Racial Disparities in Time to Huntington Disease Diagnosis in North America: An ENROLL-HD Analysis. Neurol Clin Pract. 2024 Oct; 14(5):e200344.
Mendizabal A, Ogilvie AC, Bordelon Y, Perlman SL, Brown A. PMID: 39872293; PMCID: PMC11771962.
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Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of NLY01 in early untreated Parkinson's disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol. 2024 01; 23(1):37-45.
McGarry A, Rosanbalm S, Leinonen M, Olanow CW, To D, Bell A, Lee D, Chang J, Dubow J, Dhall R, Burdick D, Parashos S, Feuerstein J, Quinn J, Pahwa R, Afshari M, Ramirez-Zamora A, Chou K, Tarakad A, Luca C, Klos K, Bordelon Y, St Hiliare MH, Shprecher D, Lee S, Dawson TM, Roschke V, Kieburtz K. PMID: 38101901.
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11 Fields:
Disparities in Huntington Disease Severity: Analysis Using the ENROLL-HD Dataset. Neurol Clin Pract. 2023 Dec; 13(6):e200200.
Mendizabal A, Singh AP, Perlman S, Brown A, Bordelon Y. PMID: 37795504; PMCID: PMC10547468.
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Health Services in Huntington Disease: A Systematic Literature Review. Neurol Clin Pract. 2023 Feb; 13(1):e200108.
Mendizabal A, Diaz JM, Bustamante AV, Bordelon Y. PMID: 36865636; PMCID: PMC9973320.
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Temporal order of clinical and biomarker changes in familial frontotemporal dementia. Nat Med. 2022 10; 28(10):2194-2206.
Staffaroni AM, Quintana M, Wendelberger B, Heuer HW, Russell LL, Cobigo Y, Wolf A, Goh SM, Petrucelli L, Gendron TF, Heller C, Clark AL, Taylor JC, Wise A, Ong E, Forsberg L, Brushaber D, Rojas JC, VandeVrede L, Ljubenkov P, Kramer J, Casaletto KB, Appleby B, Bordelon Y, Botha H, Dickerson BC, Domoto-Reilly K, Fields JA, Foroud T, Gavrilova R, Geschwind D, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grossman M, Hall MGH, Hsiung GY, Huey ED, Irwin D, Jones DT, Kantarci K, Kaufer D, Knopman D, Kremers W, Lago AL, Lapid MI, Litvan I, Lucente D, Mackenzie IR, Mendez MF, Mester C, Miller BL, Onyike CU, Rademakers R, Ramanan VK, Ramos EM, Rao M, Rascovsky K, Rankin KP, Roberson ED, Savica R, Tartaglia MC, Weintraub S, Wong B, Cash DM, Bouzigues A, Swift IJ, Peakman G, Bocchetta M, Todd EG, Convery RS, Rowe JB, Borroni B, Galimberti D, Tiraboschi P, Masellis M, Finger E, van Swieten JC, Seelaar H, Jiskoot LC, Sorbi S, Butler CR, Graff C, Gerhard A, Langheinrich T, Laforce R, Sanchez-Valle R, de Mendonça A, Moreno F, Synofzik M, Vandenberghe R, Ducharme S, Le Ber I, Levin J, Danek A, Otto M, Pasquier F, Santana I, Kornak J, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, Rohrer JD, Boxer AL, Frontotemporal Dementia Prevention Initiative (FPI) Investigators. PMID: 36138153; PMCID: PMC9951811.
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36 Fields:
Autoimmune and Paraneoplastic Chorea: A Review of the Literature. Front Neurol. 2022; 13:829076.
Kyle K, Bordelon Y, Venna N, Linnoila J. PMID: 35370928; PMCID: PMC8972589.
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Vim-Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Cervical Dystonia and Upper-Limb Tremor: Quantification by Markerless-3D Kinematics and Accelerometry. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2022; 12:5.
Mason XL, Cross KA, Arac A, Bordelon Y, Wu AD. PMID: 35433109; PMCID: PMC8916052.
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DNA methylation-based surrogates of plasma proteins are associated with Parkinson's disease risk. J Neurol Sci. 2021 Dec 15; 431:120046.
Fu KA, Paul KC, Lu AT, Horvath S, Keener AM, Bordelon Y, Bronstein JM, Ritz B. PMID: 34768133; PMCID: PMC8769489.
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4 Fields:
Gene-Environment Interactions in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Front Neurol. 2021; 12:664796.
Litvan I, Proudfoot JA, Martin ER, Standaert D, Riley D, Hall D, Marras C, Bayram E, Dubinsky RM, Bordelon Y, Reich S, Shprecher D, Kluger B, Cunningham C, Schellenberg GD, Jankovic J. PMID: 33897612; PMCID: PMC8062875.
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Plasma Neurofilament Light for Prediction of Disease Progression in Familial Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Neurology. 2021 05 04; 96(18):e2296-e2312.
Rojas JC, Wang P, Staffaroni AM, Heller C, Cobigo Y, Wolf A, Goh SM, Ljubenkov PA, Heuer HW, Fong JC, Taylor JB, Veras E, Song L, Jeromin A, Hanlon D, Yu L, Khinikar A, Sivasankaran R, Kieloch A, Valentin MA, Karydas AM, Mitic LL, Pearlman R, Kornak J, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Kantarci K, Knopman DS, Graff-Radford N, Petrucelli L, Rademakers R, Irwin DJ, Grossman M, Ramos EM, Coppola G, Mendez MF, Bordelon Y, Dickerson BC, Ghoshal N, Huey ED, Mackenzie IR, Appleby BS, Domoto-Reilly K, Hsiung GR, Toga AW, Weintraub S, Kaufer DI, Kerwin D, Litvan I, Onyike CU, Pantelyat A, Roberson ED, Tartaglia MC, Foroud T, Chen W, Czerkowicz J, Graham DL, van Swieten JC, Borroni B, Sanchez-Valle R, Moreno F, Laforce R, Graff C, Synofzik M, Galimberti D, Rowe JB, Masellis M, Finger E, Vandenberghe R, de Mendonça A, Tagliavini F, Santana I, Ducharme S, Butler CR, Gerhard A, Levin J, Danek A, Otto M, Sorbi S, Cash DM, Convery RS, Bocchetta M, Foiani M, Greaves CV, Peakman G, Russell L, Swift I, Todd E, Rohrer JD, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, Boxer AL, ALLFTD and GENFI consortia. PMID: 33827960; PMCID: PMC8166434.
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38 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Adult onset POLR3A leukodystrophy presenting with parkinsonism treated with pallidal deep brain stimulation. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 04; 85:23-25.
Kyle K, Mason X, Bordelon Y, Pouratian N, Bronstein J. PMID: 33652360.
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3 Fields:
Brain volumetric deficits in MAPT mutation carriers: a multisite study. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2021 01; 8(1):95-110.
Chu SA, Flagan TM, Staffaroni AM, Jiskoot LC, Deng J, Spina S, Zhang L, Sturm VE, Yokoyama JS, Seeley WW, Papma JM, Geschwind DH, Rosen HJ, Boeve BF, Boxer AL, Heuer HW, Forsberg LK, Brushaber DE, Grossman M, Coppola G, Dickerson BC, Bordelon YM, Faber K, Feldman HH, Fields JA, Fong JC, Foroud T, Gavrilova RH, Ghoshal N, Graff-Radford NR, Hsiung GR, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Kantarci K, Kaufer DI, Karydas AM, Knopman DS, Kornak J, Kramer JH, Kukull WA, Lapid MI, Litvan I, Mackenzie IRA, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Onyike CU, Pantelyat AY, Rademakers R, Marisa Ramos E, Roberson ED, Carmela Tartaglia M, Tatton NA, Toga AW, Vetor A, Weintraub S, Wong B, Wszolek ZK, ARTFL/LEFFTDS Consortium, Van Swieten JC, Lee SE. PMID: 33247623; PMCID: PMC7818091.
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17 Fields:
Understanding the relationship between freezing of gait and other progressive supranuclear palsy features. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020 09; 78:56-60.
Rezvanian S, Litvan I, Standaert D, Jankovic J, Reich SG, Hall D, Shprecher DR, Bordelon Y, Dubinsky R, Kluger B. PMID: 32731191.
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7 Fields:
Altered Pallidocortical Low-Beta Oscillations During Self-Initiated Movements in Parkinson Disease. Front Syst Neurosci. 2020; 14:54.
Choi JW, Malekmohammadi M, Sparks H, Kashanian A, Cross KA, Bordelon Y, Pouratian N. PMID: 32792918; PMCID: PMC7390921.
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Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Statin Use. Mov Disord. 2020 07; 35(7):1253-1257.
Bayram E, Marras C, Standaert DG, Kluger BM, Bordelon YM, Shprecher DR, Litvan I, ENGENE-PSP Consortium. PMID: 32220093; PMCID: PMC7375943.
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2 Fields:
Individualized atrophy scores predict dementia onset in familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):37-48.
Staffaroni AM, Cobigo Y, Goh SM, Kornak J, Bajorek L, Chiang K, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber D, Caso C, Coppola G, Dever R, Dheel C, Dickerson BC, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields JA, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Heuer HW, Hsiung GY, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Jones DT, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer DI, Kerwin DR, Knopman DS, Kraft R, Kramer JH, Kremers WK, Kukull WA, Litvan I, Ljubenkov PA, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis SM, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw LM, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wang P, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boxer AL, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, ARTFL/LEFFTDS consortium. PMID: 31272932; PMCID: PMC6938544.
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21 Fields:
Clinical and volumetric changes with increasing functional impairment in familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):49-59.
Olney NT, Ong E, Goh SM, Bajorek L, Dever R, Staffaroni AM, Cobigo Y, Bock M, Chiang K, Ljubenkov P, Kornak J, Heuer HW, Wang P, Rascovsky K, Wolf A, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber D, Caso C, Coppola G, Dickerson BC, Dickinson S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields J, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gearhart DJ, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford NR, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung G, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Jones DT, Kantarci K, Karydas AM, Kaufer D, Kerwin D, Knopman DS, Kramer JH, Kraft R, Kremers W, Kukull W, Lapid MI, Litvan I, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis SM, McKinley EC, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Onyike C, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw LM, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boxer AL, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, ARTFL and LEFFTDS consortia. PMID: 31784375; PMCID: PMC6988137.
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Genetic screening of a large series of North American sporadic and familial frontotemporal dementia cases. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):118-130.
Ramos EM, Dokuru DR, Van Berlo V, Wojta K, Wang Q, Huang AY, Deverasetty S, Qin Y, van Blitterswijk M, Jackson J, Appleby B, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber DE, Dickerson B, Dickinson S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Fields J, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gavrilova R, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Heuer HW, Hsiung GR, Huey E, Irwin D, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer D, Kerwin D, Knopman D, Kornak J, Kramer JH, Kremers W, Kukull W, Litvan I, Ljubenkov P, Lungu C, Mackenzie I, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Onyike C, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rankin KP, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Shaw L, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Rademakers R, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, Boxer AL, ARTFL/LEFFTDS consortium, Coppola G. PMID: 31914217; PMCID: PMC7199807.
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33 Fields:
Utility of the global CDR® plus NACC FTLD rating and development of scoring rules: Data from the ARTFL/LEFFTDS Consortium. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):106-117.
Miyagawa T, Brushaber D, Syrjanen J, Kremers W, Fields J, Forsberg LK, Heuer HW, Knopman D, Kornak J, Boxer A, Rosen HJ, Boeve BF, Appleby B, Bordelon Y, Bove J, Brannelly P, Caso C, Coppola G, Dever R, Dheel C, Dickerson B, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrell J, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman JS, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung R, Huey E, Irwin D, Jones D, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer D, Kerwin D, Kraft R, Kramer J, Kukull W, Litvan I, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie I, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis S, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller B, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin K, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw L, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Wang P, Weintraub S, Wong B, Wszolek Z. PMID: 31914218; PMCID: PMC7202045.
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Assessment of executive function declines in presymptomatic and mildly symptomatic familial frontotemporal dementia: NIH-EXAMINER as a potential clinical trial endpoint. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):11-21.
Staffaroni AM, Bajorek L, Casaletto KB, Cobigo Y, Goh SM, Wolf A, Heuer HW, Elahi FM, Ljubenkov PA, Dever R, Kornak J, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber D, Caso C, Coppola G, Dheel C, Dickerson BC, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields JA, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung GY, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Jones DT, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer DI, Kerwin DR, Knopman DS, Kraft R, Kremers WK, Kukull WA, Litvan I, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis SM, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw LM, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wang P, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boxer AL, Boeve BF, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ, ARTFL/LEFFTDS consortium. PMID: 31914230; PMCID: PMC6842665.
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Comparison of sporadic and familial behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in a North American cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 01; 16(1):60-70.
Heuer HW, Wang P, Rascovsky K, Wolf A, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber DE, Caso C, Coppola G, Dickerson B, Dickinson S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields J, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung GY, Huey E, Irwin D, Jones D, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer D, Kerwin D, Knopman D, Kornak J, Kramer JH, Kraft R, Kremers WK, Kukull W, Litvan I, Ljubenkov P, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis S, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Onyike C, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw L, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski J, Weintraub S, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boeve BF, Rosen HJ, Boxer AL, ARTFL and LEFFTDS consortia. PMID: 31914226; PMCID: PMC7192555.
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Nonlinear Z-score modeling for improved detection of cognitive abnormality. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2019 Dec; 11:797-808.
Kornak J, Fields J, Kremers W, Farmer S, Heuer HW, Forsberg L, Brushaber D, Rindels A, Dodge H, Weintraub S, Besser L, Appleby B, Bordelon Y, Bove J, Brannelly P, Caso C, Coppola G, Dever R, Dheel C, Dickerson B, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant IM, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiao J, Hsiung R, Huey ED, Irwin D, Jones D, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer D, Kerwin D, Knopman D, Kraft R, Kramer J, Kukull W, Lapid M, Litvan I, Ljubenkov P, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie I, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis S, McKinley E, Mendez M, Miller B, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin K, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski-Miller E, Sengdy P, Shaw L, Staffaroni AM, Sutherland M, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia C, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski J, Wang P, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boeve B, Boxer A, Rosen H, ARTFL/LEFFTDS Consortium. PMID: 31872042; PMCID: PMC6911910.
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Are the International Parkinson disease and Movement Disorder Society progressive supranuclear palsy (IPMDS-PSP) diagnostic criteria accurate enough to differentiate common PSP phenotypes? Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 12; 69:34-39.
Shoeibi A, Litvan I, Juncos JL, Bordelon Y, Riley D, Standaert D, Reich SG, Shprecher D, Hall D, Marras C, Kluger B, Olfati N, Jankovic J. PMID: 31665686; PMCID: PMC6914266.
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15 Fields:
Hypertension and progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 09; 66:166-170.
Rabadia SV, Litvan I, Juncos J, Bordelon Y, Riley DE, Standaert D, Reich SG, Hall DA, Kluger B, Shprecher D, Marras C, Jankovic J, ENGENE PSP study. PMID: 31420308.
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Safety of the tau-directed monoclonal antibody BIIB092 in progressive supranuclear palsy: a randomised, placebo-controlled, multiple ascending dose phase 1b trial. Lancet Neurol. 2019 06; 18(6):549-558.
Boxer AL, Qureshi I, Ahlijanian M, Grundman M, Golbe LI, Litvan I, Honig LS, Tuite P, McFarland NR, O'Suilleabhain P, Xie T, Tirucherai GS, Bechtold C, Bordelon Y, Geldmacher DS, Grossman M, Isaacson S, Zesiewicz T, Olsson T, Muralidharan KK, Graham DL, O'Gorman J, Haeberlein SB, Dam T. PMID: 31122495.
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62 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Genetic variants in nicotinic receptors and smoking cessation in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 05; 62:57-61.
Chuang YH, Paul KC, Sinsheimer JS, Bronstein JM, Bordelon YM, Ritz B. PMID: 30777653; PMCID: PMC6589367.
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The association between lifestyle factors and Parkinson's disease progression and mortality. Mov Disord. 2019 01; 34(1):58-66.
Paul KC, Chuang YH, Shih IF, Keener A, Bordelon Y, Bronstein JM, Ritz B. PMID: 30653734; PMCID: PMC6544143.
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53 Fields:
Longitudinal Epigenome-Wide Methylation Study of Cognitive Decline and Motor Progression in Parkinson's Disease. J Parkinsons Dis. 2019; 9(2):389-400.
Chuang YH, Lu AT, Paul KC, Folle AD, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Horvath S, Ritz B. PMID: 30958317; PMCID: PMC6946688.
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25 Fields:
Pallidal stimulation in Parkinson disease differentially modulates local and network β activity. J Neural Eng. 2018 10; 15(5):056016.
Malekmohammadi M, Shahriari Y, AuYong N, O'Keeffe A, Bordelon Y, Hu X, Pouratian N. PMID: 29972146; PMCID: PMC6125208.
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NFE2L2, PPARGC1α, and pesticides and Parkinson's disease risk and progression. Mech Ageing Dev. 2018 07; 173:1-8.
Paul KC, Sinsheimer JS, Cockburn M, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 29630901; PMCID: PMC5994195.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Lifetime exposure to estrogen and progressive supranuclear palsy: Environmental and Genetic PSP study. Mov Disord. 2018 03; 33(3):468-472.
Park HK, Ilango S, Charriez CM, Checkoway H, Riley D, Standaert DG, Bordelon Y, Shprecher DR, Reich SG, Hall D, Kluger B, Marras C, Jankovic J, Dubinsky R, Litvan I, ENGENE-PSP Study. PMID: 29460982; PMCID: PMC5840026.
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10 Fields:
Pallidal deep brain stimulation modulates excessive cortical high β phase amplitude coupling in Parkinson disease. Brain Stimul. 2018 May - Jun; 11(3):607-617.
Malekmohammadi M, AuYong N, Ricks-Oddie J, Bordelon Y, Pouratian N. PMID: 29422442; PMCID: PMC5930048.
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27 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Response to commentary on passive smoking and Parkinson's disease in California teachers. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018 03; 48:106.
Gatto NM, Deapen D, Marshall S, Bordelon Y, Bernstein L, Ritz B. PMID: 29295771.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Anti-inflammatory drug use and progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018 03; 48:89-92.
Marras C, Cunningham CR, Hou J, Proudfoot J, Standaert DG, Juncos J, Riley D, Reich SG, Hall D, Kluger B, Bordelon Y, Shprecher DR, Litvan I, for ENGENE-PSP. PMID: 29307562.
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6 Fields:
Passive smoking and Parkinson's disease in California Teachers. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2017 Dec; 45:44-49.
Gatto NM, Deapen D, Bordelon Y, Marshall S, Bernstein L, Ritz B. PMID: 29033298.
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3 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Parkinson's disease is associated with DNA methylation levels in human blood and saliva. Genome Med. 2017 08 30; 9(1):76.
Chuang YH, Paul KC, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Horvath S, Ritz B. PMID: 28851441; PMCID: PMC5576382.
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84 Fields:
Organophosphate pesticides and PON1 L55M in Parkinson's disease progression. Environ Int. 2017 10; 107:75-81.
Paul KC, Sinsheimer JS, Cockburn M, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 28689109; PMCID: PMC5600289.
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18 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Radiological biomarkers for diagnosis in PSP: Where are we and where do we need to be? Mov Disord. 2017 Jul; 32(7):955-971.
Whitwell JL, Höglinger GU, Antonini A, Bordelon Y, Boxer AL, Colosimo C, van Eimeren T, Golbe LI, Kassubek J, Kurz C, Litvan I, Pantelyat A, Rabinovici G, Respondek G, Rominger A, Rowe JB, Stamelou M, Josephs KA, Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. PMID: 28500751; PMCID: PMC5511762.
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106 Fields:
Which ante mortem clinical features predict progressive supranuclear palsy pathology? Mov Disord. 2017 Jul; 32(7):995-1005.
Respondek G, Kurz C, Arzberger T, Compta Y, Englund E, Ferguson LW, Gelpi E, Giese A, Irwin DJ, Meissner WG, Nilsson C, Pantelyat A, Rajput A, van Swieten JC, Troakes C, Josephs KA, Lang AE, Mollenhauer B, Müller U, Whitwell JL, Antonini A, Bhatia KP, Bordelon Y, Corvol JC, Colosimo C, Dodel R, Grossman M, Kassubek J, Krismer F, Levin J, Lorenzl S, Morris H, Nestor P, Oertel WH, Rabinovici GD, Rowe JB, van Eimeren T, Wenning GK, Boxer A, Golbe LI, Litvan I, Stamelou M, Höglinger GU, Movement Disorder Society-Endorsed PSP Study Group. PMID: 28500752; PMCID: PMC5543934.
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Clinical diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy: The movement disorder society criteria. Mov Disord. 2017 06; 32(6):853-864.
Höglinger GU, Respondek G, Stamelou M, Kurz C, Josephs KA, Lang AE, Mollenhauer B, Müller U, Nilsson C, Whitwell JL, Arzberger T, Englund E, Gelpi E, Giese A, Irwin DJ, Meissner WG, Pantelyat A, Rajput A, van Swieten JC, Troakes C, Antonini A, Bhatia KP, Bordelon Y, Compta Y, Corvol JC, Colosimo C, Dickson DW, Dodel R, Ferguson L, Grossman M, Kassubek J, Krismer F, Levin J, Lorenzl S, Morris HR, Nestor P, Oertel WH, Poewe W, Rabinovici G, Rowe JB, Schellenberg GD, Seppi K, van Eimeren T, Wenning GK, Boxer AL, Golbe LI, Litvan I, Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. PMID: 28467028; PMCID: PMC5516529.
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Diffusion tractography imaging-guided frameless linear accelerator stereotactic radiosurgical thalamotomy for tremor: case report. J Neurosurg. 2018 01; 128(1):215-221.
Kim W, Sharim J, Tenn S, Kaprealian T, Bordelon Y, Agazaryan N, Pouratian N. PMID: 28298033; PMCID: PMC5568966.
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The Role of Stress as a Risk Factor for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. J Parkinsons Dis. 2017; 7(2):377-383.
Kelley KD, Peavy G, Edland S, Rogers W, Riley DE, Bordelon Y, Standaert D, Reich SG, Litvan I. PMID: 28409749; PMCID: PMC5952610.
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Feature visualization and classification for the discrimination between individuals with Parkinson's disease under levodopa and DBS treatments. Biomed Eng Online. 2016 Dec 30; 15(1):169.
Machado AR, Zaidan HC, Paixão AP, Cavalheiro GL, Oliveira FH, Júnior JA, Naves K, Pereira AA, Pereira JM, Pouratian N, Zhuo X, O'Keeffe A, Sharim J, Bordelon Y, Yang L, Vieira MF, Andrade AO. PMID: 28038673; PMCID: PMC5203727.
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Acute Ischemic Stroke During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery of Globus Pallidus Internus: Report of 5 Cases. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2016 12 01; 12(4):383-390.
Downes AE, Pezeshkian P, Behnke E, Bordelon Y, Tagliati M, Mamelak A, Pouratian N. PMID: 29506283.
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Parkinsonism. Semin Neurol. 2016 Aug; 36(4):330-4.
Keener AM, Bordelon YM. PMID: 27643900.
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Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Sci. 2016 Nov 15; 370:100-106.
Gatto NM, Paul KC, Sinsheimer JS, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Rausch R, Ritz B. PMID: 27772736; PMCID: PMC5325129.
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Widespread white matter and conduction defects in PSEN1-related spastic paraparesis. Neurobiol Aging. 2016 11; 47:201-209.
Soosman SK, Joseph-Mathurin N, Braskie MN, Bordelon YM, Wharton D, Casado M, Coppola G, McCallum H, Nuwer M, Coutin-Churchman P, Apostolova LG, Benzinger T, Ringman JM. PMID: 27614114; PMCID: PMC5075491.
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APOE, MAPT, and COMT and Parkinson's Disease Susceptibility and Cognitive Symptom Progression. J Parkinsons Dis. 2016 04 02; 6(2):349-59.
Paul KC, Rausch R, Creek MM, Sinsheimer JS, Bronstein JM, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 27061069; PMCID: PMC5927361.
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Environmental and occupational risk factors for progressive supranuclear palsy: Case-control study. Mov Disord. 2016 05; 31(5):644-52.
Litvan I, Lees PS, Cunningham CR, Rai SN, Cambon AC, Standaert DG, Marras C, Juncos J, Riley D, Reich S, Hall D, Kluger B, Bordelon Y, Shprecher DR, for ENGENE-PSP. PMID: 26854325; PMCID: PMC4861658.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Clinical-Genetic Associations in the Prospective Huntington at Risk Observational Study (PHAROS): Implications for Clinical Trials. JAMA Neurol. 2016 Jan; 73(1):102-10.
Huntington Study Group PHAROS Investigators, Biglan KM, Shoulson I, Kieburtz K, Oakes D, Kayson E, Shinaman MA, Zhao H, Romer M, Young A, Hersch S, Penney J, Marder K, Paulsen J, Quaid K, Siemers E, Tanner C, Mallonee W, Suter G, Dubinsky R, Gray C, Nance M, Bundlie S, Radtke D, Kostyk S, Baic C, Caress J, Walker F, Hunt V, O'Neill C, Chouinard S, Factor S, Greenamyre T, Wood-Siverio C, Corey-Bloom J, Song D, Peavy G, Moskowitz C, Wesson M, Samii A, Bird T, Lipe H, Blindauer K, Marshall F, Zimmerman C, Goldstein J, Rosas D, Novak P, Caviness J, Adler C, Duffy A, Wheelock V, Tempkin T, Richman D, Seeberger L, Albin R, Chou KL, Racette B, Perlmutter JS, Perlman S, Bordelon Y, Martin W, Wieler M, Leavitt B, Raymond L, Decolongon J, Clarke L, Jankovic J, Hunter C, Hauser RA, Sanchez-Ramos J, Furtado S, Suchowersky O, Klimek ML, Guttman M, Sethna R, Feigin A, Cox M, Shannon B, Percy A, Dure L, Harrison M, Johnson W, Higgins D, Molho E, Nickerson C, Evans S, Hobson D, Singer C, Galvez-Jimenez N, Shannon K, Comella C, Ross C, Saint-Hilaire MH, Testa C, Rosenblatt A, Hogarth P, Weiner W, Como P, Kumar R, Cotto C, Stout J, Brocht A, Watts A, Eberly S, Weaver C, Foroud T, Gusella J, MacDonald M, Myers R, Fahn S, Shults C. PMID: 26569098.
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Clinimetric Analysis of the Motor Section of the Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale: Reliability and Factor Analysis. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2016 Jan-Feb; 3(1):65-67.
Hall DA, Stebbins GT, Litvan I, Bordelon Y, Riley DE, Leverenz J, Standaert DG. PMID: 30363575; PMCID: PMC6178694.
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Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and Parkinson's disease in a population with high ultraviolet radiation exposure. J Neurol Sci. 2015 May 15; 352(1-2):88-93.
Gatto NM, Sinsheimer JS, Cockburn M, Escobedo LA, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 25890641; PMCID: PMC4478085.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Head injury, α-synuclein genetic variability and Parkinson's disease. Eur J Neurol. 2015 May; 22(5):874-8.
Lee PC, Bordelon Y, Bronstein J, Sinsheimer JS, Farrer M, Ritz B. PMID: 25370538; PMCID: PMC4390403.
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Lifetime exposure to estrogens and Parkinson's disease in California teachers. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Nov; 20(11):1149-56.
Gatto NM, Deapen D, Stoyanoff S, Pinder R, Narayan S, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 25179495.
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Dementia with Lewy bodies. Semin Neurol. 2014 Apr; 34(2):182-8.
Mayo MC, Bordelon Y. PMID: 24963677.
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Atypical parkinsonian disorders. Preface. Semin Neurol. 2014 Apr; 34(2):119-20.
Bordelon Y, Portera-Cailliau C. PMID: 24963671.
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Clinical neurogenetics: huntington disease. Neurol Clin. 2013 Nov; 31(4):1085-94.
Bordelon YM. PMID: 24176425.
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PET imaging of neuropathology in tauopathies: progressive supranuclear palsy. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 36(1):145-53.
Kepe V, Bordelon Y, Boxer A, Huang SC, Liu J, Thiede FC, Mazziotta JC, Mendez MF, Donoghue N, Small GW, Barrio JR. PMID: 23579330; PMCID: PMC3674205.
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Associations of sleep disturbance symptoms with health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013; 25(4):319-26.
Avidan A, Hays RD, Diaz N, Bordelon Y, Thompson AW, Vassar SD, Vickrey BG. PMID: 24247858; PMCID: PMC3960993.
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Regional vulnerability in Huntington's disease: fMRI-guided molecular analysis in patients and a mouse model of disease. Neurobiol Dis. 2013 Apr; 52:84-93.
Lewandowski NM, Bordelon Y, Brickman AM, Angulo S, Khan U, Muraskin J, Griffith EY, Wasserman P, Menalled L, Vonsattel JP, Marder K, Small SA, Moreno H. PMID: 23220414; PMCID: PMC4435974.
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Traumatic brain injury, paraquat exposure, and their relationship to Parkinson disease. Neurology. 2012 Nov 13; 79(20):2061-6.
Lee PC, Bordelon Y, Bronstein J, Ritz B. PMID: 23150532; PMCID: PMC3511918.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Major life events and development of major depression in Parkinson's disease patients. Eur J Neurol. 2013 Apr; 20(4):663-70.
Rod NH, Bordelon Y, Thompson A, Marcotte E, Ritz B. PMID: 23114037; PMCID: PMC3566278.
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Confirmatory factor analysis of the motor unified Parkinson's disease rating scale. Parkinsons Dis. 2012; 2012:719167.
Vassar SD, Bordelon YM, Hays RD, Diaz N, Rausch R, Mao C, Vickrey BG. PMID: 23133789; PMCID: PMC3486132.
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α-Synuclein genetic variants predict faster motor symptom progression in idiopathic Parkinson disease. PLoS One. 2012; 7(5):e36199.
Ritz B, Rhodes SL, Bordelon Y, Bronstein J. PMID: 22615757; PMCID: PMC3352914.
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Evidence for a role of the rare p.A152T variant in MAPT in increasing the risk for FTD-spectrum and Alzheimer's diseases. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Aug 01; 21(15):3500-12.
Coppola G, Chinnathambi S, Lee JJ, Dombroski BA, Baker MC, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Lee SE, Klein E, Huang AY, Sears R, Lane JR, Karydas AM, Kenet RO, Biernat J, Wang LS, Cotman CW, Decarli CS, Levey AI, Ringman JM, Mendez MF, Chui HC, Le Ber I, Brice A, Lupton MK, Preza E, Lovestone S, Powell J, Graff-Radford N, Petersen RC, Boeve BF, Lippa CF, Bigio EH, Mackenzie I, Finger E, Kertesz A, Caselli RJ, Gearing M, Juncos JL, Ghetti B, Spina S, Bordelon YM, Tourtellotte WW, Frosch MP, Vonsattel JP, Zarow C, Beach TG, Albin RL, Lieberman AP, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Van Deerlin VM, Bird TD, Galasko DR, Masliah E, White CL, Troncoso JC, Hannequin D, Boxer AL, Geschwind MD, Kumar S, Mandelkow EM, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Dickson DW, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium, Ross OA, Rademakers R, Schellenberg GD, Miller BL, Mandelkow E, Geschwind DH. PMID: 22556362; PMCID: PMC3392107.
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Medication responsiveness of motor symptoms in a population-based study of Parkinson disease. Parkinsons Dis. 2011; 2011:967839.
Bordelon YM, Hays RD, Vassar SD, Diaz N, Bronstein J, Vickrey BG. PMID: 22191067; PMCID: PMC3236449.
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Genome-wide gene-environment study identifies glutamate receptor gene GRIN2A as a Parkinson's disease modifier gene via interaction with coffee. PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug; 7(8):e1002237.
Hamza TH, Chen H, Hill-Burns EM, Rhodes SL, Montimurro J, Kay DM, Tenesa A, Kusel VI, Sheehan P, Eaaswarkhanth M, Yearout D, Samii A, Roberts JW, Agarwal P, Bordelon Y, Park Y, Wang L, Gao J, Vance JM, Kendler KS, Bacanu SA, Scott WK, Ritz B, Nutt J, Factor SA, Zabetian CP, Payami H. PMID: 21876681; PMCID: PMC3158052.
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Patients' and caregivers' experiences of the impact of Parkinson's disease on health status. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2011 Mar; 2011(2):57-70.
Chiong-Rivero H, Ryan GW, Flippen C, Bordelon Y, Szumski NR, Zesiewicz TA, Vassar S, Weidmer B, García RE, Bradley M, Vickrey BG. PMID: 21691459; PMCID: PMC3117663.
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Personality characteristics and motor skills attributed to occupations in Parkinson disease. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2011 Mar; 24(1):18-25.
Gatto NM, Bordelon Y, Gatz M, Ritz B. PMID: 21487260; PMCID: PMC3656654.
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Replication of GWAS associations for GAK and MAPT in Parkinson's disease. Ann Hum Genet. 2011 Mar; 75(2):195-200.
Rhodes SL, Sinsheimer JS, Bordelon Y, Bronstein JM, Ritz B. PMID: 21058943; PMCID: PMC3074465.
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QEEG Measures in Huntington's Disease: A Pilot Study. PLoS Curr. 2010 Oct 25; 2:RRN1192.
Hunter A, Bordelon Y, Cook I, Leuchter A. PMID: 21037796; PMCID: PMC2964156.
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A pilot efficacy and tolerability trial of memantine for essential tremor. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2010 Sep-Oct; 33(5):223-6.
Handforth A, Bordelon Y, Frucht SJ, Quesada A. PMID: 20838216.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Occurrence of depression and anxiety prior to Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2010 Nov; 16(9):576-81.
Jacob EL, Gatto NM, Thompson A, Bordelon Y, Ritz B. PMID: 20674460; PMCID: PMC2963655.
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Familial associations of Alzheimer disease and essential tremor with Parkinson disease. Eur J Neurol. 2010 Jun 01; 17(6):871-8.
Costello S, Bordelon Y, Bronstein J, Ritz B. PMID: 20236304; PMCID: PMC2895681.
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Primary angiitis of the CNS (PACNS) with predominant cranial neuropathy and spinal cord involvement. Neuropathology. 2010 Jun; 30(3):267-72.
Solis OE, Mehta RI, Kalanithi S, Bordelon Y, Salamon N, Yong WH, Vinters HV. PMID: 19751245.
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Statin use and the risk of Parkinson disease. Neurology. 2008 Apr 15; 70(16 Pt 2):1418-22.
Wahner AD, Bronstein JM, Bordelon YM, Ritz B. PMID: 18184918; PMCID: PMC3690297.
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may protect against Parkinson disease. Neurology. 2007 Nov 06; 69(19):1836-42.
Wahner AD, Bronstein JM, Bordelon YM, Ritz B. PMID: 17984451.
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Movement disorders in pregnancy. Semin Neurol. 2007 Nov; 27(5):467-75.
Bordelon YM, Smith M. PMID: 17940926.
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Myelin breakdown and iron changes in Huntington's disease: pathogenesis and treatment implications. Neurochem Res. 2007 Oct; 32(10):1655-64.
Bartzokis G, Lu PH, Tishler TA, Fong SM, Oluwadara B, Finn JP, Huang D, Bordelon Y, Mintz J, Perlman S. PMID: 17484051.
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Killer proteases and little strokes--how the things that do not kill you make you stronger. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2007 Apr; 27(4):655-68.
O'Duffy AE, Bordelon YM, McLaughlin B. PMID: 16896349; PMCID: PMC2881558.
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A single-blind, open-label trial of sodium oxybate for myoclonus and essential tremor. Neurology. 2005 Dec 27; 65(12):1967-9.
Frucht SJ, Houghton WC, Bordelon Y, Greene PE, Louis ED. PMID: 16382538.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
A pilot tolerability and efficacy trial of sodium oxybate in ethanol-responsive movement disorders. Mov Disord. 2005 Oct; 20(10):1330-7.
Frucht SJ, Bordelon Y, Houghton WH, Reardan D. PMID: 15986420.
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Marked amelioration of alcohol-responsive posthypoxic myoclonus by gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (Xyrem). Mov Disord. 2005 Jun; 20(6):745-51.
Frucht SJ, Bordelon Y, Houghton WH. PMID: 15751049.
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Early effects of intrastriatal injections of quinolinic acid on microtubule-associated protein-2 and neuropeptides in rat basal ganglia. Neuroscience. 1999; 93(3):843-53.
Bordelon YM, Chesselet MF. PMID: 10473250.
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