Degradation and Fatigue Behavior of 3D-Printed Bioresorbable Tracheal Splints. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2024 Dec; 112(12):e35501.
Wahbeh JM, Lama J, Park SH, Ebramzadeh E, Hollister SJ, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 39607369; PMCID: PMC11619926.
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The Cost of Reducing Waste in Orthopaedic Surgery: Commentary on an article by E.L. Tsay et al.: "Reuse of Orthopaedic Equipment: Barriers and Opportunities". JBJS Rev. 2024 Mar 01; 12(3).
Ebramzadeh E, Sharpe FE, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 38466803.
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Erratum: Measurement of the 2νββ Decay Half-Life of ^{130}Te with CUORE [Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 171801 (2021)]. Phys Rev Lett. 2023 Dec 15; 131(24):249902.
Adams DQ, Alduino C, Alfonso K, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Bari G, Bellini F, Benato G, Biassoni M, Branca A, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Camilleri J, Caminata A, Campani A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Cappelli L, Cardani L, Carniti P, Casali N, Chiesa D, Clemenza M, Copello S, Cosmelli C, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, D'Addabbo A, Dafinei I, Davis CJ, Dell'Oro S, Di Domizio S, Dompè V, Fang DQ, Fantini G, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Franceschi MA, Freedman SJ, Fu SH, Fujikawa BK, Giachero A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Gotti C, Gutierrez TD, Han K, Heeger KM, Huang RG, Huang HZ, Johnston J, Keppel G, Kolomensky YG, Ligi C, Ma L, Ma YG, Marini L, Maruyama RH, Mayer D, Mei Y, Moggi N, Morganti S, Napolitano T, Nastasi M, Nikkel J, Nones C, Norman EB, Nucciotti A, Nutini I, O'Donnell T, Ouellet JL, Pagan S, Pagliarone CE, Pagnanini L, Pallavicini M, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Pira C, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Puiu A, Rosenfeld C, Rusconi C, Sakai M, Sangiorgio S, Schmidt B, Scielzo ND, Sharma V, Singh V, Sisti M, Speller D, Surukuchi PT, Taffarello L, Terranova F, Tomei C, Vetter KJ, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wang BS, Welliver B, Wilson J, Wilson K, Winslow LA, Zimmermann S, Zucchelli S. PMID: 38181163.
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An additively manufactured model for preclinical testing of cervical devices. JOR Spine. 2024 Mar; 7(1):e1285.
Wahbeh JM, Hookasian E, Lama J, Alam L, Park SH, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 38222806; PMCID: PMC10782067.
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Observations of bony ongrowth and clinical fixation in two retrieved disc replacements. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2023 09; 111(9):1653-1663.
Wahbeh JM, Park SH, Iyer S, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 37191359.
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Can severity of trunnion damage be estimated by visual inspection alone? Bone Joint Res. 2023 Mar 01; 12(3):155-164.
McCarty CP, Nazif MA, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Park SH. PMID: 37051817; PMCID: PMC10072233.
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New Direct Limit on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Half-Life of ^{128}Te with CUORE. Phys Rev Lett. 2022 Nov 23; 129(22):222501.
Adams DQ, Alduino C, Alfonso K, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Bari G, Bellini F, Benato G, Beretta M, Biassoni M, Branca A, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Camilleri J, Caminata A, Campani A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Capelli C, Cappelli L, Cardani L, Carniti P, Casali N, Celi E, Chiesa D, Clemenza M, Copello S, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, D'Addabbo A, Dafinei I, Del Corso F, Dell'Oro S, Di Domizio S, Di Lorenzo S, Dompè V, Fang DQ, Fantini G, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Franceschi MA, Freedman SJ, Fu SH, Fujikawa BK, Ghislandi S, Giachero A, Gianvecchio A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Gotti C, Gutierrez TD, Han K, Hansen EV, Heeger KM, Huang RG, Huang HZ, Johnston J, Keppel G, Kolomensky YG, Kowalski R, Liu R, Ma L, Ma YG, Marini L, Maruyama RH, Mayer D, Mei Y, Morganti S, Napolitano T, Nastasi M, Nikkel J, Nones C, Norman EB, Nucciotti A, Nutini I, O'Donnell T, Olmi M, Ouellet JL, Pagan S, Pagliarone CE, Pagnanini L, Pallavicini M, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Pira C, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Puiu A, Quitadamo S, Ressa A, Rosenfeld C, Sangiorgio S, Schmidt B, Scielzo ND, Sharma V, Singh V, Sisti M, Speller D, Surukuchi PT, Taffarello L, Terranova F, Tomei C, Vetter KJ, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wang BS, Welliver B, Wilson J, Wilson K, Winslow LA, Zimmermann S, Zucchelli S, CUORE Collaboration. PMID: 36493444.
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1 Fields:
Evaluation of Topology Optimization Using 3D Printing for Bioresorbable Fusion Cages: A Biomechanical Study in a Porcine Model. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Feb 15; 48(4):E46-E53.
Ho NC, Hollister SJ, Agrawal V, Flanagan CL, Lee C, Wheeler MB, Wang H, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 36130044; PMCID: PMC9855756.
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Taper Material Loss in Total Hip Replacements: Is It Affected by Joint Friction? J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2022 05 04; 104(9):796-804.
McCarty CP, Park SH, Ho NC, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 35167500.
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The lexicon for periprosthetic bone loss versus osteolysis after cervical disc arthroplasty: a systematic review. Eur Spine J. 2022 04; 31(4):830-842.
Wahbeh JM, Park SH, Campbell P, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 34999945.
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5 Fields:
The insidious risk of periprosthetic fracture in clinically functional total hip arthroplasties: A biomechanical study of willed joints. J Orthop Res. 2022 08; 40(8):1943-1952.
Takamura KM, McCarty CP, Ho NC, Diehl J, Longjohn DB, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 34694639.
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A novel intramedullary nail to control interfragmentary motion in diaphyseal tibial fractures. J Orthop Res. 2022 05; 40(5):1053-1064.
Ziran N, McCarty CP, Ho NC, Gilmartin NF, Ebramzadeh E, Park SH, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 34251706.
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Objective analysis of intermediate-term outcome of the Ponseti technique: a review of the experience from Los Angeles. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Jul; 9(13):1101.
Zionts LE, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 34423013; PMCID: PMC8339808.
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Measurement of the 2νββ Decay Half-Life of ^{130}Te with CUORE. Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Apr 30; 126(17):171801.
Adams DQ, Alduino C, Alfonso K, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Bari G, Bellini F, Benato G, Biassoni M, Branca A, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Camilleri J, Caminata A, Campani A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Cappelli L, Cardani L, Carniti P, Casali N, Chiesa D, Clemenza M, Copello S, Cosmelli C, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, D'Addabbo A, Dafinei I, Davis CJ, Dell'Oro S, Di Domizio S, Dompè V, Fang DQ, Fantini G, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Franceschi MA, Freedman SJ, Fu SH, Fujikawa BK, Giachero A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Gotti C, Gutierrez TD, Han K, Heeger KM, Huang RG, Huang HZ, Johnston J, Keppel G, Kolomensky YG, Ligi C, Ma L, Ma YG, Marini L, Maruyama RH, Mayer D, Mei Y, Moggi N, Morganti S, Napolitano T, Nastasi M, Nikkel J, Nones C, Norman EB, Nucciotti A, Nutini I, O'Donnell T, Ouellet JL, Pagan S, Pagliarone CE, Pagnanini L, Pallavicini M, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Pira C, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Puiu A, Rosenfeld C, Rusconi C, Sakai M, Sangiorgio S, Schmidt B, Scielzo ND, Sharma V, Singh V, Sisti M, Speller D, Surukuchi PT, Taffarello L, Terranova F, Tomei C, Vetter KJ, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wang BS, Welliver B, Wilson J, Wilson K, Winslow LA, Zimmermann S, Zucchelli S. PMID: 33988435.
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Quantification of Ankle Dorsiflexion in Ponseti-managed Unilateral Clubfoot Patients During Early Childhood. J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Feb 01; 41(2):83-87.
Tougas CM, Ballester AM, Morgan RD, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Zionts LE. PMID: 33264177.
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Does generalized joint hypermobility influence the Ponseti treatment of clubfoot patients? J Pediatr Orthop B. 2021 Jan; 30(1):66-70.
Beck JJ, Nazif MA, Sangiorgio SN, Semel JI, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 32453119.
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1 Fields:
Is load control necessary to produce physiological AP displacement and axial rotation in wear testing of TAR? J Orthop Res. 2021 04; 39(4):797-805.
Ho NC, McCarty CP, Park SH, Williams JR, Gilmartin NF, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 33251621.
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Damage patterns in polyethylene fixed bearings of retrieved total ankle replacements. Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 Apr; 27(3):316-320.
Ho NC, Park SH, Campbell P, Van Citters DW, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio S. PMID: 32651082.
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Prospective Study of Acute Opioid Use After Adolescent Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Shows No Effect From Patient- or Surgical-Related Factors. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2020 Apr 01; 28(7):293-300.
Beck JJ, Cline K, Sangiorgio S, Serpa R, Shifflett KA, Bowen RE. PMID: 32213778.
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Improved Limit on Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in ^{130} Te with CUORE. Phys Rev Lett. 2020 Mar 27; 124(12):122501.
Adams DQ, Alduino C, Alfonso K, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Bari G, Bellini F, Benato G, Biassoni M, Branca A, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Caminata A, Campani A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Cappelli L, Cardani L, Carniti P, Casali N, Chiesa D, Chott N, Clemenza M, Copello S, Cosmelli C, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, D'Addabbo A, D'Aguanno D, Dafinei I, Davis CJ, Dell'Oro S, Di Domizio S, Dompè V, Fang DQ, Fantini G, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Franceschi MA, Freedman SJ, Fujikawa BK, Giachero A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Gotti C, Gutierrez TD, Han K, Heeger KM, Huang RG, Huang HZ, Johnston J, Keppel G, Kolomensky YG, Ligi C, Ma YG, Ma L, Marini L, Maruyama RH, Mei Y, Moggi N, Morganti S, Napolitano T, Nastasi M, Nikkel J, Nones C, Norman EB, Novati V, Nucciotti A, Nutini I, O'Donnell T, Ouellet JL, Pagliarone CE, Pagnanini L, Pallavicini M, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Pira C, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Puiu A, Rosenfeld C, Rusconi C, Sakai M, Sangiorgio S, Schmidt B, Scielzo ND, Sharma V, Singh V, Sisti M, Speller D, Surukuchi PT, Taffarello L, Terranova F, Tomei C, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wang BS, Welliver B, Wilson J, Wilson K, Winslow LA, Zanotti L, Zimmermann S, Zucchelli S, CUORE Collaboration. PMID: 32281829.
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A Systematic Review of Unsystematic Total Ankle Replacement Wear Evaluations. JBJS Rev. 2020 03; 8(3):e0091.
Mujukian A, Ho NC, Day MJ, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 32149932.
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Increasing loads and diminishing returns: a biomechanical study of direct vertebral rotation. Spine Deform. 2020 08; 8(4):577-584.
Sangiorgio SN, Borkowski SL, Day MJ, Ho NC, Knutsen A, Scaduto AA, Bowen RE, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 32026440.
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Relapse Rates in Patients with Clubfoot Treated Using the Ponseti Method Increase with Time: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2019 05; 7(5):e6.
Thomas HM, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 31116129.
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22 Fields:
Preclinical biomechanical testing models for the tibiotalar joint and its replacements: A systematic review. Foot Ankle Surg. 2020 Jan; 26(1):14-18.
Ho NC, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 30600154.
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How Many Patients Who Have a Clubfoot Treated Using the Ponseti Method are Likely to Undergo a Tendon Transfer? J Pediatr Orthop. 2018 Aug; 38(7):382-387.
Zionts LE, Jew MH, Bauer KL, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 27379785.
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8 Fields:
Sixty Years On: Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Treatment Produces High Satisfaction Despite Inherent Tendency to Relapse. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018 May 02; 100(9):721-728.
Zionts LE, Ebramzadeh E, Morgan RD, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 29715219.
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16 Fields:
First Results from CUORE: A Search for Lepton Number Violation via 0νββ Decay of ^{130}Te. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Mar 30; 120(13):132501.
Alduino C, Alessandria F, Alfonso K, Andreotti E, Arnaboldi C, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Balata M, Bandac I, Banks TI, Bari G, Barucci M, Beeman JW, Bellini F, Benato G, Bersani A, Biare D, Biassoni M, Bragazzi F, Branca A, Brofferio C, Bryant A, Buccheri A, Bucci C, Bulfon C, Camacho A, Caminata A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Capodiferro M, Cappelli L, Cardani L, Cariello M, Carniti P, Carrettoni M, Casali N, Cassina L, Cereseto R, Ceruti G, Chiarini A, Chiesa D, Chott N, Clemenza M, Conventi D, Copello S, Cosmelli C, Cremonesi O, Crescentini C, Creswick RJ, Cushman JS, D'Addabbo A, D'Aguanno D, Dafinei I, Datskov V, Davis CJ, Del Corso F, Dell'Oro S, Deninno MM, Di Domizio S, Di Vacri ML, Di Paolo L, Drobizhev A, Ejzak L, Faccini R, Fang DQ, Faverzani M, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Franceschi MA, Freedman SJ, Fujikawa BK, Gaigher R, Giachero A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gladstone L, Goett J, Gorla P, Gotti C, Guandalini C, Guerzoni M, Gutierrez TD, Haller EE, Han K, Hansen EV, Heeger KM, Hennings-Yeomans R, Hickerson KP, Huang HZ, Iannone M, Ioannucci L, Kadel R, Keppel G, Kogler L, Kolomensky YG, Leder A, Ligi C, Lim KE, Liu X, Ma YG, Maiano C, Maino M, Marini L, Martinez M, Martinez Amaya C, Maruyama RH, Mei Y, Moggi N, Morganti S, Mosteiro PJ, Nagorny SS, Napolitano T, Nastasi M, Nisi S, Nones C, Norman EB, Novati V, Nucciotti A, Nutini I, O'Donnell T, Olcese M, Olivieri E, Orio F, Orlandi D, Ouellet JL, Pagliarone CE, Pallavicini M, Palmieri V, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pedretti M, Pedrotta R, Pelosi A, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Piperno G, Pira C, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Reindl F, Rimondi F, Risegari L, Rosenfeld C, Rossi C, Rusconi C, Sakai M, Sala E, Salvioni C, Sangiorgio S, Santone D, Schaeffer D, Schmidt B, Schmidt J, Scielzo ND, Singh V, Sisti M, Smith AR, Stivanello F, Taffarello L, Tatananni L, Tenconi M, Terranova F, Tessaro M, Tomei C, Ventura G, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wallig J, Wang BS, Wang HW, Welliver B, Wilson J, Wilson K, Winslow LA, Wise T, Zanotti L, Zarra C, Zhang GQ, Zhu BX, Zimmermann S, Zucchelli S, CUORE Collaboration. PMID: 29694201.
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4 Fields:
Alteration in hypoplasia of the hindfoot structures during early growth in clubfeet treated using the Ponseti method. J Child Orthop. 2017 Dec 01; 11(6):434-439.
Beck JJ, Sangiorgio SN, Jew MH, Marcum T, Cooper SD, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 29263755; PMCID: PMC5725769.
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Biomechanical comparison of fixation stability using a Lisfranc plate versus transarticular screws. Foot Ankle Surg. 2019 Feb; 25(1):71-78.
Ho NC, Sangiorgio SN, Cassinelli S, Shymon S, Fleming J, Agrawal V, Ebramzadeh E, Harris TG. PMID: 29409256.
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Quantification of the ossification of the lateral cuneiform in the feet of young children with unilateral congenital talipes equinovarus. Bone Joint J. 2017 Aug; 99-B(8):1109-1114.
Lang PJ, Avoian T, Sangiorgio SN, Nazif MA, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 28768790.
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3 Fields:
Opioid Prescription and Usage in Adolescents Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgery in the United States: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2017 08; 5(8):e5.
Dautremont EA, Ebramzadeh E, Beck JJ, Bowen RE, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 28796696.
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12 Fields:
The Timing and Relevance of Relapsed Deformity in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfoot. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2017 Jul; 25(7):536-545.
Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Morgan RD, Zionts LE. PMID: 28574943.
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18 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
The Influence of Sex and Laterality on Clubfoot Severity. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Mar; 37(2):e129-e133.
Zionts LE, Jew MH, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 26214324.
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10 Fields:
Erratum to: Can Wear Explain the Histological Variation Around Metal-on-metal Total Hips? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2017 01; 475(1):296.
Ebramzadeh E, Campbell P, Tan TL, Nelson SD, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 27798788; PMCID: PMC5174068.
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Biomechanical Comparison of Fixation Devices for First Metatarsocuneiform Joint Arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Spec. 2017 Aug; 10(4):322-328.
Knutsen AR, Fleming JF, Ebramzadeh E, Ho NC, Warganich T, Harris TG, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 27881829.
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6 Fields:
The Objective Measurement of Brace-Use Adherence in the Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016 Oct 05; 98(19):1598-1605.
Sangiorgio SN, Ho NC, Morgan RD, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 27707845.
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22 Fields:
Distal fibula fracture fixation: Biomechanical evaluation of three different fixation implants. Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 Dec; 22(4):278-285.
Knutsen AR, Sangiorgio SN, Liu C, Zhou S, Warganich T, Fleming J, Harris TG, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 27810029.
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5 Fields:
Does Clubfoot Treatment Need to Begin As Soon As Possible? J Pediatr Orthop. 2016 Sep; 36(6):558-64.
Zionts LE, Sangiorgio SN, Cooper SD, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 25955174.
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10 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Periprosthetic femoral bone loss in total hip arthroplasty: systematic analysis of the effect of stem design. Hip Int. 2017 Feb 21; 27(1):26-34.
Knutsen AR, Lau N, Longjohn DB, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 27515762.
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24 Fields:
Challenging the Conventional Standard for Thoracic Spine Range of Motion: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2016 04 05; 4(4):e51-e511.
Borkowski SL, Tamrazian E, Bowen RE, Scaduto AA, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 27487429.
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8 Fields:
Strength of Thoracic Spine Under Simulated Direct Vertebral Rotation: A Biomechanical Study. Spine Deform. 2016 Mar; 4(2):85-93.
Borkowski SL, Sangiorgio SN, Bowen RE, Scaduto AA, He B, Bauer KL, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 27927550.
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1 Fields:
Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of (130)Te with CUORE-0. Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Sep 04; 115(10):102502.
Alfonso K, Artusa DR, Avignone FT, Azzolini O, Balata M, Banks TI, Bari G, Beeman JW, Bellini F, Bersani A, Biassoni M, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Caminata A, Canonica L, Cao XG, Capelli S, Cappelli L, Carbone L, Cardani L, Casali N, Cassina L, Chiesa D, Chott N, Clemenza M, Copello S, Cosmelli C, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, Cushman JS, Dafinei I, Dally A, Dell'Oro S, Deninno MM, Di Domizio S, Di Vacri ML, Drobizhev A, Ejzak L, Fang DQ, Faverzani M, Fernandes G, Ferri E, Ferroni F, Fiorini E, Freedman SJ, Fujikawa BK, Giachero A, Gironi L, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Gotti C, Gutierrez TD, Haller EE, Han K, Hansen E, Heeger KM, Hennings-Yeomans R, Hickerson KP, Huang HZ, Kadel R, Keppel G, Kolomensky YG, Lim KE, Liu X, Ma YG, Maino M, Martinez M, Maruyama RH, Mei Y, Moggi N, Morganti S, Nisi S, Nones C, Norman EB, Nucciotti A, O'Donnell T, Orio F, Orlandi D, Ouellet JL, Pagliarone CE, Pallavicini M, Palmieri V, Pattavina L, Pavan M, Pedretti M, Pessina G, Pettinacci V, Piperno G, Pirro S, Pozzi S, Previtali E, Rosenfeld C, Rusconi C, Sala E, Sangiorgio S, Santone D, Scielzo ND, Sisti M, Smith AR, Taffarello L, Tenconi M, Terranova F, Tomei C, Trentalange S, Ventura G, Vignati M, Wagaarachchi SL, Wang BS, Wang HW, Wielgus L, Wilson J, Winslow LA, Wise T, Zanotti L, Zarra C, Zhang GQ, Zhu BX, Zucchelli S, CUORE Collaboration. PMID: 26382673.
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5 Fields:
Static and dynamic fatigue behavior of topology designed and conventional 3D printed bioresorbable PCL cervical interbody fusion devices. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2015 Sep; 49:332-42.
Knutsen AR, Borkowski SL, Ebramzadeh E, Flanagan CL, Hollister SJ, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 26072198; PMCID: PMC4490041.
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4 Fields:
Orthopedic surgery fellowships: the effects of interviewing and how residents establish a rank list. Orthopedics. 2015 Mar; 38(3):175-9.
Niesen MC, Wong J, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio S, SooHoo NF, Luck JV, Eckardt J. PMID: 25760497.
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17 Fields:
Design control for clinical translation of 3D printed modular scaffolds. Ann Biomed Eng. 2015 Mar; 43(3):774-86.
Hollister SJ, Flanagan CL, Zopf DA, Morrison RJ, Nasser H, Patel JJ, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Wheeler MB, Green GE. PMID: 25666115; PMCID: PMC4407657.
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29 Fields:
Imaging Criteria for the Quantification of Disc Degeneration: A Systematic Review. JBJS Rev. 2015 Feb 10; 3(2).
Tan TL, Borkowski SL, Sangiorgio SN, Campbell PA, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 27490747.
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2 Fields:
Can wear explain the histological variation around metal-on-metal total hips? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Feb; 473(2):487-94.
Ebramzadeh E, Campbell P, Tan TL, Nelson SD, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 25141844; PMCID: PMC4294923.
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18 Fields:
How do different anterior tibial tendon transfer techniques influence forefoot and hindfoot motion? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 May; 473(5):1737-43.
Knutsen AR, Avoian T, Sangiorgio SN, Borkowski SL, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE. PMID: 25421955; PMCID: PMC4385364.
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8 Fields:
Walking age of infants with idiopathic clubfoot treated using the ponseti method. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Oct 01; 96(19):e164.
Zionts LE, Packer DF, Cooper S, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio S. PMID: 25274792.
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An alternative measurement tool for the identification of hysteretic responses in biological joints. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2014 Nov; 39:270-8.
Borkowski SL, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Masri SF. PMID: 25151448.
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Flexibility of thoracic spines under simultaneous multi-planar loading. Eur Spine J. 2017 01; 26(1):173-180.
Borkowski SL, Sangiorgio SN, Bowen RE, Scaduto AA, Kwak J, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 25091262.
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First measurement of the ionization yield of nuclear recoils in liquid argon. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 May 02; 112(17):171303.
Joshi TH, Sangiorgio S, Bernstein A, Foxe M, Hagmann C, Jovanovic I, Kazkaz K, Mozin V, Norman EB, Pereverzev SV, Rebassoo F, Sorensen P. PMID: 24836233.
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Application of the restoring force method for identification of lumbar spine flexion-extension motion under flexion-extension moment. J Biomech Eng. 2014 Apr; 136(4).
Borkowski SL, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Masri SF. PMID: 24556960.
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Accuracy of radiographs in assessment of displacement in lateral humeral condyle fractures. J Child Orthop. 2014 Feb; 8(1):83-9.
Knutsen A, Avoian T, Borkowski SL, Ebramzadeh E, Zionts LE, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 24488177; PMCID: PMC3935020.
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Systematic analysis of bisphosphonate intervention on periprosthetic BMD as a function of stem design. J Arthroplasty. 2014 Jun; 29(6):1292-7.
Knusten AR, Ebramzadeh E, Longjohn DB, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 24703781.
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Biomechanical comparison of syndesmotic injury fixation methods using a cadaveric model. Foot Ankle Int. 2013 Dec; 34(12):1710-7.
Ebramzadeh E, Knutsen AR, Sangiorgio SN, Brambila M, Harris TG. PMID: 24019217.
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Effect of proximal femoral bone support on the fixation of a press-fit noncemented total hip replacement femoral component. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater. 2013 Jun 24; 11(1):e26-34.
Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Borkowski SL, Oakes DA, Reid JJ, Bengs BC. PMID: 23413131.
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Quantification of Increase in Three-dimensional Spine Flexibility Following Sequential Ponte Osteotomies in a Cadaveric Model. Spine Deform. 2013 May; 1(3):171-178.
Sangiorgio SN, Borkowski SL, Bowen RE, Scaduto AA, Frost NL, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 27927289.
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Biomechanical testing of pin configurations in supracondylar humeral fractures: the effect of medial column comminution. J Orthop Trauma. 2013 May; 27(5):275-80.
Silva M, Knutsen AR, Kalma JJ, Borkowski SL, Bernthal NM, Spencer HT, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 22932754.
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Fixation of non-cemented total hip arthroplasty femoral components in a simulated proximal bone defect model. J Arthroplasty. 2013 Oct; 28(9):1618-24.
Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Knutsen AR, Borkowski SL, Kalma JJ, Bengs BC. PMID: 23523487.
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Site-specific quantification of bone quality using highly nonlinear solitary waves. J Biomech Eng. 2012 Oct; 134(10):101001.
Yang J, Sangiorgio SN, Borkowski SL, Silvestro C, De Nardo L, Daraio C, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 23083192.
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Treatment of idiopathic clubfoot: experience with the Mitchell-Ponseti brace. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012 Oct-Nov; 32(7):706-13.
Zionts LE, Frost N, Kim R, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN. PMID: 22955535.
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The current management of idiopathic clubfoot revisited: results of a survey of the POSNA membership. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012 Jul-Aug; 32(5):515-20.
Zionts LE, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Morcuende JA. PMID: 22706469.
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Comparison of three posterior dynamic stabilization devices. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Sep 01; 36(19):E1251-8.
Sangiorgio SN, Sheikh H, Borkowski SL, Khoo L, Warren CR, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 21358482.
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Failure modes of 433 metal-on-metal hip implants: how, why, and wear. Orthop Clin North Am. 2011 Apr; 42(2):241-50, ix.
Ebramzadeh E, Campbell PA, Takamura KM, Lu Z, Sangiorgio SN, Kalma JJ, De Smet KA, Amstutz HC. PMID: 21435498.
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Challenges in relating experimental hip implant fixation predictions to clinical observations. J Biomech. 2011 Jan 11; 44(2):235-43.
Sangiorgio SN, Longjohn DB, Dorr LD, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 21040920.
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The influence of proximal stem geometry and surface finish on the fixation of a double-tapered cemented femoral stem. J Biomech. 2011 Jan 04; 44(1):22-7.
Sangiorgio SN, Longjohn DB, Dorr LD, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 20828697.
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Material and surface factors influencing backside fretting wear in total knee replacement tibial components. J Biomech. 2010 May 07; 43(7):1310-5.
Billi F, Sangiorgio SN, Aust S, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 20172525.
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Less range of motion with resurfacing arthroplasty than with total hip arthroplasty: in vitro examination of 8 designs. Acta Orthop. 2008 Dec; 79(6):755-62.
Bengs BC, Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 19085491.
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Simulation of extreme loads on the proximal femur for implant fixation assessment. J Appl Biomater Biomech. 2008 May-Aug; 6(2):72-80.
Sangiorgio SN, Longjohn DB, Lee JL, Alexander JD, Dorr LD, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 20740449.
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Wear of an experimental metal-on-metal artificial disc for the lumbar spine. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008 Mar 15; 33(6):597-606.
Lee JL, Billi F, Sangiorgio SN, McGarry W, Krueger DJ, Miller PT, McKellop H, Ebramzadeh E. PMID: 18344852.
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Resident selection: how we are doing and why? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jun; 459:255-9.
Thordarson DB, Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Schnall SB, Patzakis MJ. PMID: 17415012.
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New limit on the neutrinoless betabeta decay of 130Te. Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Sep 30; 95(14):142501.
Arnaboldi C, Artusa DR, Avignone FT, Balata M, Bandac I, Barucci M, Beeman JW, Brofferio C, Bucci C, Capelli S, Carbone L, Cebrian S, Cremonesi O, Creswick RJ, de Waard A, Farach HA, Fiorini E, Frossati G, Guardincerri E, Giuliani A, Gorla P, Haller EE, McDonald RJ, Morales A, Norman EB, Nucciotti A, Olivieri E, Pallavicini M, Palmieri E, Pasca E, Pavan M, Pedretti M, Pessina G, Pirro S, Previtali E, Risegari L, Rosenfeld C, Sangiorgio S, Sisti M, Smith AR, Torres L, Ventura G. PMID: 16241648.
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Simulation of fretting wear at orthopaedic implant interfaces. J Biomech Eng. 2005 Jun; 127(3):357-63.
Ebramzadeh E, Billi F, Sangiorgio SN, Mattes S, Schmoelz W, Dorr L. PMID: 16060342.
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Effects of dorsal flanges on fixation of a cemented total hip replacement femoral stem. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004 Apr; 86(4):813-20.
Sangiorgio SN, Ebramzadeh E, Longjohn DB, Dorr LD. PMID: 15069149.
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Initial stability of cemented femoral stems as a function of surface finish, collar, and stem size. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004 Jan; 86(1):106-15.
Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Longjohn DB, Buhari CF, Dorr LD. PMID: 14711952.
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Accuracy of measurement of polyethylene wear with use of radiographs of total hip replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2003 Dec; 85(12):2378-84.
Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Lattuada F, Kang JS, Chiesa R, McKellop HA, Dorr LD. PMID: 14668508.
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Long-term radiographic changes in cemented total hip arthroplasty with six designs of femoral components. Biomaterials. 2003 Aug; 24(19):3351-63.
Ebramzadeh E, Normand PL, Sangiorgio SN, Llinás A, Gruen TA, McKellop HA, Sarmiento A. PMID: 12763462.
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Effects of total hip arthroplasty cemented femoral stem surface finish, collar and cement thickness on load transfer to the femur. J Appl Biomater Biomech. 2003 Jan-Apr; 1(1):76-83.
Ebramzadeh E, Sangiorgio SN, Longjohn DB, Buhari CF, Morrison BJ, Dorr LD. PMID: 20803475.
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[Late ventricular potentials in the post-infarct patient. A follow-up at 4 years]. G Ital Cardiol. 1993 Jul; 23(7):661-71.
Verzoni A, Ravaglia R, Sangiorgio S, Tarricone D, Pozzoni L, Fiorentini C. PMID: 8405832.
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[Chlamydia trachomatis conjunctivitis in adults. Study of diagnostic techniques]. J Fr Ophtalmol. 1993; 16(3):178-83.
Adenis JP, Saint-Blancat P, Ranger S, Martin P, Duprat F, Barbarie S. PMID: 8496568.
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Prognostic significance and evolution of late ventricular potentials in the first year after myocardial infarction: a prospective study. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1989 Jan; 12(1 Pt 1):41-51.
Verzoni A, Romano S, Pozzoni L, Tarricone D, Sangiorgio S, Croce L. PMID: 2464810.
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