Similar People (60)
Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity. (* These people are also co-authors.)
- Calais, JeremieUCLA*
- Hope, ThomasUCSF*
- Jadvar, HosseinUSC*
- Slomka, PiotrUCLA
- Ulaner, GaryUSC
- Colletti, PatrickUSC
- Carroll, PeterUCSF*
- Cherry, SimonUC Davis*
- Berman, DanielUCLA*
- Hoffman, RobertUCSD
- Conti, PeterUSC
- Kishan, AmarUCLA*
- Cooperberg, MatthewUCSF*
- Feng, FelixUCSF*
- Badawi, RamseyUC Davis*
- Flavell, RobertUCSF*
- Small, EricUCSF*
- Reiter, RobertUCLA*
- Seo, YounghoUCSF
- Vanbrocklin, HenryUCSF
- Nardo, LorenzoUC Davis
- Prasad, VinayakUCSF
- Evans, MichaelUCSF
- Rabinovici, GilUCSF
- Qi, JinyiUC Davis
- Allen-Auerbach, MartinUCLA*
- Quon, AndrewUCLA*
- Aggarwal, RahulUCSF
- Behr, SpencerUCSF*
- Mukherjee, JogeshwarUCI
| - Budoff, MatthewUCLA
- Benz, MatthiasUCLA*
- Ellingson, BenjaminUCLA*
- Dey, DaminiUCLA
- Roach, MackUCSF
- Mckay, RanaUCSD
- Rettig, MatthewUCLA*
- Nickols, NicholasUCLA*
- Silverman, DanielUCLA*
- Marks, LeonardUCLA*
- Meltzer, CarolynUSC
- Kane, ChristopherUCSD
- Dahlbom, MagnusUCLA*
- Sutcliffe, JulieUC Davis
- Steinberg, MichaelUCLA*
- Ganz, PatriciaUCLA*
- Quinn, DavidUSC
- Cloughesy, TimothyUCLA*
- Fonarow, GreggUCLA
- Miaskowski, ChristineUCSF
- van Dam, MichaelUCLA*
- Salavati, AliUCLA*
- Hoh, CarlUCSD
- Spencer, BenjaminUC Davis
- Rugo, HopeUCSF
- Ribas, AntoniUCLA*
- Rose, BrentonUCSD
- Lenz, Heinz-JosefUSC
- Aronson, WilliamUCLA
- Berger, MitchelUCSF
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
People who share similar concepts with this person.
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