen S, Goolsby C. PMID: 28179044.
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Caring for Older Adults in Disasters: A Special Collection of Papers for a Special Population. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2017 02; 11(1):26-27.
Gulley K, Strauss-Riggs K, Goolsby C. PMID: 28220728.
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Innovations for Tomorrow: Summary of the 2016 Disaster Health Education Symposium. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2017 04; 11(2):160-162.
Gulley K, Strauss-Riggs K, Kirsch TD, Goolsby C. PMID: 28093093.
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Analysis of Layperson Tourniquet Application Using a Novel Color-Coded Device. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2016 Apr; 10(2):274-80.
Goolsby C, Chen E, Branting A, Weissbrod E, David J, Moore K, Olsen C. PMID: 26833291.
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The giving back: Battlefield lesson to national preparedness. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Jan; 80(1):166-7.
Rasmussen TE, Baer DG, Goolsby C. PMID: 26517782.
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A Retrospective Review of Screening Labs for Medical Clearance in a Military Population. Mil Med. 2015 Nov; 180(11):1128-31.
Schauer SG, Goolsby CA. PMID: 26540702.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Just-in-Time to Save Lives: A Pilot Study of Layperson Tourniquet Application. Acad Emerg Med. 2015 Sep; 22(9):1113-7.
Goolsby C, Branting A, Chen E, Mack E, Olsen C. PMID: 26302453.
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Hybrid simulation improves medical student procedural confidence during EM clerkship. Mil Med. 2014 Nov; 179(11):1223-7.
Goolsby CA, Goodwin TL, Vest RM. PMID: 25373045.
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New Wide Area Virtual Environment (WAVE) medical education. Mil Med. 2014 Jan; 179(1):38-41.
Goolsby C, Vest R, Goodwin T. PMID: 24402983.
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Hybrid simulation during military medical student field training--a novel curriculum. Mil Med. 2013 Jul; 178(7):742-5.
Goolsby C, Deering S. PMID: 23820347.
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Value of mandatory screening studies in emergency department patients cleared for psychiatric admission. West J Emerg Med. 2012 Nov; 13(5):388-93.
Parmar P, Goolsby CA, Udompanyanan K, Matesick LD, Burgamy KP, Mower WR. PMID: 23359831; PMCID: PMC3556945.
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