Neural Reactivity to Emotional Faces May Mediate the Relationship Between Childhood Empathy and Adolescent Prosocial Behavior. Child Dev. 2016 11; 87(6):1691-1702.
Flournoy JC, Pfeifer JH, Moore WE, Tackman AM, Masten CL, Mazziotta JC, Iacoboni M, Dapretto M. PMID: 28262939; PMCID: PMC5448462.
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9 Fields:
Digital reconstruction and morphometric analysis of human brain arterial vasculature from magnetic resonance angiography. Neuroimage. 2013 Nov 15; 82:170-81.
Wright SN, Kochunov P, Mut F, Bergamino M, Brown KM, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Cebral JR, Ascoli GA. PMID: 23727319; PMCID: PMC3971907.
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40 Fields:
Longitudinal change in the neural bases of adolescent social self-evaluations: effects of age and pubertal development. J Neurosci. 2013 Apr 24; 33(17):7415-9.
Pfeifer JH, Kahn LE, Merchant JS, Peake SJ, Veroude K, Masten CL, Lieberman MD, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 23616547; PMCID: PMC3809090.
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59 Fields:
Superficial white matter: effects of age, sex, and hemisphere. Brain Connect. 2013; 3(2):146-59.
Phillips OR, Clark KA, Luders E, Azhir R, Joshi SH, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Narr KL. PMID: 23461767; PMCID: PMC3634148.
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PET imaging of neuropathology in tauopathies: progressive supranuclear palsy. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 36(1):145-53.
Kepe V, Bordelon Y, Boxer A, Huang SC, Liu J, Thiede FC, Mazziotta JC, Mendez MF, Donoghue N, Small GW, Barrio JR. PMID: 23579330; PMCID: PMC3674205.
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NeuroImage anniversary issue. Neuroimage. 2012 Jun; 61(2):323.
Toga AW, Frackowiak R, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 22578314.
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Relationships between gray matter, body mass index, and waist circumference in healthy adults. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Jul; 34(7):1737-46.
Kurth F, Levitt JG, Phillips OR, Luders E, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Narr KL. PMID: 22419507; PMCID: PMC6869996.
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Facing puberty: associations between pubertal development and neural responses to affective facial displays. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Jan; 7(1):35-43.
Moore WE, Pfeifer JH, Masten CL, Mazziotta JC, Iacoboni M, Dapretto M. PMID: 22228752; PMCID: PMC3252633.
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64 Fields:
Age and experience shape developmental changes in the neural basis of language-related learning. Dev Sci. 2011 Nov; 14(6):1261-82.
McNealy K, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 22010887; PMCID: PMC3717169.
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Entering adolescence: resistance to peer influence, risky behavior, and neural changes in emotion reactivity. Neuron. 2011 Mar 10; 69(5):1029-36.
Pfeifer JH, Masten CL, Moore WE, Oswald TM, Mazziotta JC, Iacoboni M, Dapretto M. PMID: 21382560; PMCID: PMC3840168.
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126 Fields:
Superficially located white matter structures commonly seen in the human and the macaque brain with diffusion tensor imaging. Brain Connect. 2011; 1(1):37-47.
Oishi K, Huang H, Yoshioka T, Ying SH, Zee DS, Zilles K, Amunts K, Woods R, Toga AW, Pike GB, Rosa-Neto P, Evans AC, van Zijl PC, Mazziotta JC, Mori S. PMID: 22432953; PMCID: PMC3569096.
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Anatomical global spatial normalization. Neuroinformatics. 2010 Oct; 8(3):171-82.
Lancaster JL, Cykowski MD, McKay DR, Kochunov PV, Fox PT, Rogers W, Toga AW, Zilles K, Amunts K, Mazziotta J. PMID: 20582489; PMCID: PMC2945458.
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38 Fields:
Atlas-guided tract reconstruction for automated and comprehensive examination of the white matter anatomy. Neuroimage. 2010 Oct 01; 52(4):1289-301.
Zhang Y, Zhang J, Oishi K, Faria AV, Jiang H, Li X, Akhter K, Rosa-Neto P, Pike GB, Evans A, Toga AW, Woods R, Mazziotta JC, Miller MI, van Zijl PC, Mori S. PMID: 20570617; PMCID: PMC2910162.
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158 Fields:
The neural basis of speech parsing in children and adults. Dev Sci. 2010 Mar; 13(2):385-406.
McNealy K, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 20136936; PMCID: PMC3229831.
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Alterations in functional activation in euthymic bipolar disorder and schizophrenia during a working memory task. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009 Dec; 30(12):3958-69.
Hamilton LS, Altshuler LL, Townsend J, Bookheimer SY, Phillips OR, Fischer J, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Nuechterlein KH, Narr KL. PMID: 19449330; PMCID: PMC2787769.
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Neural correlates of social exclusion during adolescence: understanding the distress of peer rejection. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2009 Jun; 4(2):143-57.
Masten CL, Eisenberger NI, Borofsky LA, Pfeifer JH, McNealy K, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 19470528; PMCID: PMC2686232.
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213 Fields:
Atlas-based whole brain white matter analysis using large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping: application to normal elderly and Alzheimer's disease participants. Neuroimage. 2009 Jun; 46(2):486-99.
Oishi K, Faria A, Jiang H, Li X, Akhter K, Zhang J, Hsu JT, Miller MI, van Zijl PC, Albert M, Lyketsos CG, Woods R, Toga AW, Pike GB, Rosa-Neto P, Evans A, Mazziotta J, Mori S. PMID: 19385016; PMCID: PMC2885858.
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305 Fields:
Engagement of fusiform cortex and disengagement of lateral occipital cortex in the acquisition of radiological expertise. Cereb Cortex. 2009 Nov; 19(11):2746-54.
Harley EM, Pope WB, Villablanca JP, Mumford J, Suh R, Mazziotta JC, Enzmann D, Engel SA. PMID: 19321653; PMCID: PMC2758686.
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The myth of the normal, average human brain--the ICBM experience: (1) subject screening and eligibility. Neuroimage. 2009 Feb 01; 44(3):914-22.
Mazziotta JC, Woods R, Iacoboni M, Sicotte N, Yaden K, Tran M, Bean C, Kaplan J, Toga AW, Members of the International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). PMID: 18775497; PMCID: PMC2651672.
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25 Fields:
Human brain white matter atlas: identification and assignment of common anatomical structures in superficial white matter. Neuroimage. 2008 Nov 15; 43(3):447-57.
Oishi K, Zilles K, Amunts K, Faria A, Jiang H, Li X, Akhter K, Hua K, Woods R, Toga AW, Pike GB, Rosa-Neto P, Evans A, Zhang J, Huang H, Miller MI, van Zijl PC, Mazziotta J, Mori S. PMID: 18692144; PMCID: PMC2586008.
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268 Fields:
Stereotaxic white matter atlas based on diffusion tensor imaging in an ICBM template. Neuroimage. 2008 Apr 01; 40(2):570-582.
Mori S, Oishi K, Jiang H, Jiang L, Li X, Akhter K, Hua K, Faria AV, Mahmood A, Woods R, Toga AW, Pike GB, Neto PR, Evans A, Zhang J, Huang H, Miller MI, van Zijl P, Mazziotta J. PMID: 18255316; PMCID: PMC2478641.
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865 Fields:
Mirroring others' emotions relates to empathy and interpersonal competence in children. Neuroimage. 2008 Feb 15; 39(4):2076-85.
Pfeifer JH, Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 18082427; PMCID: PMC3840169.
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110 Fields:
Bias between MNI and Talairach coordinates analyzed using the ICBM-152 brain template. Hum Brain Mapp. 2007 Nov; 28(11):1194-205.
Lancaster JL, Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D, Martinez M, Salinas F, Evans A, Zilles K, Mazziotta JC, Fox PT. PMID: 17266101; PMCID: PMC6871323.
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625 Fields:
Mirror neuron system: basic findings and clinical applications. Ann Neurol. 2007 Sep; 62(3):213-8.
Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 17721988.
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63 Fields:
Offering to share: how to put heads together in autism neuroimaging. J Autism Dev Disord. 2008 Jan; 38(1):2-13.
Belmonte MK, Mazziotta JC, Minshew NJ, Evans AC, Courchesne E, Dager SR, Bookheimer SY, Aylward EH, Amaral DG, Cantor RM, Chugani DC, Dale AM, Davatzikos C, Gerig G, Herbert MR, Lainhart JE, Murphy DG, Piven J, Reiss AL, Schultz RT, Zeffiro TA, Levi-Pearl S, Lajonchere C, Colamarino SA. PMID: 17347882; PMCID: PMC3076291.
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Cracking the language code: neural mechanisms underlying speech parsing. J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 19; 26(29):7629-39.
McNealy K, Mazziotta JC, Dapretto M. PMID: 16855090; PMCID: PMC3713232.
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Normal variants of Microcephalin and ASPM do not account for brain size variability. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Jun 15; 15(12):2025-9.
Woods RP, Freimer NB, De Young JA, Fears SC, Sicotte NL, Service SK, Valentino DJ, Toga AW, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 16687438.
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Lateralization of the human mirror neuron system. J Neurosci. 2006 Mar 15; 26(11):2964-70.
Aziz-Zadeh L, Koski L, Zaidel E, Mazziotta J, Iacoboni M. PMID: 16540574; PMCID: PMC6673981.
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82 Fields:
Association of DISC1/TRAX haplotypes with schizophrenia, reduced prefrontal gray matter, and impaired short- and long-term memory. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Nov; 62(11):1205-13.
Cannon TD, Hennah W, van Erp TG, Thompson PM, Lonnqvist J, Huttunen M, Gasperoni T, Tuulio-Henriksson A, Pirkola T, Toga AW, Kaprio J, Mazziotta J, Peltonen L. PMID: 16275808.
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132 Fields:
Age-related morphology trends of cortical sulci. Hum Brain Mapp. 2005 Nov; 26(3):210-20.
Kochunov P, Mangin JF, Coyle T, Lancaster J, Thompson P, Rivière D, Cointepas Y, Régis J, Schlosser A, Royall DR, Zilles K, Mazziotta J, Toga A, Fox PT. PMID: 16161162; PMCID: PMC6871665.
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Nitrous oxide inhalation as a cause of cervical myelopathy. Acta Neurol Scand. 2005 Oct; 112(4):270-2.
Waters MF, Kang GA, Mazziotta JC, DeGiorgio CM. PMID: 16146499.
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Impact of acquisition protocols and processing streams on tissue segmentation of T1 weighted MR images. Neuroimage. 2006 Jan 01; 29(1):185-202.
Clark KA, Woods RP, Rottenberg DA, Toga AW, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 16139526.
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Automated brain tissue assessment in the elderly and demented population: construction and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic brain atlas. Neuroimage. 2005 Jul 15; 26(4):1009-18.
Mega MS, Dinov ID, Mazziotta JC, Manese M, Thompson PM, Lindshield C, Moussai J, Tran N, Olsen K, Zoumalan CI, Woods RP, Toga AW. PMID: 15908234.
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Increased amygdala activation during mania: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Jun; 162(6):1211-3.
Altshuler L, Bookheimer S, Proenza MA, Townsend J, Sabb F, Firestine A, Bartzokis G, Mintz J, Mazziotta J, Cohen MS. PMID: 15930074.
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86 Fields:
Supraphysiological doses of levothyroxine alter regional cerebral metabolism and improve mood in bipolar depression. Mol Psychiatry. 2005 May; 10(5):456-69.
Bauer M, London ED, Rasgon N, Berman SM, Frye MA, Altshuler LL, Mandelkern MA, Bramen J, Voytek B, Woods R, Mazziotta JC, Whybrow PC. PMID: 15724143.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese words: an fMRI study. Neurosci Res. 2005 Jun; 52(2):139-45.
Dong Y, Nakamura K, Okada T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H, Mazziotta JC, Shibasaki H. PMID: 15893574.
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Grasping the intentions of others with one's own mirror neuron system. PLoS Biol. 2005 Mar; 3(3):e79.
Iacoboni M, Molnar-Szakacs I, Gallese V, Buccino G, Mazziotta JC, Rizzolatti G. PMID: 15736981; PMCID: PMC1044835.
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402 Fields:
Anterior cingulate dysfunction during choice anticipation in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2004 Dec 15; 132(2):117-30.
Quintana J, Wong T, Ortiz-Portillo E, Marder SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 15598546.
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Functional segregation within pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from fMRI studies of imitation and action observation. Cereb Cortex. 2005 Jul; 15(7):986-94.
Molnar-Szakacs I, Iacoboni M, Koski L, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 15513929.
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100 Fields:
Left hemisphere motor facilitation in response to manual action sounds. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 May; 19(9):2609-12.
Aziz-Zadeh L, Iacoboni M, Zaidel E, Wilson S, Mazziotta J. PMID: 15128415.
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55 Translation:
Increases in regional subarachnoid CSF without apparent cortical gray matter deficits in schizophrenia: modulating effects of sex and age. Am J Psychiatry. 2003 Dec; 160(12):2169-80.
Narr KL, Sharma T, Woods RP, Thompson PM, Sowell ER, Rex D, Kim S, Asuncion D, Jang S, Mazziotta J, Toga AW. PMID: 14638587.
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17 Fields:
Relationships between sulcal asymmetries and corpus callosum size: gender and handedness effects. Cereb Cortex. 2003 Oct; 13(10):1084-93.
Luders E, Rex DE, Narr KL, Woods RP, Jancke L, Thompson PM, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW. PMID: 12967925.
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Comparison of multiple sclerosis lesions at 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla. Invest Radiol. 2003 Jul; 38(7):423-7.
Sicotte NL, Voskuhl RR, Bouvier S, Klutch R, Cohen MS, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 12821856.
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47 Fields:
Right lateral fusiform gyrus dysfunction during facial information processing in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Jun 15; 53(12):1099-112.
Quintana J, Wong T, Ortiz-Portillo E, Marder SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 12814861.
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Neural mechanisms of empathy in humans: a relay from neural systems for imitation to limbic areas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 29; 100(9):5497-502.
Carr L, Iacoboni M, Dubeau MC, Mazziotta JC, Lenzi GL. PMID: 12682281; PMCID: PMC154373.
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490 Fields:
The essential role of Broca's area in imitation. Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Mar; 17(5):1123-8.
Heiser M, Iacoboni M, Maeda F, Marcus J, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 12653990.
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74 Translation:
Modulation of cortical activity during different imitative behaviors. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jan; 89(1):460-71.
Koski L, Iacoboni M, Dubeau MC, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 12522194.
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Prefrontal-posterior parietal networks in schizophrenia: primary dysfunctions and secondary compensations. Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Jan 01; 53(1):12-24.
Quintana J, Wong T, Ortiz-Portillo E, Kovalik E, Davidson T, Marder SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 12513941.
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Towards effective and rewarding data sharing. Neuroinformatics. 2003; 1(3):289-95.
Gardner D, Toga AW, Ascoli GA, Beatty JT, Brinkley JF, Dale AM, Fox PT, Gardner EP, George JS, Goddard N, Harris KM, Herskovits EH, Hines ML, Jacobs GA, Jacobs RE, Jones EG, Kennedy DN, Kimberg DY, Mazziotta JC, Miller PL, Mori S, Mountain DC, Reiss AL, Rosen GD, Rottenberg DA, Shepherd GM, Smalheiser NR, Smith KP, Strachan T, Van Essen DC, Williams RW, Wong ST. PMID: 15046250.
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A twin study of genetic contributions to hippocampal morphology in schizophrenia. Neurobiol Dis. 2002 Oct; 11(1):83-95.
Narr KL, van Erp TG, Cannon TD, Woods RP, Thompson PM, Jang S, Blanton R, Poutanen VP, Huttunen M, Lönnqvist J, Standerksjöld-Nordenstam CG, Kaprio J, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW. PMID: 12460548.
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Retractions. Neuroimage. 2002 Sep; 17(1):513.
Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC, Chang VY. PMID: 12482104.
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Retraction. Experience-dependent modulation of motor corticospinal excitability during action observation. Exp Brain Res. 2002 Sep; 146(1):127.
Iacoboni M, Mazziotta J, Chang VY. PMID: 12416532.
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Modulation of motor and premotor activity during imitation of target-directed actions. Cereb Cortex. 2002 Aug; 12(8):847-55.
Koski L, Wohlschläger A, Bekkering H, Woods RP, Dubeau MC, Mazziotta JC, Iacoboni M. PMID: 12122033.
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Genetic contributions to altered callosal morphology in schizophrenia. J Neurosci. 2002 May 01; 22(9):3720-9.
Narr KL, Cannon TD, Woods RP, Thompson PM, Kim S, Asunction D, van Erp TG, Poutanen VP, Huttunen M, Lönnqvist J, Standerksjöld-Nordenstam CG, Kaprio J, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW. PMID: 11978848; PMCID: PMC6758392.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Lateralization in motor facilitation during action observation: a TMS study. Exp Brain Res. 2002 May; 144(1):127-31.
Aziz-Zadeh L, Maeda F, Zaidel E, Mazziotta J, Iacoboni M. PMID: 11976767.
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Deconstructing apraxia: understanding disorders of intentional movement after stroke. Curr Opin Neurol. 2002 Feb; 15(1):71-7.
Koski L, Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 11796953.
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A compensatory mirror cortical mechanism for facial affect processing in schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2001 Dec; 25(6):915-24.
Quintana J, Davidson T, Kovalik E, Marder SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 11750184.
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Reafferent copies of imitated actions in the right superior temporal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Nov 20; 98(24):13995-9.
Iacoboni M, Koski LM, Brass M, Bekkering H, Woods RP, Dubeau MC, Mazziotta JC, Rizzolatti G. PMID: 11717457; PMCID: PMC61155.
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117 Fields:
Brain mapping: its use in patients with neurological disorders. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2001 Sep; 157(8-9 Pt 1):863-71.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 11677410.
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Mapping therapeutic response in a patient with malignant glioma. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2001 Jul-Aug; 25(4):529-36.
Haney SM, Thompson PM, Cloughesy TF, Alger JR, Frew AJ, Torres-Trejo A, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW. PMID: 11473181.
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Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of six algorithms for correcting intensity nonuniformity effects. Neuroimage. 2001 May; 13(5):931-43.
Arnold JB, Liow JS, Schaper KA, Stern JJ, Sled JG, Shattuck DW, Worth AJ, Cohen MS, Leahy RM, Mazziotta JC, Rottenberg DA. PMID: 11304088.
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Imaging: window on the brain. Arch Neurol. 2000 Oct; 57(10):1413-21.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 11030792.
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Patterns of brain activation in people at risk for Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med. 2000 Aug 17; 343(7):450-6.
Bookheimer SY, Strojwas MH, Cohen MS, Saunders AM, Pericak-Vance MA, Mazziotta JC, Small GW. PMID: 10944562; PMCID: PMC2831477.
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Cerebral metabolic and cognitive decline in persons at genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 May 23; 97(11):6037-42.
Small GW, Ercoli LM, Silverman DH, Huang SC, Komo S, Bookheimer SY, Lavretsky H, Miller K, Siddarth P, Rasgon NL, Mazziotta JC, Saxena S, Wu HM, Mega MS, Cummings JL, Saunders AM, Pericak-Vance MA, Roses AD, Barrio JR, Phelps ME. PMID: 10811879; PMCID: PMC18554.
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Modulating emotional responses: effects of a neocortical network on the limbic system. Neuroreport. 2000 Jan 17; 11(1):43-8.
Hariri AR, Bookheimer SY, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 10683827.
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362 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
A century of imaging. Arch Neurol. 2000 Jan; 57(1):58-9.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 10634443.
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Cortical mechanisms of human imitation. Science. 1999 Dec 24; 286(5449):2526-8.
Iacoboni M, Woods RP, Brass M, Bekkering H, Mazziotta JC, Rizzolatti G. PMID: 10617472.
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572 Fields:
Beneficial effect of siphoning in treatment of adult hydrocephalus. Arch Neurol. 1999 Oct; 56(10):1224-9.
Bergsneider M, Peacock WJ, Mazziotta JC, Becker DP. PMID: 10520938.
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Mapping biochemistry to metabolism: FDG-PET and amyloid burden in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroreport. 1999 Sep 29; 10(14):2911-7.
Mega MS, Chu T, Mazziotta JC, Trivedi KH, Thompson PM, Shah A, Cole G, Frautschy SA, Toga AW. PMID: 10549796.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Handedness in twins: a meta-analysis. Laterality. 1999 Jul; 4(3):265-86.
Sicotte NL, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 15513117.
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Lymphomatosis cerebri presenting as a rapidly progressive dementia: clinical, neuroimaging and pathologic findings. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 1999 Mar-Apr; 10(2):152-7.
Bakshi R, Mazziotta JC, Mischel PS, Jahan R, Seligson DB, Vinters HV. PMID: 10026390.
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Creation and use of a Talairach-compatible atlas for accurate, automated, nonlinear intersubject registration, and analysis of functional imaging data. Hum Brain Mapp. 1999; 8(2-3):73-9.
Woods RP, Dapretto M, Sicotte NL, Toga AW, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 10524595; PMCID: PMC6873303.
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Mapping the human nervous system in health and disease. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl. 1999; 50:3-11.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 10689441.
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Emission tomography contribution to clinical neurology. Clin Neurophysiol. 1999 Jan; 110(1):2-23.
Iacoboni M, Baron JC, Frackowiak RS, Mazziotta JC, Lenzi GL. PMID: 10348316.
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Acute middle cerebral artery thrombosis demonstrated by cranial computed tomography: the "dense MCA" sign. Arch Neurol. 1998 Dec; 55(12):1577.
Bakshi R, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 9865804.
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Bimodal (auditory and visual) left frontoparietal circuitry for sensorimotor integration and sensorimotor learning. Brain. 1998 Nov; 121 ( Pt 11):2135-43.
Iacoboni M, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 9827773.
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Advanced neuroimaging methods in the study of movement disorders: dystonia and blepharospasm. Adv Neurol. 1998; 78:153-60.
Mazziotta JC, Hutchinson M, Fife TD, Woods R. PMID: 9750912.
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Automated image registration: I. General methods and intrasubject, intramodality validation. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998 Jan-Feb; 22(1):139-52.
Woods RP, Grafton ST, Holmes CJ, Cherry SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 9448779.
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Automated image registration: II. Intersubject validation of linear and nonlinear models. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998 Jan-Feb; 22(1):153-65.
Woods RP, Grafton ST, Watson JD, Sicotte NL, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 9448780.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Merging of oculomotor and somatomotor space coding in the human right precentral gyrus. Brain. 1997 Sep; 120 ( Pt 9):1635-45.
Iacoboni M, Woods RP, Lenzi GL, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 9313645.
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Positron-emission tomographic study of human amblyopia with use of defined visual stimuli. J AAPOS. 1997 Sep; 1(3):158-71.
Demer JL, Grafton S, Marg E, Mazziotta JC, Nuwer M. PMID: 10532779.
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A locus in human extrastriate cortex for visual shape analysis. J Cogn Neurosci. 1997 Jan; 9(1):133-42.
Kanwisher N, Woods RP, Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 23968185.
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Automated labeling of the human brain: a preliminary report on the development and evaluation of a forward-transform method. Hum Brain Mapp. 1997; 5(4):238-42.
Lancaster JL, Rainey LH, Summerlin JL, Freitas CS, Fox PT, Evans AC, Toga AW, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 20408222; PMCID: PMC2860189.
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301 Fields:
Oral 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose for primate PET studies without behavioral restraint: demonstration of principle. Am J Primatol. 1997; 42(3):215-24.
Martinez ZA, Colgan M, Baxter LR, Quintana J, Siegel S, Chatziioannou A, Cherry SR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 9209586.
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Early detection of Alzheimer's disease by combining apolipoprotein E and neuroimaging. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1996 Dec 16; 802:70-8.
Small GW, Komo S, La Rue A, Saxena S, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Saunders AM, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA, Roses AD. PMID: 8993486.
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Acute transverse myelitis after influenza vaccination: magnetic resonance imaging findings. J Neuroimaging. 1996 Oct; 6(4):248-50.
Bakshi R, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8903080.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Brain-behavior relationships: evidence from practice effects in spatial stimulus-response compatibility. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Jul; 76(1):321-31.
Iacoboni M, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8836228.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Mapping mental illness. A new era. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1996 Jul; 53(7):574-6.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8660123.
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Brain activation induced by estimation of duration: a PET study. Neuroimage. 1996 Apr; 3(2):119-26.
Maquet P, Lejeune H, Pouthas V, Bonnet M, Casini L, Macar F, Timsit-Berthier M, Vidal F, Ferrara A, Degueldre C, Quaglia L, Delfiore G, Luxen A, Woods R, Mazziotta JC, Comar D. PMID: 9345483.
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33 Fields:
Intersubject variability in functional neuroanatomy of silent verb generation: assessment by a new activation detection algorithm based on amplitude and size information. Neuroimage. 1995 Dec; 2(4):253-63.
Crivello F, Tzourio N, Poline JB, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Mazoyer B. PMID: 9343610.
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Effects of stimulus rate on regional cerebral blood flow after median nerve stimulation. Brain. 1995 Oct; 118 ( Pt 5):1339-51.
Ibáñez V, Deiber MP, Sadato N, Toro C, Grissom J, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Hallett M. PMID: 7496791.
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22 Fields:
A probabilistic atlas of the human brain: theory and rationale for its development. The International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). Neuroimage. 1995 Jun; 2(2):89-101.
Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Evans A, Fox P, Lancaster J. PMID: 9343592.
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Digital brain atlases. Trends Neurosci. 1995 May; 18(5):210-1.
Mazziotta JC, Toga AW, Evans AC, Fox PT, Lancaster JL. PMID: 7610490.
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Apolipoprotein E type 4 allele and cerebral glucose metabolism in relatives at risk for familial Alzheimer disease. JAMA. 1995 Mar 22-29; 273(12):942-7.
Small GW, Mazziotta JC, Collins MT, Baxter LR, Phelps ME, Mandelkern MA, Kaplan A, La Rue A, Adamson CF, Chang L, et al. PMID: 7884953.
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Differential recovery of volitional motor function, lateralized cognitive function, dopamine agonist-induced rotation and dopaminergic parameters in monkeys made hemi-parkinsonian by intracarotid MPTP infusion. Brain Res. 1995 Feb 20; 672(1-2):112-7.
Schneider JS, Lidsky TI, Hawks T, Mazziotta JC, Hoffman JM. PMID: 7749732.
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Lack of a detectable systemic humoral/cellular allogeneic response in human and nonhuman primate recipients of embryonic mesencephalic allografts for the therapy of Parkinson's disease. Transplant Proc. 1995 Feb; 27(1):1401-5.
Ansari AA, Mayne A, Freed CR, Breeze RE, Schneck SA, O'Brien CF, Kriek EH, Zhang YB, Mazziotta JC, Hutchinson M, et al. PMID: 7878926.
Improved signal-to-noise in PET activation studies using switched paradigms. J Nucl Med. 1995 Feb; 36(2):307-14.
Cherry SR, Woods RP, Doshi NK, Banerjee PK, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 7830136.
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Positron-emission tomography in tardive dyskinesia. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1995; 7(4):457-65.
Pahl JJ, Mazziotta JC, Bartzokis G, Cummings J, Altschuler L, Mintz J, Marder SR, Phelps ME. PMID: 8555748.
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Brief report: bilateral spreading cerebral hypoperfusion during spontaneous migraine headache. N Engl J Med. 1994 Dec 22; 331(25):1689-92.
Woods RP, Iacoboni M, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 7969360.
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116 Fields:
Hippocampal neuronal loss and regional hypometabolism in temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Neurol. 1994 Dec; 36(6):925-7.
Henry TR, Babb TL, Engel J, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Crandall PH. PMID: 7998782.
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16 Fields:
Mapping motor representations with positron emission tomography. Nature. 1994 Oct 13; 371(6498):600-2.
Decety J, Perani D, Jeannerod M, Bettinardi V, Tadary B, Woods R, Mazziotta JC, Fazio F. PMID: 7935791.
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Mapping human brain activity in vivo. West J Med. 1994 Sep; 161(3):273-8.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 7975566; PMCID: PMC1011409.
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Localization of motor areas adjacent to arteriovenous malformations. A positron emission tomographic study. J Neuroimaging. 1994 Apr; 4(2):97-103.
Grafton ST, Martin NA, Mazziotta JC, Woods RP, Vinuela F, Phelps ME. PMID: 8186537.
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Depression in complex partial seizures. Electroencephalography and cerebral metabolic correlates. Arch Neurol. 1994 Feb; 51(2):155-63.
Victoroff JI, Benson F, Grafton ST, Engel J, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8304841.
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Assessing the significance of focal activations using their spatial extent. Hum Brain Mapp. 1994; 1(3):210-20.
Friston KJ, Worsley KJ, Frackowiak RS, Mazziotta JC, Evans AC. PMID: 24578041.
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Intraoperative beta probe: a device for detecting tissue labeled with positron or electron emitting isotopes during surgery. Med Phys. 1994 Jan; 21(1):153-7.
Daghighian F, Mazziotta JC, Hoffman EJ, Shenderov P, Eshaghian B, Siegel S, Phelps ME. PMID: 8164582.
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Clinical evaluation of interictal fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose PET in partial epilepsy. J Nucl Med. 1993 Nov; 34(11):1892-8.
Henry TR, Engel J, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8229230.
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Improved detection of focal cerebral blood flow changes using three-dimensional positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1993 Jul; 13(4):630-8.
Cherry SR, Woods RP, Hoffman EJ, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8314916.
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Results of a clinical receiver operating characteristic study comparing filtered backprojection and maximum likelihood estimator images in FDG PET studies. J Nucl Med. 1993 Jul; 34(7):1198-203.
Llacer J, Veklerov E, Baxter LR, Grafton ST, Griffeth LK, Hawkins RA, Hoh CK, Mazziotta JC, Hoffman EJ, Metz CE. PMID: 8315502.
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MRI-PET registration with automated algorithm. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1993 Jul-Aug; 17(4):536-46.
Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Cherry SR. PMID: 8331222.
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Interictal metabolic anatomy of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol. 1993 Jun; 50(6):582-9.
Henry TR, Mazziotta JC, Engel J. PMID: 8503794.
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Methods for improving quantitation of putamen uptake constant of FDOPA in PET studies. J Nucl Med. 1993 Apr; 34(4):679-88.
Yu DC, Huang SC, Grafton ST, Melega WP, Barrio JR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 8455088.
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Area V5 of the human brain: evidence from a combined study using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Cereb Cortex. 1993 Mar-Apr; 3(2):79-94.
Watson JD, Myers R, Frackowiak RS, Hajnal JV, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Shipp S, Zeki S. PMID: 8490322.
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William H. Oldendorf, M.D. (1925-1992). J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1993 Mar-Apr; 17(2):169-71.
Mazziotta JC, Collins RC. PMID: 8454740.
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Within-arm somatotopy in human motor areas determined by positron emission tomography imaging of cerebral blood flow. Exp Brain Res. 1993; 95(1):172-6.
Grafton ST, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 8405250.
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Serial changes of cerebral glucose metabolism and caudate size in persons at risk for Huntington's disease. Arch Neurol. 1992 Nov; 49(11):1161-7.
Grafton ST, Mazziotta JC, Pahl JJ, St George-Hyslop P, Haines JL, Gusella J, Hoffman JM, Baxter LR, Phelps ME. PMID: 1444883.
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The use of positron emission tomography in the clinical assessment of dementia. Semin Nucl Med. 1992 Oct; 22(4):233-46.
Mazziotta JC, Frackowiak RS, Phelps ME. PMID: 1439869.
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Caudate glucose metabolic rate changes with both drug and behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1992 Sep; 49(9):681-9.
Baxter LR, Schwartz JM, Bergman KS, Szuba MP, Guze BH, Mazziotta JC, Alazraki A, Selin CE, Ferng HK, Munford P, et al. PMID: 1514872.
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143 Fields:
The effects of carbidopa administration on 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa kinetics in positron emission tomography. J Nucl Med. 1992 Aug; 33(8):1472-7.
Hoffman JM, Melega WP, Hawk TC, Grafton SC, Luxen A, Mahoney DK, Barrio JR, Huang SC, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1634937.
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Cerebral glucose utilization in motor neuron disease. Arch Neurol. 1992 Aug; 49(8):849-54.
Hoffman JM, Mazziotta JC, Hawk TC, Sumida R. PMID: 1524517.
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Functional anatomy of human procedural learning determined with regional cerebral blood flow and PET. J Neurosci. 1992 Jul; 12(7):2542-8.
Grafton ST, Mazziotta JC, Presty S, Friston KJ, Frackowiak RS, Phelps ME. PMID: 1613546; PMCID: PMC6575851.
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Rapid automated algorithm for aligning and reslicing PET images. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1992 Jul-Aug; 16(4):620-33.
Woods RP, Cherry SR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 1629424.
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Human functional anatomy of visually guided finger movements. Brain. 1992 Apr; 115 ( Pt 2):565-87.
Grafton ST, Mazziotta JC, Woods RP, Phelps ME. PMID: 1606482.
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46 Fields:
Psychiatric, genetic, and positron emission tomographic evaluation of persons at risk for Huntington's disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1992 Feb; 49(2):148-54.
Baxter LR, Mazziotta JC, Pahl JJ, Grafton ST, St George-Hyslop P, Haines JL, Gusella JF, Szuba MP, Selin CE, Guze BH, et al. PMID: 1532304.
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Positron emission tomography and familial Alzheimer's disease: a pilot study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1992 Feb; 40(2):120-3.
Guze BH, Hoffman JM, Mazziotta JC, Baxter LR, Phelps ME. PMID: 1740595.
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Bilateral fetal grafts for Parkinson's disease: 22 months' results. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 1992; 58(1-4):84-7.
Iacono RP, Tang ZS, Mazziotta JC, Grafton S, Hoehn M. PMID: 1439354.
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The functional anatomy of frontal lobe epilepsy studied with PET. Adv Neurol. 1992; 57:449-63.
Henry TR, Mazziotta JC, Engel J. PMID: 1543073.
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Imaging and functional localization for brain tumors. Clin Neurosurg. 1992; 39:475-81.
Black KL, Mazziotta JC, Toga AW. PMID: 1458754.
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Changes in glucose metabolism in dementia of the Alzheimer type compared with depression: a preliminary report. Psychiatry Res. 1991 Nov; 40(3):195-202.
Guze BH, Baxter LR, Schwartz JM, Szuba MP, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1780392.
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Kinetics and modeling of L-6-[18F]fluoro-dopa in human positron emission tomographic studies. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1991 Nov; 11(6):898-913.
Huang SC, Yu DC, Barrio JR, Grafton S, Melega WP, Hoffman JM, Satyamurthy N, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1939385.
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Interictal cerebral metabolism in partial epilepsies of neocortical origin. Epilepsy Res. 1991 Nov-Dec; 10(2-3):174-82.
Henry TR, Sutherling WW, Engel J, Risinger MW, Levesque MF, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1817957.
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Somatotopic mapping of the primary motor cortex in humans: activation studies with cerebral blood flow and positron emission tomography. J Neurophysiol. 1991 Sep; 66(3):735-43.
Grafton ST, Woods RP, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1753284.
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Modelling approach for separating blood time-activity curves in positron emission tomographic studies. Phys Med Biol. 1991 Jun; 36(6):749-61.
Huang SC, Barrio JR, Yu DC, Chen B, Grafton S, Melega WP, Hoffman JM, Satyamurthy N, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1908103.
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The continuing challenge of primary brain tumor management: the contribution of positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol. 1991 Apr; 29(4):345-6.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 1929204.
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Clinical PET: a reality. J Nucl Med. 1991 Apr; 32(4):46N, 54N.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 2013796.
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Assessment of accuracy of PET utilizing a 3-D phantom to simulate the activity distribution of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in the human brain. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1991 Mar; 11(2):A17-25.
Hoffman EJ, Cutler PD, Guerrero TM, Digby WM, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 1997482.
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A 49-year-old man with aseptic meningitis and multiple cranial neuropathies. West J Med. 1991 Mar; 154(3):307-14.
Mazziotta JC, Itabashi H, Orfuss C, Charles A, Collins R. PMID: 2028589; PMCID: PMC1002751.
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Region of interest issues: the relationship between structure and function in the brain. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1991 Mar; 11(2):A51-6.
Mazziotta JC, Pelizzari CC, Chen GT, Bookstein FL, Valentino D. PMID: 1997488.
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Brain tumors. West J Med. 1991 Feb; 154(2):186-97.
Black KL, Mazziotta JC, Becker DP. PMID: 1848735; PMCID: PMC1002710.
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Functional brain imaging and Alzheimer-type dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1991; 5(4):215-30.
Guze BH, Hoffman JM, Baxter LR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 1781964.
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Volume rendering of multimodal images: application to MRI and PET imaging of the human brain. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1991; 10(4):554-62.
Valentino DJ, Mazziotta JC, Huang HK. PMID: 18222861.
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Relating structure to function in vivo with tomographic imaging. Ciba Found Symp. 1991; 163:93-101; discussion 101-12.
Mazziotta JC, Valentino D, Grafton S, Bookstein F, Pelizzari C, Chen G, Toga AW. PMID: 1815898.
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6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa probes dopamine turnover rates in central dopaminergic structures. J Neurosci Res. 1990 Dec; 27(4):487-93.
Barrio JR, Huang SC, Melega WP, Yu DC, Hoffman JM, Schneider JS, Satyamurthy N, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2127807.
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A comparison of neurological, metabolic, structural, and genetic evaluations in persons at risk for Huntington's disease. Ann Neurol. 1990 Nov; 28(5):614-21.
Grafton ST, Mazziotta JC, Pahl JJ, St George-Hyslop P, Haines JL, Gusella J, Hoffman JM, Baxter LR, Phelps ME. PMID: 1979723.
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Temporoparietal cortex in aphasia. Evidence from positron emission tomography. Arch Neurol. 1990 Nov; 47(11):1235-8.
Metter EJ, Hanson WR, Jackson CA, Kempler D, van Lancker D, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2241621.
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Presurgical evaluation for partial epilepsy: relative contributions of chronic depth-electrode recordings versus FDG-PET and scalp-sphenoidal ictal EEG. Neurology. 1990 Nov; 40(11):1670-7.
Engel J, Henry TR, Risinger MW, Mazziotta JC, Sutherling WW, Levesque MF, Phelps ME. PMID: 2122275.
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Quantifying interictal metabolic activity in human temporal lobe epilepsy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1990 Sep; 10(5):748-57.
Henry TR, Mazziotta JC, Engel J, Christenson PD, Zhang JX, Phelps ME, Kuhl DE. PMID: 2384546.
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Thallium-201 SPECT imaging of brain tumors: methods and results. J Nucl Med. 1990 Jun; 31(6):965-9.
Kim KT, Black KL, Marciano D, Mazziotta JC, Guze BH, Grafton S, Hawkins RA, Becker DP. PMID: 2161453.
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3-(2'-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone, a potent dopamine antagonist: synthesis, structural analysis and in-vivo utilization in humans. Int J Rad Appl Instrum A. 1990; 41(2):113-29.
Satyamurthy N, Barrio JR, Bida GT, Huang SC, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2158942.
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Therapeutic effects of human fetal dopamine cells transplanted in a patient with Parkinson's disease. Prog Brain Res. 1990; 82:715-21.
Freed CR, Breeze RE, Rosenberg NL, Schneck SA, Wells TH, Barrett JN, Grafton ST, Mazziotta JC, Eidelberg D, Rottenberg DA. PMID: 2290975.
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Models for in vivo kinetic interactions of dopamine D2-neuroreceptors and 3-(2'-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone examined with positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1989 Dec; 9(6):840-9.
Bahn MM, Huang SC, Hawkins RA, Satyamurthy N, Hoffman JM, Barrio JR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2531147.
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A double-injection technique for in vivo measurement of dopamine D2-receptor density in monkeys with 3-(2'-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone and dynamic positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1989 Dec; 9(6):850-8.
Huang SC, Bahn MM, Barrio JR, Hoffman JM, Satyamurthy N, Hawkins RA, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2531148.
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3-(2'-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone: in vivo biochemical and kinetic characterization in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1989 Dec; 9(6):830-9.
Barrio JR, Satyamurthy N, Huang SC, Keen RE, Nissenson CH, Hoffman JM, Ackermann RF, Bahn MM, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2531146.
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Huntington's disease: studies with structural imaging techniques and positron emission tomography. Semin Neurol. 1989 Dec; 9(4):360-9.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 2534934.
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Estimation of local cerebral protein synthesis rates with L-[1-11C]leucine and PET: methods, model, and results in animals and humans. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1989 Aug; 9(4):446-60.
Hawkins RA, Huang SC, Barrio JR, Keen RE, Feng D, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2786885.
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The C15O2 build-up technique to measure regional cerebral blood flow and volume of distribution of water. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1989 Aug; 9(4):461-70.
Lammertsma AA, Frackowiak RS, Hoffman JM, Huang SC, Weinberg IN, Dahlbom M, MacDonald NS, Hoffman EJ, Mazziotta JC, Heather JD, et al. PMID: 2786886.
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Cerebral glucose metabolic patterns in Alzheimer's disease. Effect of gender and age at dementia onset. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1989 Jun; 46(6):527-32.
Small GW, Kuhl DE, Riege WH, Fujikawa DG, Ashford JW, Metter EJ, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 2730277.
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Reduction of prefrontal cortex glucose metabolism common to three types of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1989 Mar; 46(3):243-50.
Baxter LR, Schwartz JM, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Guze BH, Selin CE, Gerner RH, Sumida RM. PMID: 2784046.
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225 Fields:
Sturge-Weber syndrome: a study of cerebral glucose utilization with positron emission tomography. J Pediatr. 1989 Feb; 114(2):244-53.
Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2783735.
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Seizures and hemiparesis in a young woman 24 years after treatment of astrocytoma. West J Med. 1989 Feb; 150(2):180-6.
Mazziotta JC, Jordan SE, Lones M, Black KL, Selch MT, Pignatti G, Vinters HV. PMID: 2728438; PMCID: PMC1026331.
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[18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and positron emission tomography (PET) in aging and dementia. A decade of studies. Eur Neurol. 1989; 29 Suppl 3:16-24.
Hoffman JM, Guze BH, Baxter LR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2693102.
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Cerebral glucose metabolism in Wernicke's, Broca's, and conduction aphasia. Arch Neurol. 1989 Jan; 46(1):27-34.
Metter EJ, Kempler D, Jackson C, Hanson WR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 2783365.
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Cerebral glucose metabolic rates in nondepressed patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 1988 Dec; 145(12):1560-3.
Baxter LR, Schwartz JM, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Pahl JJ, Guze BH, Fairbanks L. PMID: 3264118.
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Surgical treatment of intractable neonatal-onset seizures: the role of positron emission tomography. Neurology. 1988 Aug; 38(8):1178-88.
Chugani HT, Shewmon DA, Peacock WJ, Shields WD, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3261000.
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Disconnection and cerebral metabolism. The case of conduction aphasia. Arch Neurol. 1988 Mar; 45(3):275-9.
Kempler D, Metter EJ, Jackson CA, Hanson WR, Riege WH, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3257689.
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Localization of neurochemical effects of cocaine and other stimulants in the human brain. J Clin Psychiatry. 1988 Feb; 49 Suppl:23-6.
Baxter LR, Schwartz JM, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Barrio J, Rawson RA, Engel J, Guze BH, Selin C, Sumida R. PMID: 3257485.
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Brain cerebral metabolic mapping of normal and abnormal language and its acquisition during development. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1988; 66:245-66.
Mazziotta JC, Metter EJ. PMID: 2451850.
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Practical clinical applications of positron emission tomography in epilepsy. Am J Physiol Imaging. 1988; 3(1):28-9.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 3260501.
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Wilson's disease studied with FDG and positron emission tomography. Neurology. 1987 Nov; 37(11):1707-11.
Hawkins RA, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3499583.
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Positron emission tomography study of human brain functional development. Ann Neurol. 1987 Oct; 22(4):487-97.
Chugani HT, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 3501693.
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321 Fields:
Cerebellar glucose metabolism in chronic aphasia. Neurology. 1987 Oct; 37(10):1599-606.
Metter EJ, Kempler D, Jackson CA, Hanson WR, Riege WH, Camras LR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3658163.
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The differential diagnosis of depression. Relevance of positron emission tomography studies of cerebral glucose metabolism to the bipolar-unipolar dichotomy. JAMA. 1987 Sep 11; 258(10):1368-74.
Schwartz JM, Baxter LR, Mazziotta JC, Gerner RH, Phelps ME. PMID: 3306000.
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Cerebral glucose metabolic rates in normal human females versus normal males. Psychiatry Res. 1987 Jul; 21(3):237-45.
Baxter LR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Selin CE, Guze BH, Fairbanks L. PMID: 3498176.
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Local cerebral glucose metabolic rates in obsessive-compulsive disorder. A comparison with rates in unipolar depression and in normal controls. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1987 Mar; 44(3):211-8.
Baxter LR, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Guze BH, Schwartz JM, Selin CE. PMID: 3493749.
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113 Fields:
Reduced cerebral glucose metabolism in asymptomatic subjects at risk for Huntington's disease. N Engl J Med. 1987 Feb 12; 316(7):357-62.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Pahl JJ, Huang SC, Baxter LR, Riege WH, Hoffman JM, Kuhl DE, Lanto AB, Wapenski JA, et al. PMID: 2949152.
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Trazodone treatment response in obsessive-compulsive disorder--correlated with shifts in glucose metabolism in the caudate nuclei. Psychopathology. 1987; 20 Suppl 1:114-22.
Baxter LR, Thompson JM, Schwartz JM, Guze BH, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Selin CE, Moss L. PMID: 3501130.
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The Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: metabolic subtypes determined by 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol. 1987 Jan; 21(1):4-13.
Chugani HT, Mazziotta JC, Engel J, Phelps ME. PMID: 3103528.
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A Realistic Computer-Simulated Brain Phantom for Evaluation of PET Charactenstics. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1987; 6(3):250-7.
Mahoney D, Huang SC, Ricci AR, Mazziotta JC, Carson RE, Hoffman EJ, Phelps ME. PMID: 18244028.
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Applications of PET in the brain. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 1987; 11(2-3):165-72.
Hawkins RA, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3498186.
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Left hemisphere intracerebral hemorrhages studied by ( (F-18)-fluorodeoxyglucose PET. Neurology. 1986 Sep; 36(9):1155-62.
Metter EJ, Jackson C, Kempler D, Riege WH, Hanson WR, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3489204.
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No-carrier-added 3-(2'-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone, a new dopamine receptor-binding tracer for positron emission tomography. Int J Rad Appl Instrum B. 1986; 13(6):617-24.
Satyamurthy N, Bida GT, Barrio JR, Luxen A, Mazziotta JC, Huang SC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3494003.
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Comparison of glucose metabolism, x-ray CT, and postmortem data in a patient with multiple cerebral infarcts. Neurology. 1985 Dec; 35(12):1695-701.
Metter EJ, Mazziotta JC, Itabashi HH, Mankovich NJ, Phelps ME, Kuhl DE. PMID: 3877883.
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Positron emission tomography: human brain function and biochemistry. Science. 1985 May 17; 228(4701):799-809.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 2860723.
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61 Fields:
Cerebral metabolic rates for glucose in mood disorders. Studies with positron emission tomography and fluorodeoxyglucose F 18. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1985 May; 42(5):441-7.
Baxter LR, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Schwartz JM, Gerner RH, Selin CE, Sumida RM. PMID: 3872649.
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65 Fields:
A noninvasive positron computed tomography technique using oxygen-15--labeled water for the evaluation of neurobehavioral task batteries. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1985 Mar; 5(1):70-8.
Mazziotta JC, Huang SC, Phelps ME, Carson RE, MacDonald NS, Mahoney K. PMID: 3871784.
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Magnetic resonance imaging of the brainstem: normal structure and basic functional anatomy. Radiology. 1985 Feb; 154(2):375-83.
Flannigan BD, Bradley WG, Mazziotta JC, Rauschning W, Bentson JR, Lufkin RB, Hieshima GB. PMID: 3966125.
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Study design in the investigation of mood disorders with PET. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1985; 63:227-43.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Baxter L, Schwartz J, Gerner R. PMID: 3875135.
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Human neuropsychological imaging studies of local brain metabolism: strategies and results. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1985; 63:121-37.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 3927455.
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Human cerebral metabolism: studies in normal subjects and patients with dementia and amnesia. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1985; 444:269-86.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 3160282.
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Local cerebral glucose utilization in symptomatic and presymptomatic Huntington's disease. Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. 1985; 63:199-209.
Kuhl DE, Markham CH, Metter EJ, Riege WH, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 3161165.
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Physiologic neuroanatomy: new brain imaging methods present a challenge to an old discipline. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1984 Dec; 4(4):481-3.
Mazziotta JC. PMID: 6501441.
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Tomographic mapping of human cerebral metabolism: subcortical responses to auditory and visual stimulation. Neurology. 1984 Jun; 34(6):825-8.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Carson RE. PMID: 6610136.
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Positron emission tomographic study of affective disorders: problems and strategies. Ann Neurol. 1984; 15 Suppl:S149-56.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Baxter L, Gerner R. PMID: 6611115.
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Criteria for the tracer kinetic measurement of cerebral protein synthesis in humans with positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol. 1984; 15 Suppl:S192-202.
Phelps ME, Barrio JR, Huang SC, Keen RE, Chugani H, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 6611122.
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Human sensory stimulation and deprivation: positron emission tomographic results and strategies. Ann Neurol. 1984; 15 Suppl:S50-60.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME. PMID: 6611127.
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The use and impact of positron computed tomography scanning in epilepsy. Epilepsia. 1984; 25 Suppl 2:S86-104.
Mazziotta JC, Engel J. PMID: 6430693.
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Cerebral glucose metabolism as a function of age in man: influence of the rate constants in the fluorodeoxyglucose method. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1983 Jun; 3(2):250-3.
Hawkins RA, Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Huang SC, Kuhl DE, Carson RE, Metter EJ, Riege WH. PMID: 6841472.
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Positron computed tomography for studies of myocardial and cerebral function. Ann Intern Med. 1983 Mar; 98(3):339-59.
Phelps ME, Schelbert HR, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 6219602.
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Local cerebral glucose metabolic response to audiovisual stimulation and deprivation: studies in human subjects with positron CT. Hum Neurobiol. 1983; 2(1):11-23.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Halgren E. PMID: 6603450.
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Interictal cerebral glucose metabolism in partial epilepsy and its relation to EEG changes. Ann Neurol. 1982 Dec; 12(6):510-7.
Engel J, Kuhl DE, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 6818896.
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Pathological findings underlying focal temporal lobe hypometabolism in partial epilepsy. Ann Neurol. 1982 Dec; 12(6):518-28.
Engel J, Brown WJ, Kuhl DE, Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Crandall PH. PMID: 6984318.
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Tomographic mapping of human cerebral metabolism: sensory deprivation. Ann Neurol. 1982 Nov; 12(5):435-44.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Carson RE, Kuhl DE. PMID: 6983853.
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Tomographic mapping of human cerebral metabolism: auditory stimulation. Neurology. 1982 Sep; 32(9):921-37.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Carson RE, Kuhl DE. PMID: 6981074.
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Anatomical localization schemes for use in positron computed tomography using a specially designed headholder. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1982 Aug; 6(4):848-53.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Meadors AK, Ricci A, Winter K, Bentson JR. PMID: 6981660.
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Positron computed tomography. JAMA. 1982 Feb 12; 247(6):850-1.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Kuhl DE. PMID: 6977042.
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Study of cerebral function with positron computed tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1982; 2(2):113-62.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Huang SC. PMID: 6210701.
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37 Fields:
Quantitation in positron emission computed tomography: 5. Physical--anatomical effects. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1981 Oct; 5(5):734-43.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Plummer D, Kuhl DE. PMID: 6975289.
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Tomographic mapping of human cerebral metabolism visual stimulation and deprivation. Neurology. 1981 May; 31(5):517-29.
Phelps ME, Mazziotta JC, Kuhl DE, Nuwer M, Packwood J, Metter J, Engel J. PMID: 6972013.
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Human cerebral metabolism studied during limitation in sensory inputs. Trans Am Neurol Assoc. 1981; 106:64-8.
Mazziotta JC, Phelps ME, Kuhl DE. PMID: 6983756.
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Heart imaging from computerized tomography. Comput Tomogr. 1978; 2(1):37-44.
Huang HK, Mazziotta JC. PMID: 679661.
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Three-dimensional computer reconstruction and display of neuronal structure. Comput Biol Med. 1977 Oct; 7(4):265-79.
Mazziotta JC, Hamilton BL. PMID: 913084.
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The value of computed tomography in the radiotherapeutic management of juxtasellar tumors. Comput Tomogr. 1977; 1(1):111-20.
Lee KF, Suh JH, Mazziotta JC, Huang HK. PMID: 612396.
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