Aspergillus fumigatus conidial surface-associated proteome reveals factors for fungal evasion and host immunity modulation. Nat Microbiol. 2024 Oct; 9(10):2710-2726.
Pinzan CF, Valero C, de Castro PA, da Silva JL, Earle K, Liu H, Horta MAC, Kniemeyer O, Krüger T, Pschibul A, Cömert DN, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA, Steenwyk JL, Mead ME, Hermsdorf N, Filler SG, da Rosa-Garzon NG, Delbaje E, Bromley MJ, Cabral H, Diehl C, Angeli CB, Palmisano G, Ibrahim AS, Rinker DC, Sauters TJC, Steffen K, Gumilang A, Rokas A, Gago S, Dos Reis TF, Goldman GH. PMID: 39191887.
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Brilacidin, a novel antifungal agent against Cryptococcus neoformans. mBio. 2024 Jul 17; 15(7):e0103124.
Diehl C, Pinzan CF, de Castro PA, Delbaje E, García Carnero LC, Sánchez-León E, Bhalla K, Kronstad JW, Kim D-g, Doering TL, Alkhazraji S, Mishra NN, Ibrahim AS, Yoshimura M, Vega Isuhuaylas LA, Pham LTK, Yashiroda Y, Boone C, Dos Reis TF, Goldman GH. PMID: 38916308; PMCID: PMC11253610.
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Multiple roles for hypoxia inducible factor 1-alpha in airway epithelial cells during mucormycosis. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 20; 15(1):5282.
Kavaliauskas P, Gu Y, Hasin N, Graf KT, Alqarihi A, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Walsh TJ, Ibrahim AS, Bruno VM. PMID: 38902255; PMCID: PMC11190229.
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Efficacy of an oral lipid nanocrystal formulation of amphotericin B (MAT2203) in the neutropenic mouse model of pulmonary mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2024 Jun 05; 68(6):e0154023.
Gu Y, Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Youssef E, El-Gamal S, Matkovits T, Cobb J, Mannino R, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 38687015; PMCID: PMC11620485.
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Ibrexafungerp is efficacious in a neutropenic murine model of pulmonary mucormycosis as monotherapy and combined with liposomal amphotericin B. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2024 May 02; 68(5):e0154523.
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Gu Y, Najvar LK, Borroto-Esoda K, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Wiederhold NP, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 38557112; PMCID: PMC11064560.
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Efficacy of an oral lipid nanocrystal (LNC) formulation of amphotericin B (MAT2203) in the neutropenic mouse model of pulmonary mucormycosis. bioRxiv. 2023 Nov 22.
Gu Y, Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Youssef E, El-Gamal S, Matkovits T, Cobb J, Mannino R, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 38045251; PMCID: PMC10690265.
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Tuning sterol extraction kinetics yields a renal-sparing polyene antifungal. Nature. 2023 Nov; 623(7989):1079-1085.
Maji A, Soutar CP, Zhang J, Lewandowska A, Uno BE, Yan S, Shelke Y, Murhade G, Nimerovsky E, Borcik CG, Arango AS, Lange JD, Marin-Toledo JP, Lyu Y, Bailey KL, Roady PJ, Holler JT, Khandelwal A, SantaMaria AM, Sanchez H, Juvvadi PR, Johns G, Hageman MJ, Krise J, Gebremariam T, Youssef EG, Bartizal K, Marr KA, Steinbach WJ, Ibrahim AS, Patterson TF, Wiederhold NP, Andes DR, Pogorelov TV, Schwieters CD, Fan TM, Rienstra CM, Burke MD. PMID: 37938782; PMCID: PMC10883201.
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A Candida auris-specific adhesin, Scf1, governs surface association, colonization, and virulence. Science. 2023 09 29; 381(6665):1461-1467.
Santana DJ, Anku JAE, Zhao G, Zarnowski R, Johnson CJ, Hautau H, Visser ND, Ibrahim AS, Andes D, Nett JE, Singh S, O'Meara TR. PMID: 37769084; PMCID: PMC11235122.
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24 Fields:
Mucormycosis in 2023: an update on pathogenesis and management. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2023; 13:1254919.
Alqarihi A, Kontoyiannis DP, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 37808914; PMCID: PMC10552646.
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10 Fields:
A phylogenetic approach to explore the Aspergillus fumigatus conidial surface-associated proteome and its role in pathogenesis. Res Sq. 2023 Sep 18.
Goldman G, Valero C, Pinzan C, de Castro P, van Rhijn N, Earle K, Liu H, Horta MA, Kniemeyer O, Kruger T, Pschibul A, Coemert D, Heinekamp T, Brakhage A, Steenwyk J, Mead M, Rokas A, Filler S, da Rosa-Garzon N, Delbaje E, Bromley M, Angeli C, Palmisano G, Ibrahim A, Gago S, Does Reis T. PMID: 37790311; PMCID: PMC10543367.
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COVID-19 Associated Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis: Clinical Features, Antifungal Susceptibility, Management and Outcome in a Tertiary Hospital in Iran. Mycopathologia. 2023 Oct; 188(5):783-792.
Abdorahimi M, Pakdel F, Salehi M, Alcazar-Fuoli L, Hashemi SJ, Daie Ghazvini R, Ahmadkhani F, Ahmadikia K, Abdollahi A, Debran JCS, Tabari A, Farrokh F, Mousavand A, Afarinesh Khaki P, Salami Khaneshan A, Ibrahim AS, Khodavaisy S. PMID: 37672164.
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Candida albicans stimulates formation of a multi-receptor complex that mediates epithelial cell invasion during oropharyngeal infection. PLoS Pathog. 2023 08; 19(8):e1011579.
Phan QT, Solis NV, Cravener MV, Swidergall M, Lin J, Huang MY, Liu H, Singh S, Ibrahim AS, Mazzone M, Mitchell AP, Filler SG. PMID: 37611070; PMCID: PMC10479894.
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A phylogenetic approach to explore the Aspergillus fumigatus conidial surface-associated proteome and its role in pathogenesis. bioRxiv. 2023 Aug 22.
Valero C, Pinzan CF, de Castro PA, van Rhijn N, Earle K, Liu H, Horta MAC, Kniemeyer O, Krüger T, Pschibul A, Coemert DN, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA, Steenwyk JL, Mead ME, Rokas A, Filler SG, da Rosa-Garzon NG, Cabral H, Deljabe E, Bromley MJ, Angeli CB, Palmisano G, Ibrahim AS, Gago S, Dos Reis TF, Goldman GH. PMID: 37662192; PMCID: PMC10473670.
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Novel Host Pathways Govern Epithelial Cell Invasion of Aspergillus fumigatus. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 08 17; 11(4):e0008423.
Liu H, Shetty AC, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG, Bruno VM. PMID: 37255456; PMCID: PMC10434228.
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A host defense peptide mimetic, brilacidin, potentiates caspofungin antifungal activity against human pathogenic fungi. Nat Commun. 2023 04 12; 14(1):2052.
Dos Reis TF, de Castro PA, Bastos RW, Pinzan CF, Souza PFN, Ackloo S, Hossain MA, Drewry DH, Alkhazraji S, Ibrahim AS, Jo H, Lightfoot JD, Adams EM, Fuller KK, deGrado WF, Goldman GH. PMID: 37045836; PMCID: PMC10090755.
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Candida albicans stimulates the formation of a multi-receptor complex that mediates epithelial cell invasion during oropharyngeal infection. bioRxiv. 2023 Feb 23.
Phan QT, Solis NV, Cravener MV, Swidergall M, Lin J, Huang MY, Liu H, Singh S, Ibrahim AS, Mazzone M, Mitchell AP, Filler SG. PMID: 36865306; PMCID: PMC9980113.
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Molecular analysis of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical samples and natural flora. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2023 Jan 31; 69(1):145-149.
Abdulbaqi A, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 37213141.
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Protective Efficacy of Anti-Hyr1p Monoclonal Antibody against Systemic Candidiasis Due to Multi-Drug-Resistant Candida auris. J Fungi (Basel). 2023 Jan 12; 9(1).
Singh S, Barbarino A, Youssef EG, Coleman D, Gebremariam T, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 36675924; PMCID: PMC9860579.
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cotH Genes Are Necessary for Normal Spore Formation and Virulence in Mucor lusitanicus. mBio. 2023 02 28; 14(1):e0338622.
Szebenyi C, Gu Y, Gebremariam T, Kocsubé S, Kiss-Vetráb S, Jáger O, Patai R, Spisák K, Sinka R, Binder U, Homa M, Vágvölgyi C, Ibrahim AS, Nagy G, Papp T. PMID: 36625576; PMCID: PMC9973265.
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Ibrexafungerp, a Novel Triterpenoid Antifungal in Development for the Treatment of Mold Infections. J Fungi (Basel). 2022 Oct 25; 8(11).
Angulo DA, Alexander B, Rautemaa-Richardson R, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Hoenigl M, Ibrahim AS, Ghannoum MA, King TR, Azie NE, Walsh TJ. PMID: 36354888; PMCID: PMC9695964.
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Antifungal activity of alexidine dihydrochloride in a novel diabetic mouse model of dermatophytosis. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022; 12:958497.
Nabeela S, Date A, Ibrahim AS, Uppuluri P. PMID: 36118019; PMCID: PMC9478942.
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Niclosamide-loaded nanoparticles disrupt Candida biofilms and protect mice from mucosal candidiasis. PLoS Biol. 2022 08; 20(8):e3001762.
Sutar Y, Nabeela S, Singh S, Alqarihi A, Solis N, Ghebremariam T, Filler S, Ibrahim AS, Date A, Uppuluri P. PMID: 35976859; PMCID: PMC9385045.
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COVID-19-associated fungal infections. Nat Microbiol. 2022 08; 7(8):1127-1140.
Hoenigl M, Seidel D, Sprute R, Cunha C, Oliverio M, Goldman GH, Ibrahim AS, Carvalho A. PMID: 35918423; PMCID: PMC9362108.
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Antibodies targeting Candida albicans Als3 and Hyr1 antigens protect neonatal mice from candidiasis. Front Immunol. 2022; 13:925821.
Singh S, Nabeela S, Barbarino A, Ibrahim AS, Uppuluri P. PMID: 35935947; PMCID: PMC9355692.
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Serum bridging molecules drive candidal invasion of human but not mouse endothelial cells. PLoS Pathog. 2022 07; 18(7):e1010681.
Phan QT, Solis NV, Lin J, Swidergall M, Singh S, Liu H, Sheppard DC, Ibrahim AS, Mitchell AP, Filler SG. PMID: 35797411; PMCID: PMC9295963.
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The Combination Treatment of Fosmanogepix and Liposomal Amphotericin B Is Superior to Monotherapy in Treating Experimental Invasive Mold Infections. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2022 07 19; 66(7):e0038022.
Gebremariam T, Gu Y, Alkhazraji S, Youssef E, Shaw KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 35670592; PMCID: PMC9295579.
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Novel Secreted Peptides From Rhizopus arrhizus var. delemar With Immunomodulatory Effects That Enhance Fungal Pathogenesis. Front Microbiol. 2022; 13:863133.
Soliman SSM, El-Labbad EM, Abu-Qiyas A, Fayed B, Hamoda AM, Al-Rawi AM, Dakalbab S, El-Shorbagi AA, Hamad M, Ibrahim AS, Mohammad MG. PMID: 35387075; PMCID: PMC8977774.
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A bacterial endosymbiont of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus drives phagocyte evasion and opportunistic virulence. Curr Biol. 2022 03 14; 32(5):1115-1130.e6.
Itabangi H, Sephton-Clark PCS, Tamayo DP, Zhou X, Starling GP, Mahamoud Z, Insua I, Probert M, Correia J, Moynihan PJ, Gebremariam T, Gu Y, Ibrahim AS, Brown GD, King JS, Ballou ER, Voelz K. PMID: 35134329; PMCID: PMC8926845.
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Combination treatment of liposomal amphotericin B and isavuconazole is synergistic in treating experimental mucormycosis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2021 09 15; 76(10):2636-2639.
Gebremariam T, Gu Y, Singh S, Kitt TM, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 34263306; PMCID: PMC8446914.
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Adaptive immunity induces mutualism between commensal eukaryotes. Nature. 2021 08; 596(7870):114-118.
Ost KS, O'Meara TR, Stephens WZ, Chiaro T, Zhou H, Penman J, Bell R, Catanzaro JR, Song D, Singh S, Call DH, Hwang-Wong E, Hanson KE, Valentine JF, Christensen KA, O'Connell RM, Cormack B, Ibrahim AS, Palm NW, Noble SM, Round JL. PMID: 34262174; PMCID: PMC8904204.
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76 Fields:
Manogepix, the Active Moiety of the Investigational Agent Fosmanogepix, Demonstrates In Vitro Activity against Members of the Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani Species Complexes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021 05 18; 65(6).
Badali H, Patterson HP, Sanders CJ, Mermella B, Gibas CFC, Ibrahim AS, Shaw KJ, Wiederhold NP. PMID: 33722886; PMCID: PMC8315997.
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Evaluation of Sex Differences in Murine Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Neutropenic Models of Invasive Mucormycosis. J Fungi (Basel). 2021 Apr 18; 7(4).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Alqarihi A, Wiederhold NP, Najvar LK, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 33919611; PMCID: PMC8072604.
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An evolutionarily diverged mitochondrial protein controls biofilm growth and virulence in Candida albicans. PLoS Biol. 2021 03; 19(3):e3000957.
Mamouei Z, Singh S, Lemire B, Gu Y, Alqarihi A, Nabeela S, Li D, Ibrahim A, Uppuluri P. PMID: 33720927; PMCID: PMC8007014.
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Mucoricin is a ricin-like toxin that is critical for the pathogenesis of mucormycosis. Nat Microbiol. 2021 03; 6(3):313-326.
Soliman SSM, Baldin C, Gu Y, Singh S, Gebremariam T, Swidergall M, Alqarihi A, Youssef EG, Alkhazraji S, Pikoulas A, Perske C, Venkataramani V, Rich A, Bruno VM, Hotopp JD, Mantis NJ, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Chamilos G, Vitetta ES, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 33462434; PMCID: PMC7914224.
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An oxindole efflux inhibitor potentiates azoles and impairs virulence in the fungal pathogen Candida auris. Nat Commun. 2020 12 22; 11(1):6429.
Iyer KR, Camara K, Daniel-Ivad M, Trilles R, Pimentel-Elardo SM, Fossen JL, Marchillo K, Liu Z, Singh S, Muñoz JF, Kim SH, Porco JA, Cuomo CA, Williams NS, Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Andes DR, Nodwell JR, Brown LE, Whitesell L, Robbins N, Cowen LE. PMID: 33353950; PMCID: PMC7755909.
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Fosmanogepix: A Review of the First-in-Class Broad Spectrum Agent for the Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections. J Fungi (Basel). 2020 Oct 22; 6(4).
Shaw KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 33105672; PMCID: PMC7711534.
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Author Correction: Jawsamycin exhibits in vivo antifungal properties by inhibiting Spt14/Gpi3-mediated biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol. Nat Commun. 2020 07 31; 11(1):3913.
Fu Y, Estoppey D, Roggo S, Pistorius D, Fuchs F, Studer C, Ibrahim AS, Aust T, Grandjean F, Mihalic M, Memmert K, Prindle V, Richard E, Riedl R, Schuierer S, Weber E, Hunziker J, Petersen F, Tao J, Hoepfner D. PMID: 32737318; PMCID: PMC7395079.
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Preserving Vascular Integrity Protects Mice against Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacterial Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 07 22; 64(8).
Gebremariam T, Zhang L, Alkhazraji S, Gu Y, Youssef EG, Tong Z, Kish-Trier E, Bajji A, de Araujo CV, Rich B, French SW, Li DY, Mueller AL, Odelberg SJ, Zhu W, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32393494; PMCID: PMC7526831.
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Selective inhibition of Rhizopus eumelanin biosynthesis by novel natural product scaffold-based designs caused significant inhibition of fungal pathogenesis. Biochem J. 2020 07 17; 477(13):2489-2507.
Soliman SSM, Hamdy R, Elseginy SA, Gebremariam T, Hamoda AM, Madkour M, Venkatachalam T, Ershaid MN, Mohammad MG, Chamilos G, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32538426; PMCID: PMC8558502.
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Jawsamycin exhibits in vivo antifungal properties by inhibiting Spt14/Gpi3-mediated biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol. Nat Commun. 2020 07 07; 11(1):3387.
Fu Y, Estoppey D, Roggo S, Pistorius D, Fuchs F, Studer C, Ibrahim AS, Aust T, Grandjean F, Mihalic M, Memmert K, Prindle V, Richard E, Riedl R, Schuierer S, Weber E, Hunziker J, Petersen F, Tao J, Hoepfner D. PMID: 32636417; PMCID: PMC7341893.
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Tornadic Shear Stress Induces a Transient, Calcineurin-Dependent Hypervirulent Phenotype in Mucorales Molds. mBio. 2020 06 30; 11(3).
Wurster S, Tatara AM, Albert ND, Ibrahim AS, Heitman J, Lee SC, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Graf KT, Mikos AG, Bruno VM, Kontoyiannis DP. PMID: 32605990; PMCID: PMC7327176.
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GRP78 and Integrins Play Different Roles in Host Cell Invasion during Mucormycosis. mBio. 2020 06 02; 11(3).
Alqarihi A, Gebremariam T, Gu Y, Swidergall M, Alkhazraji S, Soliman SSM, Bruno VM, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Uppuluri P, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32487760; PMCID: PMC7267888.
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Fosmanogepix (APX001) Is Effective in the Treatment of Pulmonary Murine Mucormycosis Due to Rhizopus arrhizus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 05 21; 64(6).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Alqarihi A, Wiederhold NP, Shaw KJ, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32205345; PMCID: PMC7269494.
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Design and synthesis of new drugs inhibitors of Candida albicans hyphae and biofilm formation by upregulating the expression of TUP1 transcription repressor gene. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2020 May 30; 148:105327.
Hamdy R, Soliman SSM, Alsaadi AI, Fayed B, Hamoda AM, Elseginy SA, Husseiny MI, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32272212; PMCID: PMC8569251.
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Fosmanogepix (APX001) Is Effective in the Treatment of Immunocompromised Mice Infected with Invasive Pulmonary Scedosporiosis or Disseminated Fusariosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 02 21; 64(3).
Alkhazraji S, Gebremariam T, Alqarihi A, Gu Y, Mamouei Z, Singh S, Wiederhold NP, Shaw KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 31818813; PMCID: PMC7038288.
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Monoclonal IgM Antibodies Targeting Candida albicans Hyr1 Provide Cross-Kingdom Protection Against Gram-Negative Bacteria. Front Immunol. 2020; 11:76.
Youssef EG, Zhang L, Alkhazraji S, Gebremariam T, Singh S, Yount NY, Yeaman MR, Uppuluri P, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 32153560; PMCID: PMC7045048.
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Galactomannan Is a Biomarker of Fosmanogepix (APX001) Efficacy in Treating Experimental Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 12 20; 64(1).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Gu Y, Singh S, Alqarihi A, Shaw KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 31685475; PMCID: PMC7187618.
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Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of mucormycosis: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium. Lancet Infect Dis. 2019 12; 19(12):e405-e421.
Cornely OA, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Arenz D, Chen SCA, Dannaoui E, Hochhegger B, Hoenigl M, Jensen HE, Lagrou K, Lewis RE, Mellinghoff SC, Mer M, Pana ZD, Seidel D, Sheppard DC, Wahba R, Akova M, Alanio A, Al-Hatmi AMS, Arikan-Akdagli S, Badali H, Ben-Ami R, Bonifaz A, Bretagne S, Castagnola E, Chayakulkeeree M, Colombo AL, Corzo-León DE, Drgona L, Groll AH, Guinea J, Heussel CP, Ibrahim AS, Kanj SS, Klimko N, Lackner M, Lamoth F, Lanternier F, Lass-Floerl C, Lee DG, Lehrnbecher T, Lmimouni BE, Mares M, Maschmeyer G, Meis JF, Meletiadis J, Morrissey CO, Nucci M, Oladele R, Pagano L, Pasqualotto A, Patel A, Racil Z, Richardson M, Roilides E, Ruhnke M, Seyedmousavi S, Sidharthan N, Singh N, Sinko J, Skiada A, Slavin M, Soman R, Spellberg B, Steinbach W, Tan BH, Ullmann AJ, Vehreschild JJ, Vehreschild MJGT, Walsh TJ, White PL, Wiederhold NP, Zaoutis T, Chakrabarti A, Mucormycosis ECMM MSG Global Guideline Writing Group. PMID: 31699664; PMCID: PMC8559573.
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The NDV-3A vaccine protects mice from multidrug resistant Candida auris infection. PLoS Pathog. 2019 08; 15(8):e1007460.
Singh S, Uppuluri P, Mamouei Z, Alqarihi A, Elhassan H, French S, Lockhart SR, Chiller T, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 31381597; PMCID: PMC6695204.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Anti-CotH3 antibodies protect mice from mucormycosis by prevention of invasion and augmenting opsonophagocytosis. Sci Adv. 2019 06; 5(6):eaaw1327.
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Soliman SSM, Gu Y, Jeon HH, Zhang L, French SW, Stevens DA, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Uppuluri P, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 31206021; PMCID: PMC6561750.
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NDV-3A vaccination prevents C. albicans colonization of jugular vein catheters in mice. Sci Rep. 2019 04 17; 9(1):6194.
Alqarihi A, Singh S, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS, Uppuluri P. PMID: 30996274; PMCID: PMC6470131.
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HumansAnimalsPHPublic Health
APX001 Is Effective in the Treatment of Murine Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 02; 63(2).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Alqarihi A, Jeon HH, Gu Y, Kapoor M, Shaw KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 30455236; PMCID: PMC6355556.
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Metabolic Profiling of Candida auris, a Newly-Emerging Multi-Drug Resistant Candida Species, by GC-MS. Molecules. 2019 Jan 22; 24(3).
Semreen MH, Soliman SSM, Saeed BQ, Alqarihi A, Uppuluri P, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 30678308; PMCID: PMC6384714.
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Author Correction: Iron restriction inside macrophages regulates pulmonary host defense against Rhizopus species. Nat Commun. 2018 11 22; 9(1):5015.
Andrianaki AM, Kyrmizi I, Thanopoulou K, Baldin C, Drakos E, Soliman SSM, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Akoumianaki T, Stylianou K, Ioannou P, Pontikoglou C, Papadaki HA, Tzardi M, Belle V, Etienne E, Beauvais A, Samonis G, Kontoyiannis DP, Andreakos E, Bruno VM, Ibrahim AS, Chamilos G. PMID: 30467313; PMCID: PMC6250689.
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Alexidine Dihydrochloride Has Broad-Spectrum Activities against Diverse Fungal Pathogens. mSphere. 2018 10 31; 3(5).
Mamouei Z, Alqarihi A, Singh S, Xu S, Mansour MK, Ibrahim AS, Uppuluri P. PMID: 30381356; PMCID: PMC6211222.
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PCR-Based Approach Targeting Mucorales-Specific Gene Family for Diagnosis of Mucormycosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2018 10; 56(10).
Baldin C, Soliman SSM, Jeon HH, Alkhazraji S, Gebremariam T, Gu Y, Bruno VM, Cornely OA, Leather HL, Sugrue MW, Wingard JR, Stevens DA, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 30068535; PMCID: PMC6156309.
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52 Fields:
Iron restriction inside macrophages regulates pulmonary host defense against Rhizopus species. Nat Commun. 2018 08 20; 9(1):3333.
Andrianaki AM, Kyrmizi I, Thanopoulou K, Baldin C, Drakos E, Soliman SSM, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Akoumianaki T, Stylianou K, Ioannou P, Pontikoglou C, Papadaki HA, Tzardi M, Belle V, Etienne E, Beauvais A, Samonis G, Kontoyiannis DP, Andreakos E, Bruno VM, Ibrahim AS, Chamilos G. PMID: 30127354; PMCID: PMC6102248.
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60 Fields:
Inhibition of EGFR Signaling Protects from Mucormycosis. mBio. 2018 08 14; 9(4).
Watkins TN, Gebremariam T, Swidergall M, Shetty AC, Graf KT, Alqarihi A, Alkhazraji S, Alsaadi AI, Edwards VL, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS, Bruno VM. PMID: 30108171; PMCID: PMC6094478.
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32 Fields:
Human Anti-Als3p Antibodies Are Surrogate Markers of NDV-3A Vaccine Efficacy Against Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. Front Immunol. 2018; 9:1349.
Uppuluri P, Singh S, Alqarihi A, Schmidt CS, Hennessey JP, Yeaman MR, Filler SG, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 29963049; PMCID: PMC6013566.
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A Fungal Immunotherapeutic Vaccine (NDV-3A) for Treatment of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis-A Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 06 01; 66(12):1928-1936.
Edwards JE, Schwartz MM, Schmidt CS, Sobel JD, Nyirjesy P, Schodel F, Marchus E, Lizakowski M, DeMontigny EA, Hoeg J, Holmberg T, Cooke MT, Hoover K, Edwards L, Jacobs M, Sussman S, Augenbraun M, Drusano M, Yeaman MR, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG, Hennessey JP. PMID: 29697768; PMCID: PMC5982716.
Fixation and Spread of Somatic Mutations in Adult Human Colonic Epithelium. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Jun 01; 22(6):909-918.e8.
Nicholson AM, Olpe C, Hoyle A, Thorsen AS, Rus T, Colombé M, Brunton-Sim R, Kemp R, Marks K, Quirke P, Malhotra S, Ten Hoopen R, Ibrahim A, Lindskog C, Myers MB, Parsons B, Tavaré S, Wilkinson M, Morrissey E, Winton DJ. PMID: 29779891; PMCID: PMC5989058.
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The Hyr1 protein from the fungus Candida albicans is a cross kingdom immunotherapeutic target for Acinetobacter bacterial infection. PLoS Pathog. 2018 05; 14(5):e1007056.
Uppuluri P, Lin L, Alqarihi A, Luo G, Youssef EG, Alkhazraji S, Yount NY, Ibrahim BA, Bolaris MA, Edwards JE, Swidergall M, Filler SG, Yeaman MR, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 29746596; PMCID: PMC5963808.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
In Situ Validation of the Endothelial Cell Receptor GRP78 in a Case of Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2018 05; 62(5).
Shumilov E, Bacher U, Perske C, Mohr A, Eiffert H, Hasenkamp J, Trümper L, Wulf GG, Ströbel P, Ibrahim AS, Venkataramani V. PMID: 29483124; PMCID: PMC5923111.
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8 Fields:
Calli Essential Oils Synergize with Lawsone against Multidrug Resistant Pathogens. Molecules. 2017 Dec 20; 22(12).
Soliman SSM, Alsaadi AI, Youssef EG, Khitrov G, Noreddin AM, Husseiny MI, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 29261103; PMCID: PMC6034512.
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The mucormycete-host interface. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2017 Dec; 40:40-45.
Ibrahim AS, Voelz K. PMID: 29107938; PMCID: PMC5733727.
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Prophylactic Treatment with VT-1161 Protects Immunosuppressed Mice from Rhizopus arrhizus var. arrhizus Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 09; 61(9).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Lin L, Wiederhold NP, Garvey EP, Hoekstra WJ, Schotzinger RJ, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 28652241; PMCID: PMC5571349.
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Molecular mechanisms of mucormycosis-The bitter and the sweet. PLoS Pathog. 2017 08; 13(8):e1006408.
Baldin C, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 28771587; PMCID: PMC5542377.
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92 Fields:
Assessment of herbal drugs for promising anti-Candida activity. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 May 08; 17(1):257.
Soliman SSM, Semreen MH, El-Keblawy AA, Abdullah A, Uppuluri P, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 28482836; PMCID: PMC5422888.
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Prophylaxis with Isavuconazole or Posaconazole Protects Immunosuppressed Mice from Pulmonary Mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 05; 61(5).
Gebremariam T, Alkhazraji S, Baldin C, Kovanda L, Wiederhold NP, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 28264840; PMCID: PMC5404573.
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Aspergillus fumigatus CalA binds to integrin α5β1 and mediates host cell invasion. Nat Microbiol. 2016 Nov 14; 2:16211.
Liu H, Lee MJ, Solis NV, Phan QT, Swidergall M, Ralph B, Ibrahim AS, Sheppard DC, Filler SG. PMID: 27841851; PMCID: PMC5495140.
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Monotherapy or combination therapy of isavuconazole and micafungin for treating murine mucormycosis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2017 02; 72(2):462-466.
Gebremariam T, Wiederhold NP, Alqarihi A, Uppuluri P, Azie N, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 27798213; PMCID: PMC6289498.
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An integrated genomic and transcriptomic survey of mucormycosis-causing fungi. Nat Commun. 2016 07 22; 7:12218.
Chibucos MC, Soliman S, Gebremariam T, Lee H, Daugherty S, Orvis J, Shetty AC, Crabtree J, Hazen TH, Etienne KA, Kumari P, O'Connor TD, Rasko DA, Filler SG, Fraser CM, Lockhart SR, Skory CD, Ibrahim AS, Bruno VM. PMID: 27447865; PMCID: PMC4961843.
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Bicarbonate correction of ketoacidosis alters host-pathogen interactions and alleviates mucormycosis. J Clin Invest. 2016 06 01; 126(6):2280-94.
Gebremariam T, Lin L, Liu M, Kontoyiannis DP, French S, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 27159390; PMCID: PMC4887168.
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Statin Concentrations Below the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Attenuate the Virulence of Rhizopus oryzae. J Infect Dis. 2016 07 01; 214(1):114-21.
Bellanger AP, Tatara AM, Shirazi F, Gebremariam T, Albert ND, Lewis RE, Ibrahim AS, Kontoyiannis DP. PMID: 26984141; PMCID: PMC5007635.
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Molecular epidemiology and characterization of multiple drug-resistant (MDR) clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii. Int J Infect Dis. 2015 Dec; 41:42-9.
El-Shazly S, Dashti A, Vali L, Bolaris M, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 26518066; PMCID: PMC4691561.
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VT-1161 Protects Immunosuppressed Mice from Rhizopus arrhizus var. arrhizus Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Dec; 59(12):7815-7.
Gebremariam T, Wiederhold NP, Fothergill AW, Garvey EP, Hoekstra WJ, Schotzinger RJ, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 26369977; PMCID: PMC4649228.
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Nonredundant Roles of Interleukin-17A (IL-17A) and IL-22 in Murine Host Defense against Cutaneous and Hematogenous Infection Due to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Immun. 2015 Nov; 83(11):4427-37.
Chan LC, Chaili S, Filler SG, Barr K, Wang H, Kupferwasser D, Edwards JE, Xiong YQ, Ibrahim AS, Miller LS, Schmidt CS, Hennessey JP, Yeaman MR. PMID: 26351278; PMCID: PMC4598415.
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Fob1 and Fob2 Proteins Are Virulence Determinants of Rhizopus oryzae via Facilitating Iron Uptake from Ferrioxamine. PLoS Pathog. 2015 May; 11(5):e1004842.
Liu M, Lin L, Gebremariam T, Luo G, Skory CD, French SW, Chou TF, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 25974051; PMCID: PMC4431732.
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The genome sequence of four isolates from the family Lichtheimiaceae. Pathog Dis. 2015 Jul; 73(5).
Chibucos MC, Etienne KA, Orvis J, Lee H, Daugherty S, Lockhart SR, Ibrahim AS, Bruno VM. PMID: 25857734; PMCID: PMC4467520.
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HumansAnimalsPHPublic Health
Iron starvation induces apoptosis in Rhizopus oryzae in vitro. Virulence. 2015; 6(2):121-6.
Shirazi F, Kontoyiannis DP, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 25830548; PMCID: PMC4601319.
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Mechanisms of NDV-3 vaccine efficacy in MRSA skin versus invasive infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Dec 23; 111(51):E5555-63.
Yeaman MR, Filler SG, Chaili S, Barr K, Wang H, Kupferwasser D, Hennessey JP, Fu Y, Schmidt CS, Edwards JE, Xiong YQ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 25489065; PMCID: PMC4280579.
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Development of new strategies for early diagnosis of mucormycosis from bench to bedside. Mycoses. 2014 Dec; 57 Suppl 3:2-7.
Walsh TJ, Skiada A, Cornely OA, Roilides E, Ibrahim A, Zaoutis T, Groll A, Lortholary O, Kontoyiannis DP, Petrikkos G. PMID: 25475924; PMCID: PMC4464811.
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Human Fungal Pathogens of Mucorales and Entomophthorales. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2014 Nov 06; 5(4).
Mendoza L, Vilela R, Voelz K, Ibrahim AS, Voigt K, Lee SC. PMID: 25377138; PMCID: PMC4382724.
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Applying Convergent Immunity to Innovative Vaccines Targeting Staphylococcus aureus. Front Immunol. 2014; 5:463.
Yeaman MR, Filler SG, Schmidt CS, Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Hennessey JP. PMID: 25309545; PMCID: PMC4176462.
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Host-iron assimilation: pathogenesis and novel therapies of mucormycosis. Mycoses. 2014 Dec; 57 Suppl 3:13-7.
Ibrahim AS. PMID: 25178879; PMCID: PMC4461208.
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Zygomycetes: an emerging problem in the clinical laboratory. Mycoses. 2014 Dec; 57 Suppl 3:1.
de Hoog S, Ibrahim AS, Voigt K. PMID: 25175704; PMCID: PMC4464818.
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Heat-killed yeast protects diabetic ketoacidotic-steroid treated mice from pulmonary mucormycosis. Vaccine. 2014 Jun 17; 32(29):3573-6.
Luo G, Gebremariam T, Clemons KV, Stevens DA, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 24814556; PMCID: PMC4074171.
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Isavuconazole therapy protects immunosuppressed mice from mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014; 58(4):2450-3.
Luo G, Gebremariam T, Lee H, Edwards JE, Kovanda L, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 24492363; PMCID: PMC4023778.
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CotH3 mediates fungal invasion of host cells during mucormycosis. J Clin Invest. 2014 Jan; 124(1):237-50.
Gebremariam T, Liu M, Luo G, Bruno V, Phan QT, Waring AJ, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Yeaman MR, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 24355926; PMCID: PMC3871245.
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Update on mucormycosis pathogenesis. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2013 Dec; 26(6):508-15.
Ibrahim AS, Kontoyiannis DP. PMID: 24126718; PMCID: PMC4081484.
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NDV-3 protects mice from vulvovaginal candidiasis through T- and B-cell immune response. Vaccine. 2013 Nov 12; 31(47):5549-56.
Ibrahim AS, Luo G, Gebremariam T, Lee H, Schmidt CS, Hennessey JP, French SW, Yeaman MR, Filler SG, Edwards JE. PMID: 24063977; PMCID: PMC3866209.
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Efficacy of liposomal amphotericin B and posaconazole in intratracheal models of murine mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Jul; 57(7):3340-7.
Luo G, Gebremariam T, Lee H, French SW, Wiederhold NP, Patterson TF, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 23650163; PMCID: PMC3697351.
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Investigation of the function of Candida albicans Als3 by heterologous expression in Candida glabrata. Infect Immun. 2013 Jul; 81(7):2528-35.
Fu Y, Phan QT, Luo G, Solis NV, Liu Y, Cormack BP, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG. PMID: 23630968; PMCID: PMC3697595.
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Gold biomineralization by a metallophore from a gold-associated microbe. Nat Chem Biol. 2013 Apr; 9(4):241-3.
Johnston CW, Wyatt MA, Li X, Ibrahim A, Shuster J, Southam G, Magarvey NA. PMID: 23377039.
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NDV-3, a recombinant alum-adjuvanted vaccine for Candida and Staphylococcus aureus, is safe and immunogenic in healthy adults. Vaccine. 2012 Dec 14; 30(52):7594-600.
Schmidt CS, White CJ, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG, Fu Y, Yeaman MR, Edwards JE, Hennessey JP. PMID: 23099329; PMCID: PMC3513491.
Risk factors for mortality in patients with mucormycosis. Med Mycol. 2012 Aug; 50(6):611-8.
Spellberg B, Kontoyiannis DP, Fredricks D, Morris MI, Perfect JR, Chin-Hong PV, Ibrahim AS, Brass EP. PMID: 22435877; PMCID: PMC3951871.
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HumansAnimalsCTClinical Trials
Diabetic murine models for Acinetobacter baumannii infection. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Jun; 67(6):1439-45.
Luo G, Spellberg B, Gebremariam T, Bolaris M, Lee H, Fu Y, French SW, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 22389456; PMCID: PMC3584961.
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Future directions in mucormycosis research. Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Feb; 54 Suppl 1:S79-85.
Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE, Lortholary O, Lotholary O, Spellberg B, Petrikkos G, Roilides E, Roillides E, Ibrahim A, Walsh TJ. PMID: 22247450; PMCID: PMC3258101.
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Combination therapy for mucormycosis: why, what, and how? Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Feb; 54 Suppl 1:S73-8.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim A, Roilides E, Lewis RE, Lortholary O, Petrikkos G, Kontoyiannis DP, Walsh TJ. PMID: 22247449; PMCID: PMC4542574.
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Pathogenesis of mucormycosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Feb; 54 Suppl 1:S16-22.
Ibrahim AS, Spellberg B, Walsh TJ, Kontoyiannis DP. PMID: 22247441; PMCID: PMC3286196.
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303 Fields:
Active and passive immunization protects against lethal, extreme drug resistant-Acinetobacter baumannii infection. PLoS One. 2012; 7(1):e29446.
Luo G, Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Baquir B, Pantapalangkoor P, Bonomo RA, Doi Y, Adams MD, Russo TA, Spellberg B. PMID: 22253723; PMCID: PMC3254619.
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HumansAnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Luminescent-activated transfected killer cells to monitor leukocyte trafficking during systemic bacterial and fungal infection. J Infect Dis. 2012 Jan 15; 205(2):337-47.
Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Baquir B, Palosaari A, Spellberg B. PMID: 22124127; PMCID: PMC3244365.
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Active and passive immunization with rHyr1p-N protects mice against hematogenously disseminated candidiasis. PLoS One. 2011; 6(10):e25909.
Luo G, Ibrahim AS, French SW, Edwards JE, Fu Y. PMID: 22028796; PMCID: PMC3189951.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
The Deferasirox-AmBisome Therapy for Mucormycosis (DEFEAT Mucor) study: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Mar; 67(3):715-22.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim AS, Chin-Hong PV, Kontoyiannis DP, Morris MI, Perfect JR, Fredricks D, Brass EP. PMID: 21937481; PMCID: PMC3383100.
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HumansAnimalsCTClinical Trials
Host cell invasion in mucormycosis: role of iron. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2011 Aug; 14(4):406-11.
Ibrahim AS. PMID: 21807554; PMCID: PMC3159741.
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Combination therapy of murine mucormycosis or aspergillosis with iron chelation, polyenes, and echinocandins. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Apr; 55(4):1768-70.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Luo G, Fu Y, French SW, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 21263057; PMCID: PMC3067166.
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Recent advances in the treatment of mucormycosis. Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2010 Nov; 12(6):423-9.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 21308550; PMCID: PMC2947016.
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Aspergillus fumigatus AcuM regulates both iron acquisition and gluconeogenesis. Mol Microbiol. 2010 Nov; 78(4):1038-54.
Liu H, Gravelat FN, Chiang LY, Chen D, Vanier G, Ejzykowicz DE, Ibrahim AS, Nierman WC, Sheppard DC, Filler SG. PMID: 21062375; PMCID: PMC3051834.
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The high affinity iron permease is a key virulence factor required for Rhizopus oryzae pathogenesis. Mol Microbiol. 2010 Aug; 77(3):587-604.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Lin L, Luo G, Husseiny MI, Skory CD, Fu Y, French SW, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 20545847; PMCID: PMC2909342.
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Safety and efficacy of activated transfected killer cells for neutropenic fungal infections. J Infect Dis. 2010 Jun 01; 201(11):1708-17.
Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Baquir B, Fu Y, Applebaum D, Schwartz J, Wang A, Avanesian V, Spellberg B. PMID: 20397927; PMCID: PMC2873231.
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Candida albicans Hyr1p confers resistance to neutrophil killing and is a potential vaccine target. J Infect Dis. 2010 Jun 01; 201(11):1718-28.
Luo G, Ibrahim AS, Spellberg B, Nobile CJ, Mitchell AP, Fu Y. PMID: 20415594; PMCID: PMC3933264.
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The endothelial cell receptor GRP78 is required for mucormycosis pathogenesis in diabetic mice. J Clin Invest. 2010 Jun; 120(6):1914-24.
Liu M, Spellberg B, Phan QT, Fu Y, Fu Y, Lee AS, Edwards JE, Filler SG, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 20484814; PMCID: PMC2877958.
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Immunological reactivity of blood from healthy humans to the rAls3p-N vaccine protein. J Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 01; 201(3):473-7.
Baquir B, Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Fu Y, Avanesian V, Tu A, Edwards J, Spellberg B. PMID: 20039802; PMCID: PMC2812804.
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Th1-Th17 cells mediate protective adaptive immunity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans infection in mice. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Dec; 5(12):e1000703.
Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Xu X, Farber JM, Avanesian V, Baquir B, Fu Y, French SW, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 20041174; PMCID: PMC2792038.
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The iron chelator deferasirox enhances liposomal amphotericin B efficacy in treating murine invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010 Feb; 65(2):289-92.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, French SW, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 19942619; PMCID: PMC2902852.
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Genomic analysis of the basal lineage fungus Rhizopus oryzae reveals a whole-genome duplication. PLoS Genet. 2009 Jul; 5(7):e1000549.
Ma LJ, Ibrahim AS, Skory C, Grabherr MG, Burger G, Butler M, Elias M, Idnurm A, Lang BF, Sone T, Abe A, Calvo SE, Corrochano LM, Engels R, Fu J, Hansberg W, Kim JM, Kodira CD, Koehrsen MJ, Liu B, Miranda-Saavedra D, O'Leary S, Ortiz-Castellanos L, Poulter R, Rodriguez-Romero J, Ruiz-Herrera J, Shen YQ, Zeng Q, Galagan J, Birren BW, Cuomo CA, Wickes BL. PMID: 19578406; PMCID: PMC2699053.
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Recent advances in the management of mucormycosis: from bench to bedside. Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Jun 15; 48(12):1743-51.
Spellberg B, Walsh TJ, Kontoyiannis DP, Edwards J, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 19435437; PMCID: PMC2809216.
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Safety and outcomes of open-label deferasirox iron chelation therapy for mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 Jul; 53(7):3122-5.
Spellberg B, Andes D, Perez M, Anglim A, Bonilla H, Mathisen GE, Walsh TJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 19433555; PMCID: PMC2704638.
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Immunological surrogate marker of rAls3p-N vaccine-induced protection against Staphylococcus aureus. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2009 Apr; 55(3):293-5.
Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Baquir B, Avanesian V, Fu Y, Spellberg B. PMID: 19159425; PMCID: PMC2801022.
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Economic burden of mucormycosis in the United States: can a vaccine be cost-effective? Med Mycol. 2009; 47(6):592-600.
Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Bryant R, Spellberg B. PMID: 18798118; PMCID: PMC2793326.
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Iron acquisition: a novel perspective on mucormycosis pathogenesis and treatment. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2008 Dec; 21(6):620-5.
Ibrahim AS, Spellberg B, Edwards J. PMID: 18978530; PMCID: PMC2773686.
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Posaconazole mono- or combination therapy for treatment of murine zygomycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 Feb; 53(2):772-5.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Schwartz JA, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 18936190; PMCID: PMC2630615.
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Bacterial endosymbiosis is widely present among zygomycetes but does not contribute to the pathogenesis of mucormycosis. J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 01; 198(7):1083-90.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Liu M, Chamilos G, Kontoyiannis D, Mink R, Kwon-Chung KJ, Fu Y, Skory CD, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 18694335; PMCID: PMC2729545.
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Combination polyene-caspofungin treatment of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Aug 01; 47(3):364-71.
Reed C, Bryant R, Ibrahim AS, Edwards J, Filler SG, Goldberg R, Spellberg B. PMID: 18558882; PMCID: PMC2793535.
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The antifungal vaccine derived from the recombinant N terminus of Als3p protects mice against the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Immun. 2008 Oct; 76(10):4574-80.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim AS, Yeaman MR, Lin L, Fu Y, Avanesian V, Bayer AS, Filler SG, Lipke P, Otoo H, Edwards JE. PMID: 18644876; PMCID: PMC2546811.
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Antibody titer threshold predicts anti-candidal vaccine efficacy even though the mechanism of protection is induction of cell-mediated immunity. J Infect Dis. 2008 Apr 01; 197(7):967-71.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim AS, Lin L, Avanesian V, Fu Y, Lipke P, Otoo H, Ho T, Edwards JE. PMID: 18419471; PMCID: PMC2717621.
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Comparison of lipid amphotericin B preparations in treating murine zygomycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008 Apr; 52(4):1573-6.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Husseiny MI, Stevens DA, Fu Y, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 18227182; PMCID: PMC2292510.
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Combination echinocandin-polyene treatment of murine mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008 Apr; 52(4):1556-8.
Ibrahim AS, Gebremariam T, Fu Y, Edwards JE, Spellberg B. PMID: 18212099; PMCID: PMC2292548.
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Considerable differences in vaccine immunogenicities and efficacies related to the diluent used for aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008 Mar; 15(3):582-4.
Lin L, Ibrahim AS, Avanesian V, Edwards JE, Fu Y, Baquir B, Taub R, Spellberg B. PMID: 18184821; PMCID: PMC2268268.
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Gene overexpression/suppression analysis of candidate virulence factors of Candida albicans. Eukaryot Cell. 2008 Mar; 7(3):483-92.
Fu Y, Luo G, Spellberg BJ, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 18178776; PMCID: PMC2268510.
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The iron chelator deferasirox protects mice from mucormycosis through iron starvation. J Clin Invest. 2007 Sep; 117(9):2649-57.
Ibrahim AS, Gebermariam T, Fu Y, Lin L, Husseiny MI, French SW, Schwartz J, Skory CD, Edwards JE, Spellberg BJ. PMID: 17786247; PMCID: PMC1957543.
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Native and modified lactate dehydrogenase expression in a fumaric acid producing isolate Rhizopus oryzae 99-880. Curr Genet. 2007 Jul; 52(1):23-33.
Skory CD, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 17551728.
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Als3 is a Candida albicans invasin that binds to cadherins and induces endocytosis by host cells. PLoS Biol. 2007 Mar; 5(3):e64.
Phan QT, Myers CL, Fu Y, Sheppard DC, Yeaman MR, Welch WH, Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Filler SG. PMID: 17311474; PMCID: PMC1802757.
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Optimization of a myeloid cell transfusion strategy for infected neutropenic hosts. J Leukoc Biol. 2007 Mar; 81(3):632-41.
Spellberg BJ, Collins M, Avanesian V, Gomez M, Edwards JE, Cogle C, Applebaum D, Fu Y, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 17158608.
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Mapping geographic zones of cancer risk with epigenetic biomarkers in normal breast tissue. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Nov 15; 12(22):6626-36.
Yan PS, Venkataramu C, Ibrahim A, Liu JC, Shen RZ, Diaz NM, Centeno B, Weber F, Leu YW, Shapiro CL, Eng C, Yeatman TJ, Huang TH. PMID: 17121881.
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Deferasirox, an iron-chelating agent, as salvage therapy for rhinocerebral mucormycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2006 Nov; 50(11):3968-9.
Reed C, Ibrahim A, Edwards JE, Walot I, Spellberg B. PMID: 17000743; PMCID: PMC1635215.
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Comparison of antifungal treatments for murine fusariosis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Nov; 58(5):973-9.
Spellberg B, Schwartz J, Fu Y, Avanesian V, Adler-Moore J, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 16973654.
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Genomic analyses lead to novel secondary metabolites. Part 3. ECO-0501, a novel antibacterial of a new class. J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2006 Sep; 59(9):533-42.
Banskota AH, Mcalpine JB, Sørensen D, Ibrahim A, Aouidate M, Piraee M, Alarco AM, Farnet CM, Zazopoulos E. PMID: 17136886.
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Deferiprone iron chelation as a novel therapy for experimental mucormycosis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Nov; 58(5):1070-3.
Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Fu Y, Spellberg B. PMID: 16928702.
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Antifungal prophylaxis is effective against murine invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2006 Aug; 50(8):2895-6.
Rieg G, Spellberg B, Schwartz J, Fu Y, Edwards JE, Sheppard DC, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 16870798; PMCID: PMC1538645.
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Plasmids for expression of heterologous proteins in Rhizopus oryzae. Arch Microbiol. 2006 Jul; 186(1):41-50.
Mertens JA, Skory CD, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 16804680.
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Efficacy of the anti-Candida rAls3p-N or rAls1p-N vaccines against disseminated and mucosal candidiasis. J Infect Dis. 2006 Jul 15; 194(2):256-60.
Spellberg BJ, Ibrahim AS, Avanesian V, Fu Y, Myers C, Phan QT, Filler SG, Yeaman MR, Edwards JE. PMID: 16779733.
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Rapid diagnosis and follow up of bladder cancer patients using urinary high molecular weight cytokeratins. World J Urol. 2006 Aug; 24(3):345-52.
Attallah AM, Sakr HA, Ismail H, Ismail MF, Ibrahim AS, El-Sharabasy MM, El-Dosoky I. PMID: 16705457.
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The anti-Candida vaccine based on the recombinant N-terminal domain of Als1p is broadly active against disseminated candidiasis. Infect Immun. 2006 May; 74(5):3039-41.
Ibrahim AS, Spellberg BJ, Avanesian V, Fu Y, Edwards JE. PMID: 16622247; PMCID: PMC1459699.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Immunochemical identification and detection of a 36-kDa Toxoplasma gondii circulating antigen in sera of infected women for laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. J Immunoassay Immunochem. 2006; 27(1):45-60.
Attallah AM, Ismail H, Ibrahim AS, Al-Zawawy LA, El-Ebiary MT, El-Waseef AM. PMID: 16450868.
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Effects of ploidy and mating type on virulence of Candida albicans. Infect Immun. 2005 Nov; 73(11):7366-74.
Ibrahim AS, Magee BB, Sheppard DC, Yang M, Kauffman S, Becker J, Edwards JE, Magee PT. PMID: 16239535; PMCID: PMC1273887.
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The anti-Candida albicans vaccine composed of the recombinant N terminus of Als1p reduces fungal burden and improves survival in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice. Infect Immun. 2005 Sep; 73(9):6191-3.
Spellberg BJ, Ibrahim AS, Avenissian V, Filler SG, Myers CL, Fu Y, Edwards JE. PMID: 16113347; PMCID: PMC1231102.
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Novel perspectives on mucormycosis: pathophysiology, presentation, and management. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2005 Jul; 18(3):556-69.
Spellberg B, Edwards J, Ibrahim A. PMID: 16020690; PMCID: PMC1195964.
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Mice with disseminated candidiasis die of progressive sepsis. J Infect Dis. 2005 Jul 15; 192(2):336-43.
Spellberg B, Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Filler SG. PMID: 15962230.
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A phagocytic cell line markedly improves survival of infected neutropenic mice. J Leukoc Biol. 2005 Aug; 78(2):338-44.
Spellberg BJ, Collins M, French SW, Edwards JE, Fu Y, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 15857941.
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Small-molecule inhibitors of the budded-to-hyphal-form transition in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 Mar; 49(3):963-72.
Toenjes KA, Munsee SM, Ibrahim AS, Jeffrey R, Edwards JE, Johnson DI. PMID: 15728890; PMCID: PMC549276.
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Combination therapy with amphotericin B lipid complex and caspofungin acetate of disseminated zygomycosis in diabetic ketoacidotic mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 Feb; 49(2):830-2.
Spellberg B, Fu Y, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 15673781; PMCID: PMC547325.
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Vaccination with recombinant N-terminal domain of Als1p improves survival during murine disseminated candidiasis by enhancing cell-mediated, not humoral, immunity. Infect Immun. 2005 Feb; 73(2):999-1005.
Ibrahim AS, Spellberg BJ, Avenissian V, Fu Y, Filler SG, Edwards JE. PMID: 15664943; PMCID: PMC547099.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Rhizopus oryzae adheres to, is phagocytosed by, and damages endothelial cells in vitro. Infect Immun. 2005 Feb; 73(2):778-83.
Ibrahim AS, Spellberg B, Avanessian V, Fu Y, Edwards JE. PMID: 15664916; PMCID: PMC547117.
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Caspofungin inhibits Rhizopus oryzae 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase, lowers burden in brain measured by quantitative PCR, and improves survival at a low but not a high dose during murine disseminated zygomycosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 Feb; 49(2):721-7.
Ibrahim AS, Bowman JC, Avanessian V, Brown K, Spellberg B, Edwards JE, Douglas CM. PMID: 15673756; PMCID: PMC547300.
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Cdc42p GTPase regulates the budded-to-hyphal-form transition and expression of hypha-specific transcripts in Candida albicans. Eukaryot Cell. 2004 Jun; 3(3):724-34.
VandenBerg AL, Ibrahim AS, Edwards JE, Toenjes KA, Johnson DI. PMID: 15189993; PMCID: PMC420123.
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Cloning and functional characterization of the Rhizopus oryzae high affinity iron permease (rFTR1) gene. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2004 Jun 01; 235(1):169-76.
Fu Y, Lee H, Collins M, Tsai HF, Spellberg B, Edwards JE, Kwon-Chung KJ, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 15158278.
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Functional and structural diversity in the Als protein family of Candida albicans. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 16; 279(29):30480-9.
Sheppard DC, Yeaman MR, Welch WH, Phan QT, Fu Y, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG, Zhang M, Waring AJ, Edwards JE. PMID: 15128742.
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Novel inhalational murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004 May; 48(5):1908-11.
Sheppard DC, Rieg G, Chiang LY, Filler SG, Edwards JE, Ibrahim AS. PMID: 15105158; PMCID: PMC400587.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Functional analysis of the Candida albicans ALS1 gene product. Yeast. 2004 Apr 30; 21(6):473-82.
Loza L, Fu Y, Ibrahim AS, Sheppard DC, Filler SG, Edwards JE. PMID: 15116430.
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Liposomal amphotericin B, and not amphotericin B deoxycholate, improves survival of diabetic mice infected with Rhizopus oryzae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2003 Oct; 47(10):3343-4.
Ibrahim AS, Avanessian V, Spellberg B, Edwards JE. PMID: 14506054; PMCID: PMC201164.
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Parenchymal organ, and not splenic, immunity correlates with host survival during disseminated candidiasis. Infect Immun. 2003 Oct; 71(10):5756-64.
Spellberg B, Johnston D, Phan QT, Edwards JE, French SW, Ibrahim AS, Filler SG. PMID: 14500497; PMCID: PMC201094.
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Candida albicans Als1p: an adhesin that is a downstream effector of the EFG1 filamentation pathway. Mol Microbiol. 2002 Apr; 44(1):61-72.
Fu Y, Ibrahim AS, Sheppard DC, Chen YC, French SW, Cutler JE, Filler SG, Edwards JE. PMID: 11967069.
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Cloning and characterization of a gene (LIP1) which encodes a lipase from the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Microbiology (Reading). 1997 Feb; 143 ( Pt 2):331-340.
Fu Y, Ibrahim AS, Fonzi W, Zhou X, Ramos CF, Ghannoum MA. PMID: 9043110.
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